~My Dad, The WeatherMan~

that he was the official temperature taker. He would go out
early every morning, and again at night and read what the
highs and lows were for that day. He had a big tube that
measured how much rain or snow we got... That's me with my
favorite doll.. Joanne I think her name was. :-) Look over to
the right and that white thing is where the 2 temperature
gauges were. The front of it, you see the back, opens and
inside are 2 bars that are like a + sign. He would turn them
both = sideways, on each of these bars were thermometers.
He would take the bottom one and spin it around and when
it stopped he would read what the temperature was. I saw
most interesting for the class to see this temperature reading
that my Dad did.. We all walked to my house and by then Dad
had moved that white thing to the back of the house across the
alley in the cemetery land, he got special dispensation to put
it there as he was considered an official weather observer
by the US weather service.. Lots of the kids had questions
and Dad explained everything just perfectly. Before we left
to walk back to school, Mom came out and handed all my
classmates Hersey bars.. THAT was a great hit... :-)
When we got back to school.. it was only about 4 blocks to

school, so it wasn't a long walk, the teacher had MaryAnn,
we called her Pepper, she had the nicest hand writing of
everyone in the class and she wrote out a very nice thank
you to my Dad for showing them how he took the readings.
I took the note home and gave it to them.. They even
thanked my Mom for the candy bars... I have the letter
but I just cant find it...My mother saved it and this was
back in the 50's, I know its here but its in the last place I'm
gonna look.. isnt that usually the way ? :-)
That clipping is about an award my Dad got from the Weather
Service that was put into the local paper in 1959. My mom
saved quite a few clippings that were in the paper. Small town
theres not a lot of big news so that's something to take up
space, but he did that faithfully for years, until they changed
things and he was up in age by then and didn't really want to
do that anymore I think, someone else from the area took
over that job I think the DNR .
Was a nice cool fall day and I got a wonderful email from my
Dolly offering for her and Jorge to come up here next Saturday
and do the things that need done here, like the plastic on the
windows... I have kind of decided not to get a bed and get rid
of the crap one I have and just start sleeping on my couch.
Bring my TV in here to the living room and I would have more
room in the bedroom and maybe I could do some sewing. I
havent decided for sure yet but its like I do everything, I
have to have a plan of attack or it wont work out.. But I am
considering all my options..I'm open to suggestions.. I thought
that was so sweet of Kelli to offer her and Jorge's help.
She knows how busy her dad is so this would help him too.. I
She knows how busy her dad is so this would help him too.. I
know Donnie dreads when he sees its me calling thinking
what do I need NOW!.. No- he doesn't mind helping me at
all hes assured me of that.. the kid has a lot to do.. his little
gas saver car died and Dawns dad gave him a jeep with a
plow.. Well driving it back home a hour trip almost took
the better part of a day, anything that could go wrong, did!
Good thing hes a good mechanic and got it rigged up so he
made it home... but the jeep has a plow...and that kid LOVES
to plow in the winter... Mens toys :-)
Well this GORGEOUS WEEBLES toys are in the form of a
meat pie made yesterday and is it good... I told the boy I
had it here and he would have come straight over but he
just was too busy. For him not to be distracted by food,
you KNOW he has a lot to do :-) My do is to post this
and get some food.. Time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"Nitey Nite".... :-)
"Nitey Nite".... :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
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