
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, October 06, 2008

~Busy Day~

Hectic day today. just constant non stop something going
on it seems.. Penny came at 9 and was busy, today was bed
changing day which takes awhile.. Plus we are trying to fix
up my bedroom make it look like a human lives in there not
a pack rat :-) We looked for at least an hour just for some
brackets that I KNOW we bought, but now, of course, cant
find, which is always the way. So now this means a trip to
the store for curtain rod brackets.. thing is they were up
there and are GONE! Stuff just walks away it seems.. I
would like to put some plastic up but I cant do that until
I get the AC out of the window. Everything has to be done
in a certain way or it wont work. Theres so many things on
my list and I just have to figure out a way to do them.
I got a surprise visit from a girl from COA this morning,
she or COA or someone is giving us twenty dollars worth
of fruit and produce. She gave me a list and said to mark
the things I wanted, which of course was, onions, potatoes
zuchinni and tomatoes. They even will deliver it to me..
This is so great.. I really appreciate when COA does this
sort of thing.. for all the faults they have, the good ones
over ride and make it fairly easy to overlook the others.
They do try and that's the main word.. Even in business
like in your personal life...ya gotta TRY~!~

Carla from COA phoned to set up an appointment for Wed.
and Rebecca phoned to set up an appointment for Thursday,
and Theresa phoned to set up a Thursday one too.. I am
just busy busy.. My appointment book is getting full for this
week. I know theres something else scheduled but I just
don't remember what :-) Oh well.. when I hear the knock
on the door I'll remember then :-)
I got some wonderful photos sent to me today, my honeygirl,
Kelli sent some photos of my great grandson, Alex.. I looked
at the photos and was amazed at how big hes gotten.. Well
hes 6 months old now.. But I looked at those photos and it
makes me realize even more how fast this time has gone by.
Not just the days, but the years.. seems only yesterday she
was following me around telling me "your such a good cooker
Gran, when I be big I be a good cooker, just like you".. and
she is.. shes a wonderful baker.. When we used to go and
babysit the farm for Donnie and his then wife Shirley to go
away for a week end.. Kelli was always making a cake or
brownies or cookies... Those days only seem like a short
while ago.. not 20 years... But that's their photos up top..
my honeygirl Kelli and my great grand, Alex. :-) Hes a
Honeyboy too.. :-)

Well I'm tired.. all this excitement for one day wears me
down and makes me tired.. I bet I was up at least 3 times
last night not counting waking up at least every 2 hours. I
have to do something with this bed.. I just am NOT getting
the sleep or the rest I need... I hate waking up and being
just as tired as when I went to bed. I don't like to take
naps either.. but with this awful sleep I'm getting lately I
may have to start! :-) Just call me a SNOOZY GORGEOUS
WEEBLE.. its that time again.. post it. watch it and "nitey
nite" it.. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today.
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    What a super little lad Alex is. You-all must be very proud of him!
    Nice pic of Kelli, too and her Hubby.
    Like you say, where does the time go? It doesn't seem more than five seconds ago when Alex arrived! Come to that, It's only a couple of days ago that Felix arrived, and now he's two years old!!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes Lois time does goes by pretty fast,anyway it does for me.
    Alex is a honeyboy for sure.Very nice pictures they send you.
    I went ahead and got me two more black pants, hoping to get the pocket fixed in them tonight...
    I had to take a nap this afternoon, and I sleep real good last night.
    Just one of those days...
    My brother James birthday today, I called him an chatted a while.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Here in Brooklyn we have various soup kitchens and pantries. I never have the time to go. One of the best is a Methodist church which caters to the South Americans.

  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife,
    Isnt he just.. Yes we are.. Time goes TOO fast!!!

    Hi Mary,
    I know just speed right along ..good thing im on wheels !!

    Hi Momar,
    I think they do in Kazoo but not here that I know of..

    So nice to hear from y'all THANKS!!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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