
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Sister~

Today is my sister Shirleys birthday. Shes 67. We only
met 30 years ago, but its like we have always been to
gether which we werent. I think, I am not sure year wise
but I think it was 72, I was living in Galena Park, outside
Pasadena, Texas, when Shirley and Stan and all 5 of the
kids drove a winnebego down to meet me. I didn't know
they were coming. I had only talked to my brother and
he gave her all the info about where I was and they
rented that Winnie, packed it up and came down to meet
me. I was so pleased.

Our mother gave all 6 of us kids away when I was only
a baby, about a year old. My birth father died when I
was 10 months according to a newspaper clipping my
brother has.. It was so strange to read about me, a
daughter Lois Ann, 10 months old when they listed all
of his family. I was the youngest of the 6 of us..
Then there is Frank, Shirley, Rose, Kenny and Mary
Jane. My mother had no choice, she had 13 siblings.
but none were old enough to help her or take us..
Her only recourse was to put us up for adoption.. She
felt she was doing the best thing, for us and for her.
I hold no hard feelings that she did. Sometimes a
mother has to do things that tear their hearts out
for their children, yet they don't see it that way. I
would love to have some time with her if only 5 minutes,
just to tell her I still loved her and understood....

Shirley, Rose and I all were and are crafters. Shirley
and I are more alike in the things we do.. Rose passed
away quite a few years ago. Shirley is an excellent
seamstress and a good artist... We both are. Only thing
that I do that she doesn't is write. But other than
that we are alike. My brothers I don't know very well.
We are not in constant contact, every few months or
so they will call or I will.. I wish it was more often but
they stay busy.. Kenny is retired now, but stays busier
than when he was working at Case. Frank, he still drives
OTR.. He has his own huge semi and hauls things all over
the USA. Sue, his wife goes with him most of the time.
The guys look a lot alike and are alike in many ways..

My sis phoned last nite, she beat me to it, I was watching
TV last nite and thinking about calling her when my phone
rang and it was her!. She filled me in on all the family
stuff with her kids and grands and Stanley. They are all
ok and not too much drama .. She is waiting for a new
great grand to be born any day. Her family keeps growing.
All are good kids. I hope she has a nice birthday and of
course a zillion more... Shes a good sister ....

Penny came late today and threw my whole schedule off .
I had today all planned as I have 2 appointments this
after noon and needed things to be done early.. Well as
long as she came that was the main thing. She got us all
clean and caught up on everything, which wasn't too hard
we are not really messy and I do pick up after myself.
Penny gets mad if I don't leave things for her to do and
not try to do them myself.. She knows I have a hard time
with the floors especially.. It being winter I bet they have
those fireplace brooms and dust pans. That's what I need.
Ive been looking for some little girls cleaning things, mop,
broom etc, but I guess they quit teaching little girls that
cuz I sure didn't find any online.... They may have when
its a little closer to Christmas.. I know Kelli loved her stuff
to help clean.. I think kids size would be perfect for me.
I keep forgetting to ask Donnie to cut the handle off a
broom for me.. I'm dangerous with a broom.. I clean more
stuff off the walls and counters with one than I do off
the floor ! true! :-)

Well I need to get busy and get things finished, this post
for one.. So that means time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"nitey nite". :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today.
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really like that picture of your sister Shirley, she look like a wonderful lady.
    My sister not feeling well right now, hope it don't last long...and sure hope she doesn't fall again....It's so hard on all of when she falls. She need to use her walker everywhere she goes, but she won't do that....watching her walk make me so nerves...she is so unsteady on her feet all the time.
    I just wish our love's one would stay in good health...
    I work for Becky this evening, good to see how she is really doing.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    HI Mary,
    Yes its a good one of her. She is one of the best. I hope your sis gets to feeling better. Yes, I do too Mary. good health sure is great... I hope everyone is doing good there. Hope Bob is ok..

    So nice to hear from you Mary, your a good friend and deeply appreciated...

    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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