~Stove Repairer~
The guy came today to check out the stove. Talk about
scarey!.. The guy that came today was not the same one
as before, this one was a lot younger.. Well he turned the
oven on, then off and then opened the door, took the
racks out and then proceeded to take the screws out of
the top element that holds it up there.. As hes doing this,
we were talking about it being an old stove and how I hope
we were talking about it being an old stove and how I hope
hes careful that I sure wouldn't want to see him get
electrocuted.. Just as we said this he dropped the top
element and sparks FLEW ! I mean they shot out of that
oven and all over. Scared the HELL otta me AND HIM!
He got all wide eyed and said "ive NEVER had THAT
happen before". Well that happen too many times and
id say hes pushing his luck !
Scared me so bad I had to sit there and just close my eyes
Scared me so bad I had to sit there and just close my eyes
and not even think for a minute.. He was scared too, even
though he did laugh and try to make light of it.. I asked him
was it safe to plug it back in after he fiddled with some
stuff and started to put it all back together. I don't want
to have to worry that the oven element might decide to
spark anytime and cause a fire.. That's all I would need. He
had to look up the model number so he could get a new
element and he said it was made in 1999.. so its not a NEW
stove. I wish I could get a new one then the knobs would be
in the front not on the back..
As this kid is working on this stove, hes bent over, his back
to me.. and I honestly had to laugh.. You know how there
are always those jokes about guys that bend over and their
pants go down and well you see a smiley face looking at ya..
Well this guy did just that.. I tried NOT to look cuz every
time I did that's what I saw, well when he had his head
in the oven...:-) I wonder why he or any guy that does that
cant feel his pants are down and his butt is showing .. I
would think they could..
I see these young guys walking home from school here,
they go right past the house, and I see how they wear their
pants.. I guess that's the style to wear pants 9 times too big
and hanging off their hips.. I think it just all boils down to
respecting yourself and wanting to look good.. He HAD to
know his pants are like that.. he had on a wedding ring.. so his
wife has HAD to have seen him at home.. I wonder does she
tell him.. That's like these parents that buy these awful clothes
for their kids.. They all HAVE to see what they look like, maybe
they don't care.. I know my hubby, boyfriend, or what ever
showed his butt like that I would MAKE sure it didn't happen
but one time.. That's so disgusting... to me anyway.. I Like to
look nice and my best all the time.. Anyway Mr, SmileyButt
will be back when he gets the new element in :-) He was very
nice though... cleaned up tracking snow in here that he had
to wade through.. which was very nice of him...
Well I had my shock for the day, the boys arent too happy
either, scared them too.. LB has whined ever since- he got
so scared, he was right up by it when it exploded .. All of
us here turned in to scaredy cats.. :-) Well this scaredy
cat is hungry and tired.. and I need to recoup from the
excitement.. Never a dull moment.. I just love my life,
its so exciting....Every day is just wonnerful :-) Time to
post, calm down and write my SCAREDY CAT GORGEOUS
WEEBLE "G'day, G'day"....
WEEBLE "G'day, G'day"....
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS..
Oh, we got about 6 inches of wonnerful SNOW ! :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 7:30 PM,
MaryC said…
Nice to have a little excitement in the house, but I never would want anyone hurt...
I hate seeing men crack in the butt, but I hate seeing women crack or breast in the front too...both looks the same to me...it needs to be cover up...
Had a good day here, going through all my paper work and clearing lot of it out...
Got to go out for Lunch, so it been real nice day.
God bless you Lois.
At 8:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Gorgeous One,
lolol. Well - what an interesting post. I can relate to having unexpected fireworks when working on electrical systems - long story - too long for here. Just let me say I have the experience.
Well, as for the butt - no comment here - lolololol.
Hi from Florida! Good trip down. Puter time limited though as you know.
Bare Hugs,
At 5:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Rule One:- Take the fuse that covers the electric stove OUT before starting to electrocute yourself!!! That way, the stove is dead and you ain't!!!! ;o)
Over here, what you saw is called "Builder's Bum"!! It is standard uniform for builders and their associates. I guess their pants are a special professional cut!!!
Take care, Honey. Enjoy the builder's bum next time he calls!
Luv Ya,
At 12:29 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
That scared smiley as much as it did me ! The boys still wont go by the stove lol...Always something to do..
Hiya Butty,
You never know what im gonna write about lol.. keeps it interesting lol.. Enjoy the warm, we are getting a huge showstorm. 10 inches of snow..over half is here already!
HiYa Raife,
Ive seen so many of those i wish I had a dime for every time..He didnt unglug it till AFTER he sparked..but it was shut off.. Scared the kid really bad, all he kept saying was "Gosh I aint never seen that before ".. lol...
Great to hear from you !!!
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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