
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, January 03, 2009

~Special Things~

I have some pictures that are very old and family ones. I
always try to hang them in a special place where theyre
noticed by company and by me as well, I enjoy seeing my
things that I especially care for up on the walls or on a
special shelf.. Well, over by the couch I have 2 pictures
one is sort of carved, the one on the left, and the other
is of Arizona. The cactus in the photo are real.. just
preserved .. and its 3 dimensional.. was my mothers. She
always had it hanging in a special place too... so I do the

Now, Look at the dragon fly. Isnt it lovely? Ive had it for
a while.. It was made by that talented Raife. He does
wonderful stained glass which is what it is. He made it and
even made a special box to ship it in and sent it to me.. I
had it at the house, but, well there was just no place that
would do it justice.. When the afternoon sun, about 3 or so,
comes through the window and hits it.. the colors are just
wonderful.. it just seems to light up that whole wall. I just
love it... Everyone that's come by has noticed it.. Raife
does very very good work.. He made a fire screen that he
sent photos.. was awesome.. I am so pleased he sent it to
me and needless to say I have thanked him many times...I
love getting gifts, but what GORGEOUS WEEBLE doesn't?

I woke up this morning about 3:30, wide awake, I tried to
go back to sleep and all I did was flop around on that bed
like a fish out of water, I finally gave up and decided to
watch TV again.. There is a show on called Deadliest Catch.
What these guys go through to get these crabs.. well.. I
don't think even 30 thousand dollars for 2 weeks work or
how ever long they go for is worth what I have seen.. but
then I am not a deep water person, there is no way I
would go out on one of those boats.. But if you watched that
show and you like those king crabs... and see what they go
through then you understand why its so expensive... I don't
like it, I'm mainly a fish person.. well I do like shrimp tho
and scallops.. I used to go crabbing in Galveston...

Sid and I would go and buy cheap chicken legs and go to this
spot we knew by an old railroad bridge, we caught TONS of
crabs.. The females that had the orange eggs on them we
threw back... We were sitting there one day and it was really
hot out.. I was tired and I guess I dozed off or something,
the next thing I knew I was in the water.. woke me up real
fast I'll tell ya.. specially knowing there were a ton of crabs
in that water where I was.. you wanna see someone break
the record of getting out of the water really fast.. well I
don't remember THAT much either !! I know I got out of
it FAST !! :-) It was fun to do though and Sid loved crab..
probly why he was such a crab himself :-)

Writing about food has made me hungry.. :-) as usual.. I
have some shrimp in my freezer and that sounds good..
I never did make my potato soup and I may do that too.
Make it today and keep it till tomorrow.. will be even
better, but for now, I think shrimp is on my menu... so
that means, time to post and write my GORGEOUS
WEEBLE "G'Day, G'Day".... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois
    Lovely art work you have on your walls. Is the cactus a paper tole art work. I have a friend who who used to do that. Was really good at it. You are quite lucky to be so connected with your family - some families do & some don't never quite certain why?
    The booster fan I referred to the other day is a fan that connected to your heating system & collects the warm air from around the heater boosts it out into the space being heated. Depending on the size of the fan motor they can use a lot of electricity outside of the heating process.
    Yep the year has started quickly already. Had my 1st day of work yesterday. Own choice as I have my own business but had quite a few customers who wanted to see me. so the year will go on. Very grateful though for such a good business.
    Well cheers for now Lois
    Regards Rob J

  • At 11:35 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Love the picture again Lois, art work is so nice to have.
    I've help Michael clean his room today, he sure needed extra help...when you are MR and very hyper they think you are able to clean everything yourself...I think the one's making rule like that are MR them self...The staff don't even know how to teach someone else. And they will always need the extra help...
    I just want the best for Michael and wonder what down the road for him...when I'm gone.
    The weather has been like spring today, but right now it's 32F going to be cold for a few days.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have a list of about 8 soups I make. I will send you the list privately and let me know if you want any of the recipes.

  • At 12:08 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob J.
    How nice to hear from you..I like family things.Im not real sure what it is.. but there is a label tells about it on the back, I will have to look and see.. I know its very old..

    Yes, I had one in my wood stove stack. It was called a Denny, worked great.. This gas furnace It has a vent but not acessible .. Your own business is the way to go.. I miss not having my own anymore kinda.. then again.. LOL...

    Hi Mary,
    I do have some nice things and Im so glad NOW i can put them out and enjoy them again...

    Ones that make the rules for the disabled have NO clue, not until they have actually been there done that can anyone say...That has to be a worry for you..

    Hiya Momar!
    GREAT... send them via email.. or snail which ever is easier..I never refuse a good recipe :-)

    So nice to hear from you..
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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