
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

~Happy Valentines Day!~ :-)

House with the X is where the kittie is.. its a lot closer
and I can see better than in this photo...but you see......
Our snow is back, we got a couple inches during the night.
The ground is covered again.. I watch that house across
the street where I see this black cat.. Hes always over
there and they NEVER let this cat in.. Ive seen the people
go in and out, the poor cat runs up to them and they leave
it outside. I watch as I see this kittie jump up on the door
then he runs to the front door.. This is so sad to see and
just really upsets me so much that I don't look out that
window very much cuz I cant stand to see this black cat
out there when its below zero or snowing ..

Carl thinks the cat doesn't belong to them. I think it does.
I wonder if they feed it? They must because the cat is
always there. Its so sad to see the car pull up and the
people get out, rush in side, the cat then jumps up on the
hood of the car to feel the heat from the motor.. That
just really bothers me.. If they don't want that cat then
give him to someone that will take care of it... at least let
it in out of the cold ! Its sitting over there now on the
railing of the porch, and the snow is just coming down and
its 28 degrees.. I wonder how those people would feel if
someone treated them like that. Its sad and just not right.

I had a icckky surprise yesterday. I got my phone bill from
VERIZON... $128.oo.. of course you know I immediately
got on the phone and called.. I didn't get a bill last month,
so I knew if would be high, but NOT that much.. I looked
over the bill.. and it said I had made long distance charges?
No.. I use my computer to call long distance.. But I had a
11 dollar charge on my phone bill.. I asked the girl.. she said
I had this "thing" on my account that If I did NOT make
any long distance calls I would still be charged a 3.oo fee
plus what ever they felt I should make in long distance..
.. I agreed to this? I don't think so. Why would anyone?
Don't make sense.. That's about stupid to me...

So, after a few "nice" words on VERIZON's policies I
"nicely" told the girl, Erica was her name, that as soon
as I hung up the phone I was calling CHARTER and
getting their bundle package of phone, cable and inter
net.. I can get all 3 for 118.oo a month.. which is just
what I did, and I get to keep my same phone number.
Pay for NOT making long distance calls .. that's about
the most moronic thing Ive heard in a while. They didn't
tell me this when I signed up for VERIZON phone.. I
wonder how many don't know this and don't pay attention
to their bills when they come in and just pay them. If
you have it.. check your bill... :-) IF you havent made any
long distance calls... how ridiculous...

I am SO enjoying my bathroom door.. What a treat not
to have to do that extra transfer.. It doesn't hurt me
to transfer, in fact its for me, good exercise since I
really don't get that much.. But it was the hassle of it.
SPecially if I was in a hurry... which happens...All that's
left for Carl to do is put the moulding around the edge
and paint, and put in that little piece of carpet.. Its
SO GREAT!!! I love it...

Well I'm gonna go work on another pair of jammies for
the boys... Plus I want to cut out slippersocks.. I'm glad
you liked yours Mary, the smaller pair perhaps one of
your girls can wear them...They are so warm, but slippery
on a bare floor unless you treat the bottoms of them,
then they wont slide... Time for a late lunch too Ive not
eaten today YET .. Post time and for my GRATEFUL
GORGOUS WEEBLE "g'day, g'day".. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear, Love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Most bathroom doors in the US are 24 inches 54cm and my guy's power chair is almost 33 inches 90cm - he transfers to a 22inch bathroom chair to go in the bath or shower. Today, I looked at adjustable height tables for him to eat on. Beautiful but about $165.00, L100 or 120 Euros

  • At 9:23 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Love the pictures of your snow there and so happy we are not getting any snow Sunday like they said we would a few days ago.
    It like spring time here and loving it.
    Bob and I had a wonderful Valentines day here, we were able to get all our children something. Plus our sisters that lives here in town too.
    That was good for us to be able to do something for all our children, most of the time we did for Becky,Pam and Michael only.

    With getting your door fixed and stove fixed I think you had a great Valentines day gift too.
    God bless you my friend.

  • At 3:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Happy Valentine's Day. (Sorry I'm a bit late!!) Did you get any electronic Valentine Cards? Should have had at least one - guess who?
    Carl looks to have made a good job of that door for you. I can just imagine how much easier it is for you now. I'm very HAPPY for you!! ;o)
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 12:25 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar,
    Its amazing that people dont plan for a possibility that this could happen to them.. Yes, I have one of those tables..or did.. it broke.. but the state buys mine.. NY state should get him one too if hes got a caseworker. He shouldnt have to buy anything that helps him... guess NY is different ...

    Hi Mary,
    Always nice to have special time with your hubby and your kids..I had a great valentines day :-) My
    phone rang all day :-) I LOVE it..

    Hiya Raife,
    Electronic card? No, Idont think I got one.. Yes, Carl is doing a great job. Im gonna ask him about a deck :-)

    So nice to hear from you !!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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