~Bread Day~ MMMM :-)
Penny made it today and made a great loaf of bread.
I have a big bread making machine and it DOES make
some good stuff. I got some saffron last time and
we made saffron bread it was DELICIOUS.. Penny
looked for saffron here at the Village Market and of
course they don't have it.. For a store out here in
the middle of no where serving so many people you
would think they would have more variety and a
better selection. Ive just started to give Penny my
card and she stops at Meijers where the selection
is a lot better. Be nice if that store had more.. I
guess they figure just the basics and if we want more
just go elsewhere, which is what we do! :-)
Penny picked up some of those Sara Lee Cheesecake
bites.. They are DELICIOUS.. I have to really take
control or I will eat every single one of them, that's
how good they are. Food is such a good thing.. It can
make you sick, happy or just contented like a pig in a
mud puddle... I KNOW how they like that..
Shirley and Donnie had a mini farm that David and I
used to baby sit for them when they wanted a break.
We had the best time up there. Being a mini farm they
had chickens, 2 horses and 6 pigs.. The pigs they got
as babies and raised them till they are ready to be
butchered and then they sold them... We were babysitting
one week end when the dogs, DJ and Missy, a golden lab
and a chocolate lab, started to bark and run from
door to door... I went to the door before David could and
the dogs ran out soon as it was open, they made a b-line
to the barn..
David and I both ran out there and the whole of the barn
was flooded.. Apparently the pigs area was too dry and they
decided if they chewed the hose they would get the water
puddle they wanted.. It worked !! But,, to get to the hose,
you had to go through the puddle that now had gotten huge,
and deep... The hose usually wasn't in there that far but
the pigs dragged it in there. David climbed over the fence,
he had tried to pull the hose back inside the barn , but it
was stuck.. so he HAD to go into the pen.. :-)
Don't get ahead of me... :-)
Yes, his foot caught on the fence and David did a header into
the pig pen... I just stood there with my mouth open in awe..
I saw David pick himself up and look at him self up and down
with all that mud and water all over him.. just drenched and I
started to laugh.. I told him "WAIT!, I'm gonna get the camera,
we need this documented!, no one will believe us!". :-) By the
time I got back with it he had climbed out of the pen.. He really
had no choice as the pigs were still out there and they sure
didn't like him in there with them.. We just threw the clothes
he had on away, what was fun was his wallet.. THAT was a mess.
Didn't stop us from babysitting the farm though.. I thought it
was hilarious :-) David didn't.. he was NOT very happy. At least
the pigs didn't bite him :-) I still had to laugh.. was like seeing
a Funniest Home Video :-)
Gloomy kind of day today, dark and dingy.. I havent done any
thing today but reply to some emails.. I am going to sew today,
and I am VERY pleased to say my cable is back on ! I was SO
disappointed that it was off last nite.. I called to see what the
problem was and talked to a really sweet guy in Kentucky...He
said some one ran into some thing and all would be fixed soon.
PLUS, for losing cable.. he gave me a month of free showtime!
PLUS, for losing cable.. he gave me a month of free showtime!
THATS good! :-) With this new bundle package from Charter
I will have free HBO/Cinemax as well.. I think this package
thing will be cheaper in the long run, plus will give me free
long distance- which now I have to use SKYPE to make my
long distance calls... SKYPE is great if you don't have it...
Time to eat and get something done today before this
day ends.. I don't know what I'm gonna have and I don't
reallly care, this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is HUNGRY!!! :-)
Post time, food time and time to say "G'day, G'day":-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 8:59 PM,
MaryC said…
Hello Lois
My daughter gave me a bread machine, never have the time or take the time to make bread with it yet. But I will one day.
I buy whole grain bread now,I love the smell of fresh bread.
Going to Becky tonight, help train more staff for her...
God bless you Lois and keep you safe my friend.
At 10:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
The older I get - the better spicy food tastes. My sense of taste is getting better - and my sense of smell is getting weaker. I guess I have changed too many poopy diapers (nappys)
At 10:57 AM,
Unknown said…
Well here we go again talking of food!!
See! you set me off again Hun Bun, with all that talking of home baked bread, we too have a bread making machine & we love a nice crusty loaf just freshly made with home made soup it is yummy.
Talking of piggies! well they are some of my favorite animals. My dad & grand dad used to keep them when I was a kid & I loved nothing better after school than go down to the pigsty & see them all especially when piglets were born. They are lovely animals I think.
In fact I couldnt face the idea of selling them & then folks actually eating them !!!
Now I guess I am tougher cause I love bacon, shhhh! dont tell the piglets.!! makes me feel so BAD
You write such great things here on your blog Lois, I love to come by & read it.
Give my best wishes to Penny because I can see from your letters that she is such a nice kind helpful lady bless her.
Hope you have a good day sweetheart.
Love & Hugs AUDREY
At 1:31 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
I Love mine.. I have a timer on it..I love the Hawaiian sweet bread.All you do is dump the box mix in and turn it on.. 4 hrs later, you have BREAD!! :-) Its a good thing..
Hiya Momar,
I dont like spicey.. just doesnt agree with me at all.. SPecially hot hot stuff.. burns my lips :-) Yes, I think THAT would ruin your sense of smell lol..
Hiya Aud,
Thank Goodness ya dont get fat from just TALKING about it or I would be big as a house !! :-) Good food is a blessing.. I think of those that cant eat, and I enjoy every bite of food for those that cant..
Donnies girls werent too thrilled about that and even worse when it came to chicken Amber cried for 3 days when she found out she ate one of their chickens for dinner :-) LOL...
Good to hear from ya !
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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