
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, March 07, 2009

~Wonderful Visit~

Was a rainy Saturday but what a great day.. I had the
nicest visit with my dolly today, Kelli, and she brought
our boy, Alex and her niece, Katrina, 7, and her brother
Joshua that's 2 months younger than Alex.. She had her
hands full but handled it quite well.. Trina being the big
sister to both boys almost, she helps Kelli a lot.. entertains
the boys. Everyone else was working today so they all
help each other out.. Trina and Josuha are Jorge's brothers
Alex was afraid of me at first, but by the time he left he
liked his Gran.. Hes just starting to walk but just not quite
brave enough to let go and take that first step.. He will, it
wont be long.. THEN she will say "boy it was nice when he
just crawled". :-) Alex looks like his daddy, but I can see
Kelli in him too.. Hes a happy little guy. And the jammies I
made fit him perfectly . I told Katrina I will make some
things for her too.. Summer coming, shorts will be needed.
I made some lounging pants for Kelli, she sure liked them.
I gave her some things that I didn't use any more. Kelli is
crafy like me, but I taught her to try this stuff even when
she was 3 she knew how to sew.. Everytime I went in my
sewing room, I had a small machine for her. She and I had
the best time.. When I did other things she joined right
in and was most anxious to learn. Shes still that way.. They
all had lots of room in here which was so nice. If she had
come to the little house with the 3 kids it sure would have
been crowded.. Even LB came out to visit with them which
is MOST unusual.. Dutch he waited till long after they were
gone.. Since Stanley, Dutch doesn't like people too well.. He
tolerates Penny but that's about it.. and some days he doesn't
tolerate her , me or anyone ! I still think Dutch remembers
Stanley picking him up by his tail.. Dutch will only go by Stan
if hes got the lazer and plays with him.. :-)
I mentioned yesterday about seeing some people that I
THOUGHT were working in their yard.. They kinda were,
but look at the photos.. There is a man sitting in a wheel
chair and 2 men are building a ramp up to his porch... They
did a great job on that ramp.. I don't know who lives there,
or who they are, but I bet Carl does since they live right
across the street from him. I will ask Carl...
If they do this as a side job Id like to know cuz then maybe
I can get them to do the deck I want.. I can call them when
I find out who they are and get a price at least so I have
some idea what it would cost. I can get out to the yard by
the front door, but it would be nice to get out through the
back door be a lot easier. Plus it would enhance this place.
I don't think Joe would object at all... A ramp is easier to
go up than stairs... :-)

Well its that time again, for my lunch and to post this for
today.. Was a great day and I am sure glad I had it.. To
see Kelli and Alex, well- that just makes this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE happy... Now my "g'day, g'day", some food and
I'm all set for another Saturday nite... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya, and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hi there,
    I sure enjoyed your write up on the day you had..Everyone sure seemed to enjoy themsleves..and some went away with some very nice gifts..I remember making stuff for my children, I still sew for grandkids but not as much.

  • At 3:33 PM, Blogger Susan K said…

    Dearest Lois. When I remember back to the day you sent me the e-mail that you were going to have pack up and leave your home - well, my heart just sank. It is a true joy to read about your happy days now and your home fits you so well, I can tell by the way you talk and the pictures you send. Speaking of sewing -- all my clothes were hand made by my granmother and my Aunt Dot. Feed sack material was used and boy did I have some nice things. Thanks for sharing your life today .... I will catch up with ya later. Susan K

  • At 6:36 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Yes what great pictures you got today, so happy they got to come even with the rain.
    No rain yet here yet, maybe tonight...
    Out safe house burned down last night for women and there children...I see they are working on it...Only the front part was not burned...I think it need to all come down and start over...It's 2 block from here.
    God bless you Lois and keep you safe my friend.

  • At 11:38 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    hiya Bert!
    How nice of you to visit and let me know!!! :-) Yes, was a great day.. I love seein the kids.. Now I got ROOM for them :-)

    Hiya Susie Q!!!! :-)
    This move was ment to be I think.. it happened so fast and everything just fell into place.. Its so great here. Im very thankful!! My mom was a sewer and it rubbed off on me.. When I sew I feel I am really accomplishing something..making something from nothing.. so to speak.. :-)

    Hiya Mary!
    Thats too bad! I hope it wasnt deliberate.. I feel for those ladies that suffer abuse.. just no call for it.. I wont tolerate it.. I did.. but I learned. NOW I hit back !! :-) No.. jk.. I just dont put myself in a bad spot.. I ran..
    We have a gloomy rainy day today.. nice indoor one :-)

    So nice to hear from y'all !!! THANKS BUNCHES !!! :-)
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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