
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

~Need a New Repairer~:-(

Front Door...easy out..

I made a call to R & R and of course going thru the same
thing. I talked to Sue, she told me that because I did NOT
pay CASH for my power chair, the warranty for repairs
was not valid. That's an exact quote.. I put a call in to my
insurance lady, Deborah, but shes not called me back yet.
The arm of this chair is steady getting worse, so I guess
it will take me falling out of it to get it repaired.. This is
just such a rig-a-ma-role to go thru.. Call the Dr for a
prescription, then call and make an appointment.. then
call the insurance.. Its getting so old.. Sue also said "we
don't service HPM (Health Plan Of Michigan).. we did
that one time for your cushion, but you will have to call
someone else for repairs". Do you believe this crap?
They didn't hesitate to sell this $9,000.oo chair or
those 2 batteries OR the cushion...NOW they give me
crap again? Then she says to call Wright Fillipus.. Ya,
that's the most useless company there is in my book.
Theres others... I will find one...
Its probly better I deal with someone else than R & R.
Ive only dealt with them for over 3 years now and they
have steady dealt with my insurance. Dave even said they
did but now suddenly they don't.. I will wait and talk to
Deborah at HPM and see what she says I should do.. This
kinda stuff makes me so mad what I have to go thru just
to be safe. That's why I put off calling anyone, mainly
because I know I'm gonna get the run around that will
just totally make me pissy... This is ridiculous.. I would
think its my RIGHT to be safe and not have to go thru
all this list of BS to get things done.. Its not just me,
but its anyone that's in my situation.. Ive talked to a lot
of others that are having the same problems. Not right.
and makes me really mad.. My son knows about chairs
and I may call and ask him what I can do myself to
fix this thing.. Falling out of this chair isnt one of my
favorite things to do- y'know? :-)
Back Door, where deck needs to be.
Well enough of my daily whining ... its a beautiful day in
the neighborhood.. Sunny, not real warm.. We didn't go
out side.. well I didn't, Penny did and took the camera
so I could see just what flower beds are out there, so
I can decide what to plant. Although Penny said along
this west side of the house there are things coming up
through the ground! Maybe tulips!!! I should have asked
Joe or Carl what is out there so we don't go diggin up
anything pretty... :-) But there are flower beds in the
front and that great trellis in the back.. Its gonna be
Side view, north is to the left.. the orange building is the high school.
My computer is between the 2 windows, where the stone ends starts
the laundry room then the kitchen...the window is above the sink, the
stone building behind is soon to be storage. See my nice big yard?

When I get that deck out back, yes that's me in the
doorway... It will be great out there...I cant wait.. I
loved my lanai and this new one will be even better!
Perhaps farther down the line it could be screened
for the boys to come out there. They would love it.
I don't plan on ever moving from this place, I have
NO reason to its so great here. Well I do miss the
fast food places and the big grocery store but we
make do its just a matter of adjusting, like with any
thing new.. I'm REALLY used to adjusting to things.
Good thing or I would still be adjusting to this chair
life.. Well though really I guess adjusting to chair
life is an ongoing adjustment as I change.. so that
wont probly ever end..

Well whats ending now is this post. I'm hungry and
I need to find some lunch.. So, you know what that
means.. Time for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE to say
"G'day, G'day"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks.
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "Friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    George has a per-mobil c-500 which is some fantastic chair. I think it cost $35,000 it is from Sweden. It goes up and down and tilts forward and back. Still, things go wrong with it. He needs a drs order to get it fixed. They only come on thursday. He needs service about once a year and he has had it about 2 years. They come from Long Island about 25 miles away

  • At 12:44 AM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Wow you got a lot of new pictures in here Lois...love them all...you have a nice place there.
    I went to the D.D.S. he cut out a little bit of tooth chip on the bottom.. looks like about 5 more in the X Ray, plus a few real small one...wait and see what happen is the name of the game. Wishing they would try to get them all at one time...that other not hurting me so nothing is done.
    God bless you Lois and keep you safe my friend.

  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar, Mary,
    Wheel chairs ARE very expensive..and can do anything..

    My dentist told me he wouldnt pull my teeth just cuz I wanted dentures which to me is the smartest thing you can do if you have missing teeth..If one wont do what you want go to another.. They dont want you to pull them cuz then they loose a customer..

    So Nice to hear from you !!
    Always, Lois ****


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