
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~Spring Is Springing?~ :-)

Spring is sprung and there is the proof.. Those 2 robins are
so fat.. Dutch was running from window to window after all
the birds outside today and that's how we happened to see
these fatty robins.. He was in the window and almost tore
the curtains down to see them. I think the birds know and
deliberately torment him.. with all the loose cats that run
around the neighborhood here I'm surprised there are any
birds at all... Hopefully maybe we wont get anymore snow,
but I remember past years and I know it could even snow
next month.. with the way the weather is changing anyway,
I wouldn't be surprised if we got snow in July.. :-) But I
am ready for spring.. I'm anxious to get outside.. :-)
Penny came today and we are all clean. We discussed what
kind of flowers might be outside.. There is a flower bed by
the front and back doors, so I'm anxious to see. It will be
so nice to be able to get outside and enjoy this yard this
summer.. I will have to work on a plan to sneak out from the
boys. They think they can and SHOULD be allowed out too.
They steady tried at the little house. Dutch especially. But
I think if I back out I can keep a better eye on them so
they don't get out..Well that's if I'm here by myself.. If
someone else is here and going outside with me then THEY
can guard the door.. I have a sign on my doors to beware
of cats.. since mine are armed and try to escape I need
that on them to let whomever is coming in to be careful,
don't linger with the door open.. I was worried with the
kids here Saturday because of their claws..but LB was
good and Dutch didn't want to be bothered.. I just don't
believe in de-clawing a cat.. I wouldn't want my nails taken
out.. But lots of people do that to them.. which is their
choice.. I feel sorry for the kitties...cant scratch. I hate
when I have a itch I cant reach, but to have an itch and
cant scratch cuz you got no nails is sad... :-(

We had a nephew, my first husbands cousin. his boy bit
his nails all the time.. which is NOT a good thing to do.
Well if you really don't clean your teeth and between
them there is stuff that can still be in them.. His boy
continously bit his nails and after a while they noticed
the nails looked infected... they had to remove the nails
from one hand and they never grew back as far as I
know.. SO.. the moral of that story is.. DONT BITE
YOUR NAILS... :-) which I wouldn't have thought about
that possibly happening from that.. but it sounds logical
to me..

I still have the bruise on my left hand and its gone a bit
down both fingers, the insides between the ring and pinky
finger and between the knuckles its swollen and bruised.
The bruise isnt worse but its not good.. I put a call in to
R & R to see about fixing the arm of my chair.. its really
loose and Ive checked it over and just cant see or under
stand why its so loose... well I know its from running into
the walls but, It shouldn't be THIS loose and why cant
I tighten it.. Donnie looked too and he cant figure it out.
I hope it CAN be fixed..

Verizon STILL has not gotten my payment, I sent
my check .. That upsets me.. I don't know what to do.
I could write another check, but, then if the other shows
up .. you KNOW they would send it back.. HA! they would
say something probly like.."we will put it towards your next
bill".. THAT would NOT be good since I am discontinuing
their service Friday.. But with this lateness on that bill
now because of this check being lost, makes ME look bad.
I don't know what to do really.. I have to come up with
the extra from having this new package is a deposit
of 40.00 well installation.. I should expect the installer
between 1 and 5.. which I don't like worth a crap .. I'm not
good in the afternoons.. plus the increased bill of 118 .. which
will be my new monthly bill.. Always something..

I keep a very tight budget, but I have to or I would be in
serious trouble.. For living on 697 dollars a month I don't do
too bad.. Its not easy, but I make do. Since I pay everything,
rent, utilities, phone, cable, Internet.. plus all the expense of
supplies.. for the house and the boys.. I'm grateful I have the
food stamps.. I did get bad news about the angel food tho. Its
going to be stopped.. I guess some shenanigans going on.. Some
one wasn't honest and now we all lose out.. Being investigated
from what I hear.. again.. always something :-)

Well my something now is food of course. I got one of those
individual DiGiorno Microwave pizzas.. Theyre really good!
I was most amazed.. Even a crispy crust which for nuking
usually they are soft and icky.. This comes with a little pan
or what ever they call it that you put it on.. OF all the frozen
pizzas I think the DiGiorno ones are the very best..Taste
just like homemade... NOW I have made myself totally hungry
and I'm posting this and this GORGEOUS WEEBLE says
"g'day ,, g'day!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:40 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Lois I love those pictures of the Robins and landscape...I'm sure Dutch would love being outside and getting a closer look at the birds...
    My dogs love trying to get there mouth on them...
    This cold weather is tormenting me, just waiting for it to warm up again around here.
    God bless you Lois and keep you safe my friend.

  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Those robins are so fat. cats have fun watching them :-) I have kittie nose prints on my windows lol...
    Im ready for spring too..

    Good to hear from you..
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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