
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, August 24, 2009

~Penny Switched~

Switched days for Penny. She phoned about 8:45 and
asked to come tomorrow instead of today. I guess there
is a lot of changes going on at her boarding house. I
guess she will take over the running of it and not her
sisters friend. Be a lot of responsibility for her and I
did ask would it interfere with her helping me and she
has assured me that will NOT change. THAT would be
all I would need is to lose Penny and have to find some
one new.. THAT would NOT be good..She and I are so
used to each other PLUS she puts up with my little,,
what, quirks, idiosyncrasies? or how ever you spell it.
She knows me. I hope it works out ok for her. Shes
a good person and deserves a break, she steady tries
and that says a lot. With all the drama she has going
on with her kids and grands and now her job, well I
don't have it bad at all.. I would NOT trade places..
But she deserves better. I should play the lottery
more and then maybe I could buy that retreat I have
been wanting for the past 6 years, that is STILL for

I checked the other day just out of curiosity more or
less to see if it had sold.. Nope.. in fact they split the
15 acres and the houses into 3 different offers, which
to get it all NOW would be ALOT of money compared
to what they wanted years ago for ALL of it... 2 big
houses, 5 cabins, huge recreation hall AND its ALL on
a lake, and 15 acres, before.. its split now. Ive watched
this place. Theyre calling it a retreat.. Id LOVE to have
it., I think has LOTs of possibilities, sure would mean
work, but very worth it.. and whats so REALLY great
is that it is ALL wheelchair accessible, except the one
2 story house.. :-) Ive seen lots of photos of it... I
NEED to win the lottery... :-)

I did see a show on TV about that, people that have
won millions and say its the worst thing that had happened
to them.. Well they went nutz bought a lotta stuff and did
NOT do it by the rules.. You have to do it right and PLAN.
SAVE most of it.. Then there is NO more worries.. There
were quite a few on that show I was surprised.. BUt I have
heard this a lot.. I think I would like a chance to see what
I would do though :-) I'm willing to take that chance :-)

Was a very quiet day yesterday and I HAD to take a nap. I
was looking at TV and I fell asleep in my chair shortly after
I posted.. I woke up and decided to get onto my bed and
watch TV.. That was the last thing I remember till I opened
my eyes again at 2:30.. I think I was a tad tired.. I had a
phone call that woke me up.. I hung up the phone and sat
there for a few deciding to get back into my chair and go
find something to eat.. I looked at my chair, sat for a little
longer, then just laid back on my pillows and decided I was
more tired than hungry and when I woke up later and I
HAD to get into my chair THEN I would make a sandwich
or something.. not do an extra trip.. Lazy hey? NO.. My
arms have just been really achey lately and the less I use
them the less they ache... Today is proving to be the
same kinda day..

So, I'm gonna post this and just finishing doing nothing!
:-) Hell aint it? I wish y'all could say that too, in a way,
but then its really good to have a purpose, I filled mine
for today by posting this. so. This GORGEOUS WEEBLES
job for today is done.. :-) Well it is AFTER my warning of
"I'll be back!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Sure hope thing will work out for Penny and for you too...hard to get good help.
    The weather has been good here, we got the extra church trash clean up after them getting the new roof on...there thing on roof that need cleaning up but Bob and I are not able to do that now.
    Will see the Dr about my lab work in the morning that was done on the 10th, hoping it all goes well for me. I know there going to be a change in my dietetic meds...not for sure on anything else yet.
    Patsy want to take me out to eat for helping her last week...and I love eating out...
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 12:00 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Im sure it will.. Just need patience.. Its been lovely here. Its always nice to eat out..no dishes !! :-)

    Keep well my friend, so nice to hear from you :-)
    Love N"Hugs, Lois****


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