~Drop A Lot Day~
dropped.. I hate when that happens..specially when its the
coffee filter full of coffee grounds.. I have made such a
mess of my kitchen today that I should be ashamed of
myself.. My problem is I cant reach the floor! I can only
JUST barely pick up the cat dish.. My arms are getting
shorter .. :-) I don't like to leave a big mess for Penny to
clean up.. I need to do my share and what I can.. My hands
and arms don't co operate though.. My hands, well specially
the right is most undependable..I have to be very careful to
make sure I keep a steady grip on things or end up with stuff
dropped all over my floor..I'm so grateful I have my grabbers..
I keep one in here and one in the living room..then I don't
have to go back and forth when I need to use one of them..
They are very handy..for anyone really.. Saves a lot of bending,
They are very handy..for anyone really.. Saves a lot of bending,
but then the bending can be good for you too.. :-) I hate when
I drop alot though :-)
I noticed across the field in the front that they had put up a tent
I drop alot though :-)
and things for the holidays.. Every once in a while I would see
one of the black dogs..Not seeing the two.. I was worried that
something had happened to the older one.. Its easy to tell which
is which .. I was glad to see both of them out there helping..Labs
are a great dog.. The yellows are wonderful.. THe chocolate are
ok but more active and nervous..like Jerky. He was a good dog,
but not anything like DJ.. He was a great dog...
The pool guy has been busy,, hes been getting rid of that sand
or dirt pile.. Its all gone.. That little front end loader did a good
job.. I think some of that work was really playin.. you know how
men are when they get fancy toys to play with every so often..
He takes very good care of that huge yard.. He has that riding
mower, puts on his ear phones and just rides all over that place.
Like Joyce, her backwards and forwards she just uses her toes
or heel.. She really doesn't mind cutting the grass..She said
the mosquitoes are really bad though.. I told her about putting
Listerine mouthwash in a sprayer and misting that on yourself
will stop them.. Worth a try.. So NOW, we have to find some
where to get sand for the birdbath..:-) That needs to go outside.
Then my little neighborhood will be complete ! The birds will
be very happy .. I need a few more bird houses :-) I'm never
satisfied.. :-) THat can be a good thing.. or we would just give
Well its lunch time and I dunno what I will have..I always find
Well its lunch time and I dunno what I will have..I always find
something though..Looks like rain...This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE needs to get her bills paid..ITs that time of the
month.. I dunno if I should do them today and make the
rest of my Sunday miserable or wait till tomorrow and have
a bad monday...Decisions, decisions...:-) I do know that
I WILL return though :-) Happy Sunday :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mess or no mess, you have a wonderful honeysuckle.... Lovely for a lovely, just suits you!
I have not been to well in stomach past days, if u wonder where i went....
Your own
At 8:58 PM,
MaryC said…
Yes you do have lovely honeysuckle, we have some in our back yard...this year they make it harder for me to breath. never happen before...I was not to happy about that this year...maybe that will never happen again...time will tell...We got someone to mow our lawn for us this summer now, wow so happy about that.
Just having the garden to take care of outside will be pleanty for me to do and Bob will be able to help a little...Bob is going in and out by himself now...
Making messes sure can make you will bad, but don't let it get you down...the older we get the more we make...
God bless you Lois.
At 4:31 AM,
momar said…
The guy I work for likewise is always dropping things. I do not mind picking up or cleaning up. I have so little time I am sorry not to visit your blog sooner.
At 8:39 AM,
Lois said…
HIya Momar,
You have been missed !!! I missed a day of posting.not my fault..its bloggers.. but good to hear from ya'll..
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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