~BAD Storm!~ :-(
Yesterday afternoon we had a storm that knocked the
power out for 3 hours..The electric company had said
it would be longer. The lightning and thunder were ear
shattering they were so loud.. One massive flash of light,
with a LOUD BOOM! and blip, the power shut off just
that fast.. The house rattled it was so loud..This was
about 330...
I rolled out to the kitchen, might as well sit in there, I was
watching TV in the bedroom..I saw Steve, from next
door going thru the yard looking like he was looking for
something, naturally I had to ask what was wrong...He
thought we got hit.. I did too for a while..I have NO WAy
to contact anyone if I I lose power.. Well same if I lose
cable.. I'm shut off from everyone..that does bother me.
He said he called the electric company..
I stayed by the door watching outside and saw the truck
with the light guys over across the side street by the
corner,. 3 or 4 of them all looking and point up.. I bet they
were out there no more than half an hour and BLING! The
lights came back on.. I was glad.. I need to check my radio
batteries though.. I don't want them to go dead on me.. The
radio keeps the silence away...
I watched TV till about 10 then decided to shut down, snuggle
in and go to sleep.. I did..but I got woke up about 330 to that
siatica pain again in my right stump.. No matter which way I
laid, and trust me I tried my back, both sides and if I coulda
got on my head I would have if it would have quieted down
the stabbing pains.. Nothing worked..I finally gave up and
got into my chair about 5 and sat and watched the sun
come up , oh and I fed the 2 black and white kitties that
were waiting for me outside.. I automatically feed mine..
They went back to bed... smart kitties.... :-)
Right now both stumps ache horribly, the right is really,
REALLY hurting.. They both feel very swollen and tight.
If I push on them I'm even surprised they are so firm..
I'm doing some thing wrong that this right one hurts all
If I push on them I'm even surprised they are so firm..
I'm doing some thing wrong that this right one hurts all
the time.. Well it feels like its asleep..then trying to
wake up.. THEN I get these stabbing horrible pains
that I can feel up in my hip..but go down and stab me
in the foot.. the side of it..REALLY Hurts..So much so
I just about jump with every one..:-(
I just about jump with every one..:-(
I'm writing this now and gonna post it.. Its very early,
but as bad as this stump is hurting I HAVE to do
something or FIND something to ease it..I guess I
will have to break down and get some pain pills to
keep here just for this.. I don't like taking meds..but,.
as bad as this hurts i need to do something..
The first something this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is
The first something this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is
gonna do is post this..and TRY to find a comfy way
to sit..and maybe take a nap..I'm so miserable I
cant stand myself..:-) Seems all I do is whine about
something.. :-( I cant help it..This crap HURTS!!! :-)
Anyhoway.. I will get better AND I WILL return!!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 9:52 PM,
MaryC said…
Hello Lois
Sure don't like bad storm, not good when they do a lot of damages.
sprinkler for our garden does not work for us, our water pressure is way to low...can't afford to get it fixed...very upsetting for my hubby...
We did get a little rain the other night, like I said a little.
My daughter help me water the garden today...
God bless you Lois.
At 11:49 AM,
Lois said…
Hiya Mary,
Do you have a big garden? Ya low water pressure is a bummer..too bad you cant dig a little well and pump your own..Thats one of the perks of living on a river..most people have a pump house and get water for the yards and gardens from there..Thats why their lawns NEVER get dry like the rest ..lol... Watering is a big job.. My dad used those liter jugs..and would put one next to the plant Tomato .. and cut the big end off..then fill that with water.. then you dont have to stand there and steady put water to know its going to the roots.. :-)
I miss a garden.. but lotsa work..well worth it though..
So good to hear from you!!
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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