~Thats All I Got To Say About That~
I bet I woke up at least 5 times and I KNOW I got up
twice... Today I feel like I'm on pins and needles, waiting
for my phone to ring and its VP setting up an appointment.
I cant even describe how badly I DONT want to do this. I
dread it and its making me crazy..All Ive thought about
since I talked to them.. All I think of is being poked and
stuck with needles and I hate that.. Ive had MORE than
my share and I have earned this right to dread it..Like
Raife said, every time I go to the Dr they tell me some
thing different, wanna do all these tests, give me a bunch
of pills to take.. I HONESTLY HATE this..The feeling I
feel right now is awful.. I dread this that much...But if I
feel right now is awful.. I dread this that much...But if I
DONT see this Dr, I will never hear the end of it either..
I cant win. and I am NOT happy..This week has started
I cant win. and I am NOT happy..This week has started
off not very good, with worrying with that and I got an
email from my son, Mark on top of it that didn't make
me very happy either..But not much I can do about it.
Mark has returned to the UK..I had sent him an email a
few days ago inquiring as to how hes doing..There was
a reply this morning saying he has returned to England...
I know he missed his boy terribly and I KNOW that feeling
all too well..It was his choice and I guess he wasn't the
happiest in Pennsylvania..But my thought is..here he is
a citizen, in the UK hes an alien...This was his choice and
I do hope its the right one for him and his family..At least
we got to see each other and meet.. We will probly never
see each other in person again.. My oldest boy.. hes still
in PA too.. I don't hear from him at all..He reads this I do
know that.. He is doing good I hope...
I'm glad I opened the door to my past and got to meet my
sons.. I will leave it at that...I will say I had hoped for more,
but, I left the choice to them.. They both know how to find
me and where I am..I never did hide from them or anyone,
However things have been said that are forgivable.. just
not forgetable..and I have always had TOO good a memory.
Sometimes that is a blessing and then again can be a
bad thing..Time marches on..and I'm rolling with it.. I have
no choice.. I tried, and that's all I'm saying on this subject..
My sons wont be mentioned here again.. As Forrest said,
"thats all I got to say about that" :-)
"thats all I got to say about that" :-)
Well my phone just rang..was Ashley. I have a breather,
and I can honestly say I AM breathing better :-) Next
Monday, no this Friday she will call and verify I have an
appointment for the 23rd..They will phone that Monday
morning to tell me a time.. I did ask that they try to come
in the morning though.. I am just NOT good in the after
noon.. All I have set up for the rest of this week is for
Travis to come tomorrow..about 10 or so I think.. I wrote
a note so I remember :-)
Anyhoway, I can take a deep breath now the worst part
Anyhoway, I can take a deep breath now the worst part
is over.. I can do these few days..by Friday and I KNOW
by Sunday night I will be a basket case.. Ashley asked
if I had any outstanding health issues needed attention..
I gave her the list :-) I did forewarn her that my BP will
probly be out of sight..but its natural for me..:-)
I dunno whats for lunch we have not decided..This
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna post this and go find
I dunno whats for lunch we have not decided..This
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna post this and go find
out.. Hope you had a good week end and have a great
week..Remember.. I shall return! :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 4:48 AM,
raife said…
Hi, Honey,
Honey, try to look on the bright side. Maybe some of your health problems will get resolved? It could be just "take a few of these pills regularly". I know I have to, but it seems to be worth the effort. As always, I remember you in my prayers. Have a word with Our Lord - He is sure to help.
God bless you, take care,
Luv Ya,
At 11:32 AM,
Lois said…
Hiya Raife,
I know, I just hate drs. and Im not a firm believer in pills..but.... oh well...I aint ready to give up so I gotta do this :-)
Good to hear from you!
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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