~Charter Cable Service Is Bad~
Cable I have been with out Internet, phone
and TV since Tuesday afternoon. Good thing
I posted when I did or monday would have
been the last time I wrote. I, of course, called
them at least 3 times a day questioning what
was wrong. The people I talked to could give
me no reason as to what happened OR when
it was going to be back on...SO...
I called again yesterday, 3rd time that day,
about 5. I talked to some girl that said there
were no problems and she had NO idea what
was wrong as to why I had no service.. After
talking to that brick wall for over 10 minutes
I got mad and asked for a supervisor, named
Michael.... I explained my situation that it was
MOST dangerous for me to be with out a phone
as I was disabled. Michael then made arrangements
for a repair man to come between 5 and 9, he got
here at 8:30. I then had my cable restored, phone
What gets me- since Monday night I have been telling
Charter about my need to have my phone. Not one
of the people I talked to cared, not until last night. It
sure makes me want to get a satelite..Come to find
out.. I talked to my neighbor that HAD cable, they
did some work on his and screwed MINE up! But
apparently Charter didn't realize that and I had to
do with out. I am not happy with Charter. I hope
they read this.. Anyhowway.....
My tomato plant is doing wonderful! I have flowers
which means tomatoes... My flowers Penny planted
are doing great too!. She is bringing me a germanium
I think they are so pretty...
Pennys 52 birthday was yesterday.. I offered to give
her the day off but I had lots of stuff I needed done,
so she decided to come. Last year Pennys cat had
babies and she kept a male and sassafrass was the
one she brought here for me to enjoy. Sadly, the male
was killed yesterday. She took him to the vet and he
said he thought the cat was attacked by a coyote. I'm
wondering if this is whats happening to my outside
ones. Right now there are 4 out there that are limping.
Earie came by yesterday and I almost cried he is in
such bad shape he could hardly walk at all.. He took
a few steps, no he hopped a few steps and had to
stop..His right front leg he wasn't using. I had thought
perhaps someone like the lady across the street was
abusing them. I feel so badly for these cats. They all
have one problem or another. Graybelle and Dinky
are so skinny I worry about them. At least Graybelles
neck has cleared up.
I'm waiting for a call from Heidi she is due today. I got
a email from a TV reporter that may want to do an
interview with me, telling of the outcome of smoking.
That's why I lost my legs remember... If what I say
can stop one person from this happening to them
its well worth it...I didn't know this could happen or I
would have never lit up that first ciggie. If YOU smoke..
Rebecca just called and she is on her way here, so
I better go make myself presentable, id hate to
scare her :-) Remember I'm still a GORGEOUS
WEEBLE, keep well and God Bless ...
WEEBLE, keep well and God Bless ...
Always, Lois ***
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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