
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

~Off Yesterday~

New Kittie, no name YET~!

Sorry for not showing up yesterday but I
took a lazy day. I didn't do anything all
day but eat. Well not ALL day did I eat,
only 2 times... :-) Penny made some
sandwich spread and made a fresh loaf
of bread, let me tell you, it WAS SOOO
good! I think Penny makes it better each
time she makes it.
Earie, sore leg.
Dinkys mad at Earie...

There is a new kittie. Hes so pretty and a
good size one. He wont go away from the
garage, he goes in there. When I see him
sitting out there and I open my kitchen
door, hes gone in a flash. Hes a pretty
cat and doesn't look underfed like Dinky
and Earie. Earies foot is still bad and he
holds it up, not walking on it at all..Poor
thing. I did get to touch his head but he
growled and hissed at me. But when he
sees the door open, or me in the doorway
he will come running. All of these cats
fight, they don't get along with each other
at all.. I thought Dinky was pretty easy
going, but Earie came up to the door this
morning while Dinky was there and he
started to growl and walk around Earie
like he was stalking him.. I wish they got
sunflowers >> of the hummer feeder..

They are all so pretty. I'm calling
Penny later today to remind her to bring
some cat worming stuff and some more
cat food. She will be here tomorrow. Her
kitties are doing really good, she had to
bring them in and she said she has kitties
everywhere! For a cat to have 6 babies
seems a lot, I cant wait for her to bring
one. I want the white one, she is so pretty,
but to go thru a new kittie, its not easy, I
have to have them neutered and we don't
know if its a male or female yet. I just don't
think Dutch will allow a new cat. He hates
the ones outside. When I get my deck and
can sit out there with the kitties, I bet Dutch
will be a total brat when I come in. Hes so
bad even if I have company. He will sit on
my desk and knock everything off, then give
me a look as if to say, DONT IGNORE ME,
hes rotten.. My sis laughs at him when he
does that and it makes him madder.
redening tomatoe...
My tomatoes are turning! I dunno if I should
wait and let it get red or what. There are a lot
of tomatoes, Penny counted 11, so I could let
this one ripen and have one of the others to
fry up. Decisions, decisions... My sunflowers
are getting really big, but something is eating
the leaves.
bird sitting in my hanging plant!

I feel pretty good today and I havent put those
patches on yet. They are on for 12 hours and
off for 12, so I have to watch what time I put
them on, I don't wanna have to mess with them
during the night. Theyre libroderm patches. Ive
never had them before so I don't know what to

Ok I'm done for today, I'm hungry and I think I'm
gonna make some brats, I love those things, wish
I had a grill to cook them on.. Once I get my deck
I may think about getting one of those.. Color me
a gone GORGEOUS WEEBLE for today, feel like
writing to me, please don't hesitate, I love to get
mail... Keep well and God Bless...

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    WOW your tomatoes look so good, and you have 11 of them.
    It's nice to have a off day from the computer. Sometimes we just need a break, all but eating and sleeping. And that can be over done at times too.
    They say it's going to be hot tomorrow 101, taking my sister Helen to out of town Doctor about 45 miles trip one way...I sure will need lots of pray for this trip...she has lots of problem walking even with a cane, even with my help...she could fall so easy...wishing she would use a wheelchair...I would feel so much better taking her. I know she never would do that...in time she will have no choice. Helen is 77 years old, Mom and Dad was walking ok in there early 80's then thing change for Mom when both her legs got broke from a fall.
    God bless you Lois.
    Love your pictures.

  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I watch those maters All day, i am so tempted to pick them but I want a ripe one,so soon as its ready Ill pick it and wait for the others to have some fried green ones.:-) I hope y9our trip turns out ok.lots of people dont like to think of having to use one, but if she falls she will have no choice, Id rather use one every so often than constantly...she needs to re think using one. Its not so bad..

    Good to hear from you.l will send the recipe soon s I remember to have Penny get it for me..its up in the cupboard..

    Love n'hugs,
    Lois ****


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