This cable is awesome.!!.I mean I am there and dont even realize it..
I told Bob, I think I passed myself 3 times today on here !!! ..its
amazing the difference in this and dial up..AND especially for a
person like me that has NO patience..well I do but I get antsy.. I
dont think there is a person anywhere that LIKES to wait..I dont
care where it on the road or in a grocery store line..! At
least in the grocery store line I GET to sit! HA! No MORE standing
in line for this girl .. :-D
Since I have moved this puter back in my BedRoom, Dutch is
pleased as now he can lay beside the monitor and stretch all over
and lay under the light as well.. All I have to do is figure out a way
to keep him offfff the top of the monitor..I have NO idea WHY he
HAS to get up there..Its like a major issue with him and he
absolutely refuses to accept NO as an answer, very bull headed
cat.he didnt when it was in the other room but in here he does
i had to cover it with a blanket to keep him off of it during the
nite..I WISH he knew we changed TIME~!~ 3:30 hes tappin
my face.."MOM>>MOM>>GET UP<< and he refuses to
stop until I am sitting go figure a cat.
I was writing a friend about all the different varieties of food
I can prepare..of course made me hungry..I can make a wide
variety of foods, great homemade pasta and Italian to German,
to southern to just good home cookin' ...I love to cook..its was
a favorite thing to do. I hated the clean up..but I enjoyed making
a nice dinner...I miss that..This kitchen is just not suited for me.
or anyone in a chair for that matter. I talked to apt manager
about it today as they are trying to figure out a way to put pull
out shelves in the tall cabinet next to the fridge. Sure would
help me, as it is now its NOT easy and really kinda hard to get
stuff out of the back..whether i was in a chair or not..I showed
him the problems in the kitchen for me..i can barely reach
things in the upper cabinets, and nothing above the first shelf
I can use my grabber but its dangerous depending what your
grabbing, glass or what ever and then too depends on how
strong your hand is and if you can squeeze long enough to
lower what ever it is to you.
The bottom cabinet has this little half shelf way in the back
in it and i have to practially fall out of my chair to see whats in
there. thats not good, head falls hurt, too just like butt ones
lol.ive done both..fell out forward and just slipped the chair
out from under and just sat right down on the floor..Falling
out tho is not good when you are sleeping. when I hit the
floor in the hellhome..i MEAN!! woke me up and I had a
knot on my forehead for a week!! on my butt I just did a
little bounce :-) lol...fallin aint good whatever way u do it.
I wish my kitchen was better .. I miss some of the good
stuff I made. I still do cook..but not as often, but if I
get a craving for cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers or
my chicken and yellow rice, and SPECIALLY my very
best favorite french fries and brown gravy..I do fix that
at least once a week ..I HAVE NO CHOICE..the inner
Lois tells me ITS FRIES eaten them since
i was 2 i think..
My back is killing me. think i dented one of my angel wings feels like :-)
Thanks for all the wonderful IM's , I cant answer every one
Im sorry been a hetic day..and if i didnt answer i was busy
with the apt or on the phone!!! that was so great.. I was
answering a email..and all involved in writing at least 20 normal lol..and the phone rang , scared
the daylights otta me!!! I looked real fast to see if all my
stuff down in the task bar was there and had i got shut off
line like earthlink did alot..well then i said DUHHH ..I can
use the PHONE~~!!`` lol yeahhh i know just call me
miss space cadette here..just not late for supper ok? :-D
Well I think Im gonna go answer my last mail i have to
reply to and see If I can figure out the remote - can you
believe it he hands me this HUGE clicker and says here
you go explaining..and the list of channels? well yah
ok..i needed 2 pairs of glasses to read that puppy. lol
wonder why they print that stuff so small ..Makes you
wonder why some companies do crap like that
think deliberate cuz they can? or to just make us mad?
Im gonna get my pringles..and my cream soda and go
and do some serious clickin on that remote over there
IF i can see how to use it..6 HBO's??? MMM... LB is
already on the bed..he loves pringles..Dutch he will
take a couple bites but only if I hold it for him ..spoiled kids..
Oh well..theyre mine..and I can spoil them every one,
every thing - likes a little bit of "tender lovin' care" *wink*
Nitey Nite...Dont let the bed bugs bite....
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? thanks.!.!. luv ya..
Always, Lois***
I told Bob, I think I passed myself 3 times today on here !!! ..its
amazing the difference in this and dial up..AND especially for a
person like me that has NO patience..well I do but I get antsy.. I
dont think there is a person anywhere that LIKES to wait..I dont
care where it on the road or in a grocery store line..! At
least in the grocery store line I GET to sit! HA! No MORE standing
in line for this girl .. :-D
Since I have moved this puter back in my BedRoom, Dutch is
pleased as now he can lay beside the monitor and stretch all over
and lay under the light as well.. All I have to do is figure out a way
to keep him offfff the top of the monitor..I have NO idea WHY he
HAS to get up there..Its like a major issue with him and he
absolutely refuses to accept NO as an answer, very bull headed
cat.he didnt when it was in the other room but in here he does
i had to cover it with a blanket to keep him off of it during the
nite..I WISH he knew we changed TIME~!~ 3:30 hes tappin
my face.."MOM>>MOM>>GET UP<< and he refuses to
stop until I am sitting go figure a cat.
I was writing a friend about all the different varieties of food
I can prepare..of course made me hungry..I can make a wide
variety of foods, great homemade pasta and Italian to German,
to southern to just good home cookin' ...I love to cook..its was
a favorite thing to do. I hated the clean up..but I enjoyed making
a nice dinner...I miss that..This kitchen is just not suited for me.
or anyone in a chair for that matter. I talked to apt manager
about it today as they are trying to figure out a way to put pull
out shelves in the tall cabinet next to the fridge. Sure would
help me, as it is now its NOT easy and really kinda hard to get
stuff out of the back..whether i was in a chair or not..I showed
him the problems in the kitchen for me..i can barely reach
things in the upper cabinets, and nothing above the first shelf
I can use my grabber but its dangerous depending what your
grabbing, glass or what ever and then too depends on how
strong your hand is and if you can squeeze long enough to
lower what ever it is to you.
The bottom cabinet has this little half shelf way in the back
in it and i have to practially fall out of my chair to see whats in
there. thats not good, head falls hurt, too just like butt ones
lol.ive done both..fell out forward and just slipped the chair
out from under and just sat right down on the floor..Falling
out tho is not good when you are sleeping. when I hit the
floor in the hellhome..i MEAN!! woke me up and I had a
knot on my forehead for a week!! on my butt I just did a
little bounce :-) lol...fallin aint good whatever way u do it.
I wish my kitchen was better .. I miss some of the good
stuff I made. I still do cook..but not as often, but if I
get a craving for cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers or
my chicken and yellow rice, and SPECIALLY my very
best favorite french fries and brown gravy..I do fix that
at least once a week ..I HAVE NO CHOICE..the inner
Lois tells me ITS FRIES eaten them since
i was 2 i think..
My back is killing me. think i dented one of my angel wings feels like :-)
Thanks for all the wonderful IM's , I cant answer every one
Im sorry been a hetic day..and if i didnt answer i was busy
with the apt or on the phone!!! that was so great.. I was
answering a email..and all involved in writing at least 20 normal lol..and the phone rang , scared
the daylights otta me!!! I looked real fast to see if all my
stuff down in the task bar was there and had i got shut off
line like earthlink did alot..well then i said DUHHH ..I can
use the PHONE~~!!`` lol yeahhh i know just call me
miss space cadette here..just not late for supper ok? :-D
Well I think Im gonna go answer my last mail i have to
reply to and see If I can figure out the remote - can you
believe it he hands me this HUGE clicker and says here
you go explaining..and the list of channels? well yah
ok..i needed 2 pairs of glasses to read that puppy. lol
wonder why they print that stuff so small ..Makes you
wonder why some companies do crap like that
think deliberate cuz they can? or to just make us mad?
Im gonna get my pringles..and my cream soda and go
and do some serious clickin on that remote over there
IF i can see how to use it..6 HBO's??? MMM... LB is
already on the bed..he loves pringles..Dutch he will
take a couple bites but only if I hold it for him ..spoiled kids..
Oh well..theyre mine..and I can spoil them every one,
every thing - likes a little bit of "tender lovin' care" *wink*
Nitey Nite...Dont let the bed bugs bite....
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? thanks.!.!. luv ya..
Always, Lois***
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Whats this about the tender lovin' care :D
At 10:49 PM,
Lois said…
Well now Harry...its just tender
lovin care !!! I KNOW you know what that is now..come on lol..
Always, Lois ***
At 11:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
hello lois,
it is nice to hear about how fast u are nowdays.
it is also nice to hear how u are negotiating with ur apartment manager for him to adapt the kitchen to ur needs.
hope to see u online on the 3/11/2005 on yahoo mesenger for some time in the morning.
Tacke care my dear friend.
At 4:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
KKK+K all over as allways....
Your own Rob
At 4:55 AM,
Lois said…
good morning Yashvin, thanks for your comments. I cannot promise, as my day is rather busy with some necessary
phone calls, I will do my best..
Good Morning Rob, hope your having a good day today, thanks for your comments, always so nice to read.
At 7:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
hello lois,
good morning to u. i am fine. how are u.
at the time that u post ur replies, it seems that u sleep very little at night.
hope that u will have a nice days with all ur phone calls.
At 7:55 AM,
Lois said…
thank you Yashvin, all extremely necessary calls...i sleep when I am tired.
Have a good day..
Always, Lois***
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