
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

~Flu Day 2

I had high hopes of waking up and feeling better..but wasnt
ment to be... I know it takes awhile to work its way out of you,
and with some people it takes longer than others as it goes
into so much other stuff.. My sis alot of times ends up with
pneumonia and in the hospital..

Its not easy to transfer when I feel good so you can imagine
what its like to have to constantly get up for one reason or
another to make the potty calls when I ache all over and my
arms feel ready to be ripped off much less how some of my
OTHER body parts drag even MORE now...To go ALLLL
that way (seems like 900 miles) out to the kitchen is an
effort.. and to be honest I dont have an appetite anyway.

This humidifier sure works good.. I dont spark anymore.which
is a good thing.. I did find out why my outlet didnt work too..I
guess the switch on the wall works only the 1 plug ..and not
both.. I told Chris about it and he flipped the switch back and
i can now play my keyboard again..I didnt have to move it
after all..oh well its nice to see my living room look different,
well at least half of it anyway ..
I did call my dr about this flu..since i havent gotten my shot..and
its too late now..but I asked if there was anything special i could
do to ease the symptoms.. and sadly the reply was no..just have
to ride it out..take aspirin and drink plenty of fluids for the fever.
and just do the best I can..which I have been.
not easy being green.:-)

I hope I feel better tomorrow...y'all take care now y'hear? dont
get this stuff ... luv ya.. and thanks for all the birthday wishes.!.

Always, Lois ***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 7:36 PM, Blogger Dem Soldier said…

    Hello...stoped to say hi....

  • At 8:13 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Dem, so glad you did..Hope you
    will come back again :-)
    Always, Lois***

  • At 6:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    I'm SO sorry to hear that you have gone down with 'flu. That's not much of a birthday pressie, is it? I just logged on at my Sister's to wish you Happy Birthday, and many more on 'em, and here you are with the 'flu. You haven't been taking the Echinacea, have you?
    Anyway, please get better soon, I'll be thinking of you.
    Love and big hugs from Raife

  • At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry you're still other the weather Hon. Well - these things just have to run their course I'm afraid. Anyway - be thinkin of you!

  • At 10:30 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Thank you so much Raife. Yes, I have the flu. :-( it is no fun at all, nothing like being sick on your birthday.

    Sweet wishes from dear friends make me feel tons better tho.. ;-)

    Thank you Butty, yes thats what the Dr. said. Rest & fluids and wait. Just what ive been doing...I have no choice !!!! lol..

    Y'all stay healthy y'hear?? :-)
    Luv ya....Always, Lois***


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