
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, March 13, 2006

~Ok 1 more~

it was mentioned in one of the comments that I put a photo of me up
there and Dutch was NOT in it...well since I did happen to take a really
cute one of him at the same time...I cant help it...i have a finger twitch
and THAT makes me take more than ONE picture.. well thats MY
story anyways lol... :-) but ..I decided to share it with you..I hope you
like it..:-) I think I am spoiling you lol.. :-) same rules now tho.. :-)
aint he pretty? I had a treat in my hand and Mr. nosey HAD to see
what it was..hes sayin "What ya got Mom, Something for me??" :-)

I was thinking about my post last night telling all the different jobs
I've had and I know I've probably left some out lol.. I did run a pool
hall once ..Oh I did work for EDS at one time. That was a really
interesting job, and a good one, great people to work for. I think the
job I liked the least was as a waitress..I was so NOT good at that...
I couldnt remember which table was which and who got what..was
horrible I did NOT have that job long..lol..What the main thing I think in
common with all the jobs I've had..I have been around alot of people...

All i guess of my most jobs lots of people were involved ..specially in
nursing and in the hotel/motel management and when I had my own
business.. even with the tree service I did most of the marketing and
phoning etc. And now that I think of it.. MOST of them I was on my feet
all the time... By the time I moved to Green Bay and went to work at
EDS my legs were bad, so were my feet.. I can remember how badly my
feet hurt if I stopped and sat down, when I got back up the pain was
horrible.. My Doctor back then, said I had arthritis in my feet and heels..
that within ten years I would be in a chair..this was back about 93 or so
I dont remember exactly, but kinda is true..but not because of arthritis,
but I AM in a chair....

But this makes me think ,, well its why I am maybe like I am-.I like people..
I always have and I dont wanna seem like a gloomy gus..just because I
lost my legs...sit and whine..or boo hoo, NOT ME...so I write letters..and
chat. although I dont really chat as much as I used to..Ive been trying to
get off this puter a little earlier than I did before .I enjoy all these channels
and I better while I can lol...But I would rather smile and laff with you..lets
not cry,or be sad. its a hard challenge ..man is it ever..and the lonelies?
yesss they attack with a vengeance sometimes..but well...who knows what
tomorrow may have? Might get that phone call someone wants to visit..
or what if someone helps me to write that book I wanna write..and what if
NOTHING happens at all tomorrow?? still be ok...might be kinda nice!!!!
Knowing this cat tho..well..I have my doubts..I say this as Dutch is biting at
my hand its play time mom, he says... :-) COME ONNNN !!!

SIS UPDATE: sis got the cast off.. she has almost literally destroyed
her house she said.....dented her fridge, put a hole in the wall..tore the
facing off the door. She has had a awful time...Until you walk..or in this
case ROLL in someone elses "shoes" you dont really realize what its
like...She said its gonna take a month to get her house back that Stans
list of TO DO's has gotten huge..he is STILL paying for that ramp not
being fixed... Shirley and I laughed SO HARD...I could just see her,
sitting there all stuck and smashing her walls said the Cat was so
scared he hid constantly..I can just HEAR her too :-) Shes so funny.
We laugh so much its amazing how alike we are. and not meeting
until we were both in our 30's..amazing we like the same things..and
both of us have a really silly, well funny side..and LOVE to sew...
Well she is ON the Mend..:-)

MY update is..Its kitchen time for me lol like you didnt know that? lol..
well now that you are learning allll my work history...you know if you
have any questions or want to know something..leave a comment
or send me a email.. I sometimes need a little input as to what you
might like to read about. I KNOW everything I do is WONDERFUL
thats all GORGEOUS people DO is wonderful stuff HAHAHA- WOW
now I really BELIEVE that lol..I sure did while I was wiping up that
mess in the kitchen yesterday, I kept saying "THIS is SO wonderful
I just LOVE this " lol...ya... ok. You believe that yes??
..well i'm hitting Publish.......nitey nite..:-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear.. LUV YA,, & THANKS !!!!
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As usual always very interesting to read you blog. Keep up the informative work.
    A bientot,

  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Hey, that was me who said that. Thanks for the double Dutch photo. It's a good one. He's one lucky, happy kitty!

    I'm not surprised that you have spent much of your time working with with people. It shows in your writing. I hope we can all help keep that loneliness at bay.

    I would like to know about quilts- what you have made, and what you have in your apartment. How about a photo and an explanation of the history and pattern of the one in your room?

    Long ago I was a cook, bartender, and late might manager in a college town restaurant. I remember how hard the waitresses worked, and how awful it was if they started to make mistakes on a busy shift.

    See you tomorrow,


  • At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Glad your Shirley is well on the mend. Poor Stan, it must have been CHAOS when she was in that chair!! Poor chap has certainly paid for not fixing that ramp!
    Shirley has certainly found out a thing or two about life in a wheelchair, hasn't she?
    Take care of my favourite Weeble, lots of love and hugs from

  • At 4:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hello Lois,

    it is nice to hear that ur sister is fine now.

    thaks for the two pictures which u have posted for your friends yesterday and today.

    i hope that u are trying to prepare a videoclip for ur friends also for the future.

    take care my dear lovely LOIS



  • At 6:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Lois-honey!
    Now you putted me in a difficult choice situation....
    Who in the pic is cutest? Well as i like to talk, the possibilitys to talk is bigger with you... And as i am straight and Dutch is a guy, it makes it nicer with you...
    And you are the cutest little friend i have on the net, and Dutch is a cat among two... Well the choice is real easy, cutie...... Feel chosen and take my KAO´s.
    Your own ROB

  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Thank You Robert..A Bientot..hmm Ohhh ok.. good nite lol..:-) 100 on that one :-)

    Well I KNOW was YOU Gray!!! lol..Yes, hes quite spoiled...Y'all do keep the lonelies away and I am really GLAD! Ive made quite a few lap quilts. Its so interesting to make them..I enjoy it..

    Well Raife, sometimes it takes walking well in this case rolling in someones elses shoes..you have NO idea what its like.She KNOWS now lol...and she sure didnt like it..I dont either but.. I sure am grateful I have this chair.. :-)

    One of these days I may make another clip-cant ever tell about me Yashvin

    Rob, I am SO glad you picked ME :-) but I KNEW you would lol...

    Hope y'all have a great day...so nice to read all these...thanks..:-)
    Always, Lois****


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