
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

~Need Better Records~

I was writing a letter to a friend today, (email) and I was saying
about how I need to get records of everything I have had done to
me and the doctors names..and the places and specially the dates.
I have no idea really, on some of them..and I am sure as time goes
by I will not remember the ones from 5 years ago..Boy is that being
Not Optomistic hey? I KNOW I am NOT the only one that forgets
stuff..I maybe do a little more than someone else..but maybe Its
because I have MORE stuff IN my head and Im running out of room?
lol..hmm that sounds good :-)....

My mother kept a detailed little book..and in it..she wrote down all
she did, spent, bought, replaced..down to the penny ..and if she or
my dad went into hospital or for tests..was all there..Was a really
nice little account book..I Have a copy of it, since I have her dining
room table,, and the couch..I can look and see exactly when she
bought them..and how much she paid, it came in handy many times..
She had to replace the cord in an awning on the back porch..or if
she sent $1.00 to someone..she knew exactly when , where, to who,
and how much..or how long... My Grandmother on my Dad's side,
did the same thing..We contributed that frugality i guess you could
call it to living through the depression where you HAD to make every
Half a cent count...I wish I could remember all the stories they used
to tell about how bad it was back then, growing up..my mother only
went to the 8th grade...she had to work to help the family..yet when
she died at 80..give her a crossword puzzle..phooey I COULDNT
do them...and I Been to College!!! lol. She was very frugal...I got it
from her I think..I can see things I do..like she did...

IT will be a job to get all my medical records..but I would be curious
to read about me, specially the times I dont remember but bits and
pieces or what I have been told..Ruth used to tell me alot that I did
and what happened..she was with me from the very first day I went
into the hellhome..so she knew me even when I HAD legs...she saw
and heard ..and she told me quite a bit..She worked nights well
11 to 7 ..and at night was when I would prowl alot..many times she
told me she had to lead me back to my room because I would just
keep going back and forth not remembering where my room was lol..
Until someone took me right to my bed..I would just wander the halls..
She and I had some laughs about the stuff I did..yet some were sad ..
I do remember that morning of my first amputation..Ruth came and
woke me was only 3 am..Telling me I had to get dressed. She and
another aide came in and helped me get washed, dressed,, I know
I was so crabby and in such pain...I was crying....Ruth put her hand
on my shoulder..said "Lois..this Has to be done to stop the pain"
She started to comb my hair..and I pulled my head back and snapped
at her.."No One Cares if My HAIR is Combed!!! Lets Just GO.." and
burst into tears... I sat up by the nurses station..seemed like hours
but was only a few minutes..Ruth didn't leave my side..she sat next
to me in a chair...holding my hand while I cried.."I DONT want to do
this"...over and over..When the van came she helped load me onto
it..smiled at me, said "Lois..I'll be waiting for you ..." Now..wasnt
that just sweet of her? And she was... day I got back..she came in
special just to be there when I got back...Isnt it amazing what we DO
remember? I know the date on this...Jan , I know..the day i think was
the 9th...That Im not sure of..

But I would like to read all these records and then I could put dates
and times into their right place...I guess when they are bad times its
our way of not really remembering..The times were so very bad..
that its best NOT to be too specific...or to remember TOO much...
I think I should keep a record like my mother did though..She could
find everything, I should be more like that...I have a very poor filing
system..I keep everything in my address book lol...I need to re-
organize or do a good spring cleaning.. lol..I Think I have said that

Well No trip to the kitchen to nite, I am going to go 'n watch tv.Rae came
today and got alot done and picked up that burger I have been wanting.
She had a salad.. So I am NOT, believe that? NOT hungry? hmmm
wonder if I have a fever? lol..naaa.. I'm ok..but I am going to hit publish
and roll this chair right back up there to that bed and wait for cops to
come on..Dutch & LB are already over there. I think they know the
routine...Hope your having a nice week end...quiet one here :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA!!! & Thanks~!~ :-)
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    My poor Weeble, those days in the Hell Home must have been ghastly - you poor love. But, mercifully, those are the things that tha brain often blots out. I guess that is what has happened.
    You are very wise to get all your records together. We are lucky here, our records follow us around when we move from place to place. Just as well, as i can't remember a single date when various ops happened.
    Take care, my dear. lots of love and hugs from

  • At 12:33 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife, Ya were very bad days, sure wouldnt want them repeated . The docs here can request them..but I wouldnt have my own copies. Thats what I would like to have..just to read them...

    I call it waltzing with Heimer lol.. :-) hope your having a good sunday ...
    ALways, Lois****

  • At 3:59 PM, Blogger Paul G. said…

    Nice note, thanks for sharing it.
    Tonight I start a journal on paper - you've just caused me to commit to it - finally.

  • At 4:48 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Paul..welcome back... :-) nice to hear from you.. I enjoy going back and reading my journal.. I do wish I had kept up better on writing in it.. Ive had mine for over 20 yrs now.

    Writing is a great outlet....I have fun with it- get mad, sad, and glad all in a few words lol.. :-)
    Always, Lois****


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