
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, February 24, 2006

~BamBam Is OK~

The kittie is doing good..and he's a dark gray persian by the name
of BamBam...He had his right leg amputated and is now temporarily
at Becky's until they can find a home for him.. Hes a big boy and a
very sweet cat.. In fact..Ron had given BamBam to my friend that I
found dead in his apartment, well he was then given back to Ron..
now poor BamBam is looking for another home.. He is a sweet boy
I know him, Becky assured me he is fine...which with her taking care
of him..I am sure he is ok.. I just wish he could find a good new home..
My boys are so spoiled since I am here with them all the time..I guess
that is why they are so sociable, I think they are just sick of only seeing
me LOL...they see someone new its like "OH THANK YOU ! THERE
ARE OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD " lol...Becky brought a nice
big bag of cat food.. This ARF is a good thing.. Soon I will have a link
to the site...Just so you can check it out...Any kind of animal support
is so needed no matter where you live, so if you can help out your
local one I sure hope you do...and if you dont have a pet..want a nice
gray kittie? I think Bam is probly about 5 or so, Im not sure...

Rae came today and got alot done.. She does good work, and I like
her..She always has some good suggestions.She takes care of another
lady that has MS..and needs alot of personal care..she spends the
mornings there, then comes here afterwards but only on tues and friday.
Which is ok.. I wish more hrs.but.Penny said her daughter gets 81 and I
just dont understand how she does..But I cant say too much seems
every time I do they cut down what I have..they cut any more hours from
me and wont even be worth them coming here at all..lol...So I am very
grateful for what I do have... and I should NOT complain lol...

My right hand is giving me fits.. my thumb feels like it is paralyzed lol..
to put my thumb to my pinky tip to tip is very hard to do...I think its the
carpal tunnel..or the weather is about to change, what ever the reason
Im glad I only use this thumb for the space bar..sure is sore tho...always
something lol..bloody aches and pains..but I guess its a way of knowin
we are still alive and kicking - so to speak ...My stumps arent too achy
today but I have done alot of bending..Becky brought the bag of cat
food and yesss of course.. Dutch had to open it..He can't wait for me
to do it...I gave some to Rae for her kids..since she has 5 of them...I
bet costs alot to feed all of them...theyre worth it tho...So I did get in
some exercises today..but I didnt get a nap in...so I am kinda pooped.

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I had Rae brown some ground meat and onion and I made some spaghetti
sauce and I am starved..Lunch today was some of the most HORRIBLE
fish was really fishy smellin..well yesss i know sposta smell like fish but
was a really smelly smelly fish..not my kind...so I didnt eat it.. Id rather have
some of my spaghetti anyway.. I made some wide egg noodles and all I
have to do is warm it up.. Italian food is one of my favorite kinds..well I
guess to be honest I like all kinds..I watched that Iron chef or something
on the food channel and now some of the stuff they show on there? no..
I am not going to try out..just doesnt look good.. I like the plain ole fashion
home cookin..lol.. so on that note you know whats next - I'm headin out
to the kitchen on a food search lol.......happy weekend.!.

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv Ya!!! and Thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 4:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Yes, I like good, old-fasioned cooking, too. We had spaggheti Bolgnese, yesterday, too. I put grated Parmesan cheese all over mine, smells AWFUL, but tastes great!! lol. We have peas and sweet corn with ours. I bet that would make a genuine Italian weep, but thats how we like it.
    Hope they find a home for BamBam. Maybe his new owner could fit him with a prosthesis? Has been done before now.
    Take care, my dear, lots of love and hugs from


  • At 5:09 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Raife...I hope they do find a home for him, hes a sweet cat, and so pretty... we would be a pair wouldnt we...? lol...
    A prosthesis for a cat? hmmm lol...
    Hope you have a good day...
    Always, Lois****

  • At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    give the smelly fish to the rabbits so they can have a sidedish for their carrots

  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    OK Joe..will do.. rabbits eat fish? my cats don't... :-)
    Always, Lois****

  • At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Morning Sweets,

    Glad the kitty is doing well. Spaghetti - mmmmmmmm........

    Catch ya soon - don't wheel too fast....grin.


  • At 9:55 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Butty, yeahhh sketti is good stuff, I'll try not to- those door facings hurt when I run into them..and of COURSE you know I NEVER do- haha...
    have a good week end ! :-)
    Always, Lois****


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