
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, March 06, 2006

~Surprise! Another Photo!~ :-)

I'm sitting here trying to think of something to write about ..I
dont want to be a bore and write the same stuff over and over
and whine and boo hoo about stuff, doesnt do any good any
way..does NOT fix anything...Ive found THAT out..Makes people
not want to talk to you I KNOW That! I do have a tendency to
whine and have a pity party once in a while..I would be lying
if I said I DONT get down in the dumps some days..and just get
so discouraged..I do..I'll be honest why lie about a feeling I am
sure even people with legs feel lol..We all have our good days
and bad days..

Sadly sometimes the bad days outnumber the good.. THEN its
kinda rough..And too sometimes it seems there is just NO end
to all the JUNK that is all around you that just seems to pull you
right into it and make you just *SIGH* and say "OHHH LORD,
WHY ME ?" lol...I KNOW this feeling too...I guess whether we
have physical problems or not we all still feel the same way
about alot of things..just each express it differently.. some jump
up and down and scream and yell..others just smile and pretend
they see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing..that works too lol..
well depends on what it is I guess.

My sis is NOT liking being in a chair at all.. She keeps saying to
me "I dont know how you do it, HOW can you stand it?" I just
smile and tell her.."well..I got no choice" which is the truth..I dont
My sis gets her cast off next week barring any complications..I
told her to be SURE she didnt bite the dust again and break a
hip next time...I had to laff I wonder what she would make Stan
do next time lol...Poor Stanley..THAT had to be the hardest thing
in the world to do..Some men just CANNOT buy lingerie for a
woman..and specially the kinda BIG sizes??? lol..its one thing to
buy those nice sexy thongs..but my sis does NOT wear those..
remember I had to specifically ask her to get me the silk panties?
lol..ok..then put your self where Stan was lol...he wasnt happy in
more ways than one...I think hes still paying, wishing Shirley was
OUT of that chair and back on her feet...lol..she is too, bless her
heart..its alot to get used to..specially when its all of a sudden.
well though how would some one PREPARE for this? I was in
a chair before my amputations..but I still was NOT prepared for
all the limitations.. I go thru that on a daily basis it seems..

I think every day I find something new or different that I have to
work around or find a new way and easier and specially a safer
way to do things.. I have to .. I dont dare risk falling..what if I
broke a hip and WAS confined to a bed? ohhh no no I would be
a most unhappy camper..to not be able to get out of bed at all?
well..someone would have to make sure I had a laptop then or
Wow I would NOT be fit company for anyone lol..I guess I could
pull well have someone pull my bed up to my desk and try that.
I sometimes think a laptop would be nice to have though just in
case..I know quite a few have them and like them alot..I tried one
that Ruth had ..that mouse thingie i didnt like ..I kept losing where
the mouse was lol..and hers didnt go on line either...If I was bed
bound I KNOW I would make arrangements to get to my puter lol..
Think I would? lolol ya ya you KNOW me too well...:-) where else
would I rather be? ALL my friends live here :-)

I am glad you liked the photo..I put another up there tonite since I
thought you really couldnt see the chair :-) ..I KNOW you HATE
having to look at me AGAIN ---- well just SUFFER lol...I just thought
this photo shows my chair better and plus Dutch got in this one..I
took them at the same time..but I only figgered out how to use PSP
to lighten photos..thanks to Raife lol..Hes just handy as a button
let me tell you. so I hope you can see my chair better..lol...yessss
THE CHAIR ...ONLY look at THAT too lolol I know you are lol. :-)
Thanks for the nice comments on last nights, hope you like this one
as well. I'll figure out this PSP yet lol... :-)

Well its that time and I am off to watch tv..Monday nite and Medium
is on..I like that show..I like that Arquette woman in it, shes so pretty.
And its a good show.. So Im off for a light snack..some crackers I
think and a soda..then tv time.. boys are waiting as usual...I'm
hitting Publish now... :-) Nite

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA..THANKS!!!!
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Again nice wheels and beautiful driver

  • At 11:40 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Another wonderful photo to brighten my day. I sure do appreaciate that, Lois. Dutch looks content to be in the photo too.

    Thanks for the post. Always nice to read them. It was good to cha with you today, even thought it was brief.

    Have a great night.

  • At 3:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A cheap way to get intoxicated, high, or stoned:
    I enjoy the Italian word Chiroscuro which happens when the sun casts shadows which are crisp. I live near an area with lots of buildings with ornamentation and I love seeing the sun tickle the ornaments. There is nothing like eating whilst enjoying the sun. If I am in Chicago and the sun is shining I like to sit in the Federal Plaza and eat a granny-smith apple while enjoying the architecture of the german architect Mis van der Rohe with a 3 story Picasso sculpture in front of the building. There is a similar I.M. Pei building in NYC with a similar Picasso sculpture. well worth a visit.

  • At 5:24 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Thank you Robert..so nice of you to say...:-)

    Yes Gray, Dutch is always someplace close by. Thank you. I got waylayed and never did make it back..my apologies we will chat again soon...

    Momar..you are just a wealth of info..and WHEN were you in Chicago? and DIDNT stop by to see me? :-( shame on you...Next time you better!!!

    Hope you all have a great day..thank you so much for the nice comments..I sure appreciate you taking the time to let me know your reading..so pleased you like my small offerings... :-)

    Always, Lois****

  • At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mmm.. yes - that is a better pic of the chair. And of course the lovely little legs ;)....

    Thanks for sharing as always Hon.

    Bare Hugs,

  • At 9:21 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Your most welcome Butty.. YES.. the CHAIR hon lol...THATS what I'm showin lol... :-) Ohh and THANK YOU BUTTY :-) I will see you SOON lol...your mail made me SMILE :-D tyty ...


  • At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois,

    ur 2 pictures which u have posted recently are very nice.

    u still have this georgous figure.

    u power wheelchair seems to be a very sophisticated one.

    ur outfit is nice, specially the colour of ur skirt.

    by the way u buy ur clothes, specially ur undies, since u are saying that ur brother-in-law is having a hard time with ur sister now as she is in a wheelchair.

    but once u have said that u do not wear panties.

    the colour of ur skirt makes me want to see more of urself.

    hope that u are not angry with me. if u have any complaints about me, u please send me an email to my email address.

    take care



  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    hello Yashvin.. I am glad you like the photos. No I dont wear them.

    If I have any complaints about you I will surely let you know.. dont worry.

    I hope you have a good day Yashvin..
    ALways, Lois****

  • At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Of course I was only interested in the chair, didn't even glance at the gorgeous Weeble sitting in it (Heck, that's another six inches on the nose!!!) lolol ;-)
    And of course, I didn't even notice that lovely, warm smile, much less the stumps peeking coyly out from under that pretty skirt. And you don't think this new pic got added to my VERY PRIVATE Collection,(for My Eyes ONLY) do you?
    Thanks a million, my dear, and take care. Lots of love and hugs from


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