
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, June 09, 2006

~I Did Good !~ :-)

I want you to know.. I did good today ! :-) I worked on my
sewing room and guess what??? WELL..there really IS A
FLOOR in that room :-) I knew there was, but been so long
since Ive seen it..I worked for about 3 hours before Raelynn
got here then she helped me off and on between doing other
stuff.. She and I did really good.. I can EVEN get up to the
table in there and to my OLD computer..that has ALL my old
photos on it that I couldnt get off.. well NOW I know what I did
wrong and can get them..just mail them ZIPPED to myself at
yahoo..I was trying to send a whole huge file of photos and it
would NOT let me lol... NOW that I can get that computer fired
up and hooked to my old monitor while it lasts, hopefully I can
get the stuff off of it.. And If I clear enough that computer may
be ok for a while ..it was in bad shape when I got this new one.
the old one is a Pentium 2, this new one is a Anthlon Processor
alot better..LOTS bigger HD too..

I get all this stuff set up..well if I had a outside I could possibly
be a happy camper lol... I was talking to Raelynn about her
computer and its giving her all kinds of error messages and
she can only get into it on safe mode.. She is not online yet..
she gets cable next week she said.. I offered to help her with
what little I know. I'm learning but sheesh I dont think that ever
stops with a computer.. there are so many great things you
can do with them... I did get my flourescent flashlight today..
so maybe tomorrow I can figure out how to do a scan of a
negative.. THAT would be so GREAT.. I have some old ones
that no one will develop, cuz they were the old 128? or some
thing..they cant develop them But If I can figure out how to
do it on this scanner.. I possibly could develop them..

I did recharge my power chair.. Wasnt taking a charge at first,
I wonder if battery chargers go bad? I've had mine now since
I got my chair..well it came with it.. I had to jiggle the plug to
get it to start the green light flashing on the charger..Always
something.. I sure would like one of those raise up chairs..I
could see into my pots etc.. maybe even use my breadmaker.
The smell that machine makes from that fresh bread..well
its almost as good as the smell of bedding and sheets when
you hang them outside LOL.. I did mine ALL the time..and
boy snuggle your head down in a pillow case that was hung
out side or pull a fresh crisp sheet up and get those smells
from outside, someone says they don't sleep good ..well then
their nose is broke ..and they are missing some good ZZZ's
:-) I managed a small motel in Houston..was only 6 rooms..
and 3 were weekly rentals..3 overniters.. I hung ALL the
sheets outside.. I always got good comments from the renters
about how nice it was to have that good smell in the beds..
reminded people of when they were kids.. Not alot of people
well women or men too I guess ..hang clothes outside on a
line with clothes pins.. I did.. I would Now if I could.. just no
other smell like it.. HOW did I get on this subject ??? :-D ...

Anyways, my apt and my computer are getting organized..
and Im glad.. its about time I know..but when I get the lazy
attacks.. I just wallow in them like a big ole THING lol...I'm
bad. :-) Lunch today? well - you name it ... YOU can HAVE
it.. I couldn't name it so I dont want it.. :-) so I am now hungry..
I may take some photos of my shower chair to share- I bet
not too many have seen one..its like a manual but different...
well THAT made sense hey? Im tired lol.. off to FOOD LAND...
and then TV land.. then SNOOZE City lol.. not NECESSARILY
in that order though :-) the snooze may come before the tv..
time to Publish.. Nitey Nite.. :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv Ya!!! and Thanks !!!
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


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