~No Events~ :-)
Today wasn't a very eventful day not a lot went on.. I do feel a little bad for my ex husband, Willie, my 2nd.. He had a tree service in Louisiana, very good one.. his friend and the one that climbed for him, fell..broke his neck and died right there on the job. I cannot imagine seeing something like that.. I have seen things on TV but I dont really know the people; you feel bad yes, but to see a good friend? HAD to have been really rough.. Willie is my ex, that found his wife (after me) in bed dead, about last March I think.. 2 whammies in less than 6 months..Wow.. Bless his heart.. thats alot.. Well he ended up selling all his business and his home there in LA and has moved up by his brother in lower Indiana. I hope things turn out for him.. We didn't survive a marriage but we are not enemies He was here last time he was in town to see Kelli..we had a nice visit..we are still friends.. When Kelli told me last nite I tracked him down and got his cell phone and called him.. Hes a strong man and will survive I have no doubt..but still what a shock ....I felt really bad for him.. I remember Julio that climbed for us in Indiana..and if I had seen Him fall and die..well how awful...So at least I called and know hes ok..rough going but ..hes ok... I hadnt heard from a friend in over 6 weeks and for NO reason , just stopped writing I get SO up set when that happens and not know why.. but alot do that I am finding out... They dont maybe realize that some people really VALUE their friends.. I DO.. I have written to someone a few times.. I feel they ARE my friend and when I hear nothing back or the phone calls stop.. I get so worried, I hope nothing bad has happened to them.. but I worry every time I see their name in my address book and think.. "I wonder if he died," or "what did I do?" But ..thats so NOT a good thing to do.. Just say it.."I wont be back in touch" and ok..then that severs it..and I wont worry and wonder.. Many of my friends have that happen to them.. men as well as women.. I answer every letter I get.. Maybe not as fast as I should..but I do.. I LOVE my email..where I spend most of my time actually..sending stuff to friends..or reading what I get...I have had those that stop writing and do give me a reason and sometimes the reasons are just... well.. sad..one time someone said that I stirred up feelings they didnt want to feel so thought it best we not be in touch... which ok.. sorry I kinda turned his knobs ya know? :-) but he was nice enough to tell me.. Kinda hurt my feelings..but well not alot a person can do if they arent wanted is there. But to just go and no word..that is SUCH a bad thing.. I let one former friend into my life 3 separate times..and finally that 3rd time of no word for days and no good reason..well I got tired of deliberately punishing my self by staying in touch , I ended that. and another friend was lost. I do hope hes ok though..and I still think of him as I do others that have been in and out of my life.. I think the best excuse I had was "I am NOT going to be a Dev any more and going back to my WIFE" lol.. :-) I said "OK...rotsa ruck fella " stop being who you are? well I hope he can and his wife appreciates it.. That is so NOT a good thing to do.. TELL your spose, mate, other, boyfriend, OR girlfriend if they are full bodied that you prefer amputee or challenged men or women.. TRUST me.. If your other is very and I mean VERY open minded well ok might work..but if they arent? like I said...:-) ROTSA RUCK... :-) the keyword on that is "SHHHHHH" My dolly (Kelli) needs a desk for her computer.. I offered her my little one in the living room but I dont think will be a good one for her.. She is so picky that I dont think she will like the wood.. Its just a knotty pine looking desk 3 drawers down one side...its pretty- I like it I bought it from a person that lives here ..for only 25.oo I was lucky, that was VERY cheap for as nice as it is.. I told Kelli she could use it..till she got one but I honestly dont know what I would do with all the junk in it.. But I have not been in that desk for months.. So hmm do I really need it? I need to do this spring house cleaning lol.. Raelynn did start on the closets and found 3 boxes I didnt know were even up there..well I did but had no idea what was in them.. one was full of old pictures (yippee) and one was a tin box that had things my mother kept over the years of mine. things I made, my report cards.. EVEN my hair..lockets of it..notes I would write to her.. I LOVED to write back then even.. I read some that I will share maybe tomorrow that are so funny.. I was little and would write my mother notes while I was in church lol..hilarious.. and to think she kept them..curls of mine from 1947. and so soft and baby fine and the color? ohhh my just beautiful...wish it had stayed that color.. Tomorrow is friday..ya.. ok I had to look :-) Raelynn will be here and the lunch lady said she may bring a puppy for me to baby sit..can you just see me with a german shepherd puppy here? My boys would be so mad but I dont care..I wanna baby sit..lol.. I would babysit a kittie too.. She said the people over at the senior center had a ball with those babies feeding them. She has such a wonderful home having all those pets..alot of expense to feed them tho...but well worth it if you can afford it.. I spoil mine.. but alot of my cat food and litter I get donated to me which sure helps me alot when I have a 5 week month and Im pulling my hair out worried when my bills post that I will over draw lol..ahhh the joys of checkbooks..I do like the auto payments but I have to wait to find out how much is exactly taken..sometimes I estimate so I can keep some idea of how much is there ..well sometimes its NOT a high enough estimate if I have made some NOT ALLOWED long distance calls.. I am SO glad SKYPE is doing this free long distance. That is SO wonderful and generous of them.. and the sound quality well no one can tell Im calling thru my headset and computer.. I think everyone housebound should have a computer.. I am trying to talk Donnies Mom Barb into getting one ..I really think she would enjoy it.. TV is ok..but I dont honestly miss the 120 channels I get now about 50 or so..and all the major ones I like.. but my computer? well I am almost totally set up now and just need to rearrange all this to a NEAT mess ..then I will be good to go.. Talking about going.. lol.. well you KNEW I was gonna say this.. I do at the end of every post..HA! one of these times I will say it at the start of one, :-) make you wonder wouldnt it :-) like I said small things amuse us here LOL... anyway I am hungry and I did take a nap today for a couple hours..so I feel pretty ok.. I may just go and listen to some music.. and send out my nightly good nites...and lets see..thursday? ohh isnt His Ugliness, Donald Trump on tonite? The Apprentice? I saw the final 2 contenders..and myself I dont think I would hire either one of them.. They showed me nothing .. But maybe thats why IM not a millionaire either lol *sigh*... hitting publish.. Nitey Nite :-) Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA!!! and THANKS :-) Always, Lois **** May God Bless you today, I'm so honored to call you friend, I pray the Lord will keep you safe, Until I write again... | |||
At 2:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Lois!
I hope you dont think of me as one of these leavers, cause i aint!!!
When we are NOT in touch, i am in pain, and grief...
You must understand that you are in my thoughts evry day and night, and thats hard sometimes. Cause when my daily life is going, i also think of my little cutie on the Net. That copletely tears me apart emotionally, and it´s not a good feeling. But i have a big light and cozy place in my heart for you, and i know that you know that i have. Have a nice day dearest until we can meet again in our own little room on the web.
With warm feelings and kisses all over.
From your own
At 8:29 AM,
Gray said…
Wow, your ex has veen through a lot recently. That was god that you called him. It is not easy to recover from that sort of trauma.
It is funny how interruptions in friendships work. Twice in the last few years I have accidentally re-met friends who I had not seen since the mid-70s. We all felt guily about the lapses in our relationships, and have missed great portions or each other's lives, but it is also surprising how well we have managed to reconnect. In some ways it seems like there is little gap in time or charcter. It is funny how our lives can cahnge dramatically, but character and personality can at the root remain unchanged.
At 9:02 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Rob, no my dear I know why you cant be online alot and you have told me and I do understand, its those that dont say anything that hurt your feelings...
Sometimes those that live in their computers dont realize other people have a life elsewhere, and vice versa..and they dont realize that the person that lives in their computers DO take it hard when a "supposed" friend just leaves... Hope you have a good day and that your Manni is behaving.. :-)
Hi Gray,
Yes.. Willie has had it pretty rough plus hes not in the greatest of health himself. I hope he does ok, but I am sure he will hes a very strong and determined man, always has been...
Yes, usually the character & personality remain.. sometimes why it IS best NOT to renew old friendships.. just leads to more of why you lost contact in the first place, which then opens the wound again if there was one from before as well..so lots of variations...
I hope your having a good day, I slept late. 8 am today and its almost 9 i still havent had coffee. *sigh* COFFEEEEEE lol...
have a good one ..
ALways.. Lois****
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