
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

~No Shame~ :-)

Well nothing has changed as far as telling on myself as you can see :-D
I was of course going thru old photos again.. just having a great time.. I
dug out a whole bunch of ones with some old cars.. Thats why I have that
one up there..:-) yesss not to let you see me as a little kid peein' in a pail..
by the way..you see that little white pot I have my butt in? well I STILL
have that to this day.. its over by the bed :-) But aint I just cute? lol... The
reason for this photo is cuz of the car.. Anyone know what kind or year?
I would date this by looking at my self about..hmmm..47? Im not very old,
I bet not over 2, but I'm guessing...Anyway, Idon't know.

I think this photo is so cute.I wish was better quality.I think its over exposed
by the left hand side of it..and I must have been shaking my head..since its
blurry.. but look closely at Gail's face and her pointing her finger at me as if
to say "EWWWWW stinky kid!!! how undignified" and notice Im not up
next to the car being hidden either..I am kinda out in the open don't ya think?
I have NO idea why I am set out like that.. See up to the top right..looks like
a highway, and as if we pulled off the road for me to go potty or something...
but thats how kids are you know, soon as they get in the car someone has
to go :-) I guess was me this time.. Gail had to sit and watch too you see..
sheesh just no privacy at all i'd say lol :-D ahh I didn't care I had to potty lol

I have had the best time going thru old photos and I have them in categories
I went thru and picked some of the ones with old cars.. One photo I have we
are not real sure, but we think the car is a Crosley.. I vaguely remember my
dad talking about having one, or someone he knew did. I guess being the
daughter of a mechanic I just picked up car trivia.. from listening to my dad
and I think when he would talk about a car that was right there I would see
it and thats why I recognize so many of them with out really realizing that I
do lol...ITs fun tho.. I will put the photos of the old cars here one day soon..
I have some nice ones, and I love old things.. cars too :-D lol...what? well
I do- I love antiques.. cars.. furniture..pottery, people :-D Its ALL good.. I
am just having a good time- I just wish I could put all these onto a cd and
then get started on a book.. I see these photos and can link so many of
them together into a great story. I just realized that looking thru the photos
I see a few photos taken in different localities but we are all wearing the
same clothes..the trip that time was not alot of fun.. and some of the photos
show that.. lol..I dont look to very happy lol. I could put a photo here every
day and write about it.. that would be fun but could be boring too. well no..
if it concerns me? no no.NEVER boring lol.I think your finding that out lol.

Well I got hemmed up again today right here in front of my desk.. I tried to
put my grabber on the dresser that sits to my right and a little behind me
well look at the photo in my profile you can see the chest of drawers is
what it is..there are 4 drawers in it..the wood handles are about 12 inches
long and stick out about a half inch.. I rest my grabber on it..and its easy to
get to.. well I put it over there when I was in a hurry and it fell..and wedged
between the bed,,and the spoke of my chair..as I rolled back a bit , my
front wheel turned of course.. and I was WEDGED..that grabber was not
moving and I could NOT reach it.. My front wheel turned so that no matter
which way I COULD get it to turn it was not the way to get undone from
the grabber.. I had to reach down and Try to hand turn my wheel..so that
I moved the right way..Kinda lift it up and turn by leaning over to one side?
its hard to explain..But I had to shift my weight to the left side of my chair
to get some of the weight off the right tire..so I could turn it to be able to
un-wedge myself..and pull the grabber out.. Once I got the wheel turned I
still had to take the arm of the chair off to be able to reach all the way
down to the floor to pick it up and move it out of the way.. Talk about a
major deal..By the time I did all this maneuvering I was pooped.. My arms
ached and my head felt like it was gonna blow up from all the blood rushing
to it from bending in half...I know .. I do ALL this CRAP to myself cuz I get
in a hurry,I should CAREFULLY put something in a spot and before I move
make sure its secure so it cant trap me.. Aint this a hoot? Woman Trapped
in bedroom by a grabber LOL..:-) about my speed..:-)

Well time to log off ... lunch wasnt too bad..beets today..and half a baked
potato and salisbury steak meat looking stuff.. good gravy tho.. My pot
roast yesterday..wow..THAT was excellent.Im not too hungry but I got to
thinking about a root beer float a while ago..which is vanilla ice cream in
a glass with Root Beer Soda (A & W is the best) poured over it..they call
them a black cow too I think.. I call them GOOD lol. Time to quit writin
for tonite..Im pooped and ready to relax...I need that float..So Im gonna
float right on out to that freezer...Nitey Nite... :-)

Ps..You can stop laffin at me peein in that pot now :-D I have NO SHAME.
:-) ehhh why ya luv me .. I know :-D lol...

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? I LUV yaaa. & thanks!!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Lois!
    We are very alike, i also sort and look at old photos these days.... When Manni sleeps i have time to do things for myself, but he doesent as much as he should.... A puppy shall sleep 22 hours a day, but our is awake 22 hours instead, i am exhausted.... And like you in the pic, he is peeing and pooing all the time...And evrywhere....
    I dont have time for you, and not much else either...Like you im bound in my home, but its funny too...
    Soon it will bee better days and nights, so i atleast can go up at nights to the puter...
    Kisses in a lot all over you.
    Your own

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob, u
    sually after a puppy eats is the best time to take him out..get him on a regular feeding schedule. Puppies are so cute, Im sure your enjoying Manni alot.
    Hope to see you soon ..have a good day hon :-) Miss ya...
    ALways, Lois****

  • At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    I think that is probably a Ford Tudor Sedan. I'm sure I recognise that grille down the side of the hood. Those hub-caps also look very like the ones on the Ford V-8 "Pilot" that they used to make over here.
    Charming pic of dear little Lois winding her sister up!! Even at that early age!!! lol ;o)
    Take care, hon, and don't fall off the potty!! Lots of love and hugs from

  • At 3:11 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife!
    I hope I did a good job while I was on that thing, sitting out there in the open. :-) I had NO shame :-D

    Thats probly what it was, when my dad first started out as a mechanic was at a Ford garage...so very possible....HIS vehicle however was a jeep...loved that thing..

    Hope your having a good day :-)
    Always, Lois****


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