
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, May 29, 2006

~Fixin' Foto's~ :-)

I was chatting with a techy friend of mine the other day and had asked
about a program that would let you hook your computer up to your VCR
and take snapshots off of the tape. I was given a link to a site where it
shows how I can take a negative or a slide and use my flatbed scanner
to make these negatives into photos..and its VERY easy to do according
to how it shows to do it.. Usually you would need a scanner with a light in
the lid but with this adaptor and a homemade one..you can use a regular
scanner..Its so easy by the looks of it and I am going to try it..This thing
you make yourself and it shows the photos taken from slides and from
negatives.. I AM going to see if it works.. I sure hope it does..All I need
is the flashlight..and Raelynn can pick that up for me wednesday.. :-)

I have some old 8mm movie film that my dad took years ago..I had
them put onto VCR tape, thats why I was asking about snapshots off
that tape..but since I do have the original tapes they would be better
to use.. I can do any kind of negative. I am anxious to try it.. All I need
is a flashlight with a fluorescent bulb..and that should work. I am so
eager to get at these photos..there are so many stories in them..I can
see the vcr movies and I cant wait to get them into photos...All these
old photos I am so glad I have them. The memories they trigger are what
is so great about them, things we had just tucked away not really
remembering them, until that photo says "say, you remember when.."
Now all I have to do is get organized. No comment please lol :-)

Raelynn came today even though it is a holiday..Was so funny both the
boys were waiting at the door for her and Dutch had his string ready
and waiting for her to drag it around..they really like her..Dutch just
pesters the daylights out of her but she really doesn't mind..she has
cats of her own..between hers and her sisters I think they have 5. Pets
are such a good thing.house bound people need one..They are so much
company and someone to talk to even.. I talk to mine all the time..Well
sometimes I even YELL..lol...I have NO choice however..specially when
Dutch is scratching the wall at 3 am...go figure..I dont know what hes
looking for but he does that... He is such a animated cat..he rides on the
back of my chair even.. I can roll all over in here and he sits on the back
between me and the chair and just rides..looking all smart..LB just walks
away..he doesn't have time for that undignified stuff..lol... Hes so picky..
very laid back , hardly know hes even here, well until he starts howling if
he cant find his girlfriend..he keeps close tabs on her, even Dutch does
NOT mess with LB's girlfriend..he WOULD get in trouble then.

This week we are going to tackle this bedroom and start on my sewing
room. It really needs it badly. My sis brought me some new tops that are
just gorgeous and I am SO pleased.. I told Raelynn that I will give some
of them to her, there is NO way Ican wear all she brought.. I guess its
something that is in a person that sews the love for clothes.. My sister is
worse than me tho..I thought I was bad, lol..shes worse. Only thing is she
doesnt like silk real well its too slippery she says, and she doesnt wear
skirts very often..She has some but usually she wears slacks...I'm happy
with all these new tops tho..Its very easy to make a skirt and only takes a
few minutes to do it..specially if they are just elastic waist...I can use my
machine for those few minutes even though its not that easy really..I say
I am going to check online for a adapted sewing machine for an amputee
but I never do i get too busy looking for tons of other stuff and get side
tracked.. Well I really want to write these storys and possibly do a book..
I would love that...so that really has more priority that the new skirts to
make right now.. Maybe Raelynn will go to the freestore here and find
some there...never know I dont think she has ever gone there before...
But anyway..Im slowly but surely getting stuff done..its about time :-)

Raelynn brought me 2 biscuits and sausage from McDonalds..I
love their breakfasts...Only thing I can eat from there..I only ate
one and saved the other..so guess where Im headed? yup..to
get that leftover biscuit and a soda and its monday nite and good
TV tonite..so I am gonna do my nightly routine and try to beat my
cats out into the kitchen and I bid you all Nitey Nite :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya!! and thanks :-)
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:50 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    It's a quiet day here today. Perheps everyone else is swamped with work too and doesn't have time to reply either.

    I have done a lot of photography, almost all of which is on film. I have a pretty professional storage and indexing system for my negatives and prints, using archival containers.

    Somehow I have never done the same with my much smaller collection of digital images. Somehow I can't seem to make myself pay attention to the growing problem of how to store and organize them. Backing up isn't a problem- they are backed up onto one of my home servers and also on DVD. Unfortunately they are inthe electronic equivalent of a big, messy pile. I have to get on this problem soon.


  • At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Heck!! No comments. I'd better add my four-penny-worth (pronounced "pennuth"), then, P.D.Q. ;o)
    Dutch sounds a bit like my "Scrabble" She's a lapahollic - even bullies me to go and sit in the recliner and make a lap for her. She's nearly as big a bully as the pair of robins (Mr. & Mrs.)who bully me for food every morning and most afternoons as well. Mr. came and perched on the threshold bar of the front door, yesterday. They are both very tame. I am trying to get one of them to take food from my hand.
    Take care, hon, love to see what one of your new tops looks like on our gorgeous Weeble!! Lots of love and hugs from,
    Raife. XOX XOX XOX

  • At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gray just beat me to it!!!!

  • At 4:08 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    We were clearly writing at the same time. I have a typo and you don't- that extra minute must have been spent proofreading.

  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray, My photos are all in albums but sadly I didnt date mine. Luckily my mother dated hers...Im glad she did.. :-)

    Hope your having a good day, Ive been working on my sewing room..
    Always, Lois****

  • At 12:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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