~The Shower Chair~
Well as promised there is a new photo of me, Just taken about noon .
Now that is a MOST recent one I would say, can't get any hotter off
the press than that.. Well I was taking some photos of my shower
chair and well the cam just happened to move..hehehe..no- I'm fibbin..
I said I would put one here of me so.. there are both.. Of course now
DO NOT look at the mess on my desk.. I have my mouse down under
where the keyboard is sposta go..So when I take a photo with my cam
I have to use the mouse..why my hand is under there ..:-) up on the
desk you can see Mr. Big..LB.. hes just a fat cat..a sweetie tho..when
you look at the shower chair photos you will see where Dutch is.. :-)
yessss ON the chair lol.. they know its not sposta be in here so they
of course have to see whats up and why its in the bedroom and ME
I tried to take photos from every angle so you can see it from the front.
side and back.. There is a pail that goes under the seat..you see the
seat on it is like a toilet seat..just for that reason it can be used as a
potty if needed.. Although as uncomfortable as that chair is.. I cant
stand to be in it for very long..both my stumps go nuts..They ache awful
if I stay in it too long.. I have NO idea why either.. I have tried sitting all
sorts of different ways..even Sideways..but it is just a very very un
The seat, is like a hard/soft plastic foamy type..has just a little give to it.
the whole chair is water tolerable.and goes into the shower.. The seat
is a bit textured too ..so that it doesnt get slippery when wet..That was
the problem with the white plastic bench I have in the shower.. It got so
slippery I was afraid to get on it.. The lady that had to approve me to
have this shower chair was a real biddy, her excuse was " Lois, its a
very expensive chair..it will work where you live NOW, but if you move,
it may not work , so we dont think you should have it" Can you believe
she used that moronic logic? In case I move? well hell I could be here
till I die!!! in 40 years or so..I got SO mad when she said that stupid
CRAP to me.. How dumb.. I asked her "well..is that what YOU say to
yourself too when it comes to buying something YOU need..that it MAY
not work at the next place you live?" I GOT the chair.. I kept the email
she said that to me in..and forwarded it to HER boss and everyone
in the office so they could read her stupid remark to me.. I had fun
with that one :-) but HOW DUMB a reason is that to keep someone
You see the back.the handle bar goes all the way across not like a
regular wheelchair which has a handlebar on each side. The bar is
white and I think metal but I cant really tell for sure I had thought was
a sturdy PVC pipe type material..I cant say for sure what its made
out of.. I think the total handle bar across it is for safety ..that its easier
to grab a bar, than just a handle if you were giving someone a bath
All sides look alike..just about.. And of course you see my rotten
child HAD to get in on it lol.doesnt he look cute? I didnt even have to
coax him up there.. When I first brought it in here is the first photo
when both of them HAD to check it out.... So anyway now you see
what a shower chair looks like.. It does have brakes too just hard
to see the handles..there on the sides...the tires are gray too..not
black like the manual..but they are the same size just about.. hmmm
guess I could have put my other manual next to it to compare..oh
well take my word for it lol..if not exact..they are close in size.. :-)
I do the same on this as I do my manual..I get on to the shower
chair , ready to take a shower ..:-) get NAKED..lol..then shower
and when I get done I put a towel on the seat of my manual and
transfer to that...then dry off in my manual..This shower one I can
hardly WAIT to get out of..so I get out of it as soon as I can..Now,
sometimes I do pull it up in front of my plastic bench in the shower
and transfer to the bench and shower sitting on that..specially if
I have to take extra time for my hair..its getting long..and takes
more time now...so I pull up to that..and wash up etc on the bench
with the shower chair pulled up its added security that if I slide off
I would only fall onto my shower chair.. works good.. then after I
just slide over on to it..and back to my manual.. So you see just
a shower is alot of work and very time consuming... I really havent
figgured out any sort of short cut..but how can there be to taking
a shower if your washing body, and hair etc.. unless your super
dirty..and I dont get that dirty ..well unless I spill on me.then my
clothes get it anyway lol...
So now you have had a chance to see a shower chair .. I hope
this answers any questions ..lol...and I hope you like the new
photo...it is food time of course.. I have been playing all day again
taking photos.. Its a good thing I dont have a digital camera lol..
Tomorrow Raelynn will be here and its sposta be nice out so we
may go out side and try to finish off this roll of film in this camera
she got me 36 exposures..way too many lol...I dont have to take
them all before I get them developed tho.. :-) She got one to take
some pics of her cats and they turned out really good..I didnt ask
her how long it took to develop them tho I will tomorrow.. Maybe
I can get them back before next sunday lol.. Well its that time again
time to find FOOD and hit Publish..Nitey nite :-)
Y'all have a good one now Yhear? Luv ya and Thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 9:42 PM, Anonymous said…
Lb sure seems to know how to use that chair.
Btw I find tres belle in that photo.
At 3:50 AM, Anonymous said…
Dearest Lois-mine!
Dont you know why it is so uncomfortable? It is just for the reason, you shouldnt complain about your manual one. Because when you think of the uncomfy one, your usual one looks like heaven, and you feels satisfied with that one even if that one isnt the most comfortable one either.... See my point? As they prolly gave you your chair they want you to be pleased with that one, thay think they are smart but we outdo them.... We know their rotten plan.
Be as it is with that, i really hope you feel comfortable today.... In your chair, in your stumps, in your whole body.... I FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH YOU IN MY MIND.
Kisses all over dear
Your own
At 8:53 AM, Lois said…
Bon Jour Robert. Merci :-) So nice to hear from you again, hope all is good by you and the Rock can check his mail without getting soaked :-)
Morning Rob..I should not complain about any of my chairs and really I dont, I think I really mean to complain that i am IN one.. I really am grateful I have them, or I would be in bed all the time..
Hope you have a good day and your new puppy is behaving..
ALways, Lois****
At 1:06 PM, Gray said…
Thanks for the post. The details are interesting as always. We just have to use our imaginations to envision you naked in your shower chair. I'm sorrythat it is so uncomfortable
At 3:56 PM, Lois said…
Hi Gray, lol.. yes.. NONE of those photos :-) I have no idea why its so
uncomfy it needs to be better since it takes so long to take a shower..
Hope your having a good day :-)
ALways, Lois ****
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