
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

~One More Day To Go~

Only 1 more day, and let me tell you I am in a snit. I just
have no idea what to expect. I wasnt arrested or given a
ticket last month, but now have to go to court..doesnt
make sense to me. I know its about to drive me nutz
for worrying though, and its getting VERY old...
Was a lazy day, I did not do one thing but sleep and play
solitare is all I did. The dosage on this antidepressant is
at its full level now and I think thats what makes me so
sleepy.Its a new kind she said and I had to take it in 3
different doses to build it up.. I really dont like the tired
feeling..I finally got the nurses at the Drs. office to do
their job..when I called friday about when the blood
work would be done, she said that she had sent the
paperwork in 2 weeks ago and would call and check
what the problem was. She called me right back and
said "Your insurance doesnt cover home care" Well,
I told her that is NOT true, and hung up the phone and
called the nurse with the insurance company, she knows
me really well...she said" I will take care of it..thats a
standard excuse when they dont do their job" She fixed
it and tomorrow I should hear when they will be coming
to do the blood work and how often the nurse will be
coming...Im glad thats settled..

My boys have been kind of upset along with me, they just
stick to me like glue. Every roll this chair makes they are
right there. It is such fun to go to the bathroom and 2 cats
are right there for an audience. lol..There is just NO
privacy here at all...They are worried though, just like I am.
Not knowing what is ahead, its such a bad feeling.. I dont
like it at all.. I am glad that the boys dont really KNOW what
is going on, they shouldnt have to worry about anything but
whether or not they have food and their litter box is clean.

I have to say though I will be glad when this is all over and
I know if im coming or going.. I hate this uncertainty.. I was
so surprised, my ex husband (2nd) phoned me saturday,
I was really surprised, hes doing quite well and is back in
LA. he seems to like it down there even though his family,
is up here. He hates the snow and cold hes a snow bird.
I guess Donnie or kelli called him and told him I was in a
snit and thats why he phoned..was nice of him to do that,
he was concerned and offered to help any way he could.
I thought that was pretty decent of him..

Well I am going to go and watch tv for a while..as much
sleeping as I did today I probly will be up half the night
now..never fails..As upset as my stomach is its probly
better to stay up than keep dragging this fat butt of mine
on and off that bed 4 million times.. That does NOT get
any easier ..in fact it seems to be getting harder lol...
Time to hit publish and we all say Nitey Nite.

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya, and thanks,,
Always, Lois****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 5:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My Dear Honey,
    Just wish I could be there to hold your hand through all this. It's a bugger, having to do this all by yourself. I shall be praying that it all works out OK for you.
    Take care, Hon, lots of love and great big hugs from
    (Oh, yes, and thanks for the pic - you look just as gorgeous as usual!!)

  • At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Did they show you a search warrant? Did they read you your Miranda rights? I think what they are doing is not within the law.
    Are you going to court? What court? Here in NYC we have housing court. The judges can sometimes be sympathetic.

  • At 9:38 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Hang in there Lois. I'm rooting for you. Write down all you legal questions for the lawyer the court appoints.

    That is truly a nice photo. I like it very much.

  • At 11:16 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning,
    Thanks bunches, glad you liked the photo.Truth known, Im a nervous wreck, and I dont see how they can do this since I wasnt arrested, I guess they will when I get there, its so odd...And no one will explain or knows about this...
    But thanks alot..It means alot to know your rooting for me, Wish you could hold my hand too :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck in court. Ask for a court appointed attorney. If you get one with some drug experience perhaps he or she will arouse some sympathy on the part of the judge. I still think they need a search warrant and to read you your rights. I will cross my fingers for you.

  • At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck in court. Ask for a court appointed attorney. If you get one with some drug experience perhaps he or she will arouse some sympathy on the part of the judge. I still think they need a search warrant and to read you your rights. I will cross my fingers for you.


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