~I Try~
The ups and downs..well I dunno if they are even.. I try to get
up..and really stay there and hope and really try to get things
fixed and do what I THINK is necessary to make it.. It seems
the harder I try the worse it gets sometimes.. And I honestly
do NOT understand why that is.. But then I dont think anyone
does do they?
I got a letter in the mail today, well i guess it really was a bill.
Seems my landlord went to the water dept. which I honestly
had forgotten to call..and made sure the water was in my
name..not his..as he didnt want to get stuck with a water
bill..well by me having it put in my name..now I have to come
up with a $193.oo deposit.. They mailed this on Monday,
I have to pay this or have the water shut off by the 10th
which is friday.. I wonder just where do they think I will be
able to get that kind of money? and that fast? And even the
electric company doesnt charge THAT kind of deposit..
My word! Thats totally unbelievable for such a small town.
THEN you dont get it back ..only if you ever move.. The only
way I can get out of paying this deposit is if Chris keeps it
in his name, which I cant blame him for that either..But..geez
I cant believe the water company..how unreasonable..that is
just so outrageous..
I had company today, Que was here and brought me a paper
I needed to sign..she got my mail for me and thats how I got
the bill..Well I asked how the grant was going and she said
it looks really good..I cant believe it takes this long..when they
know people are really depending on this stuff and they take
their sweet time processing stuff..But she says it looks really
good ..I stressed the fact that my rent will be due shortly...that
I paid my deposit..a couple weeks ago..I wish it would hurry.
I was telling a dear friend today in chat , well I was WHINING
to a dear friend that has given ear to my moans and groans
since all this CRAP started..and I was saying that I have NEVER
in my life ever been in this kind of situation that I have a steady
constant worry daily hourly. worried about money and how was
I going to make it.. I never have ever had to worry.. I blame it on
being in this chair..AND all the other health problems as well...It
is such a horrible awful feeling.. I KNOW I am not the only amputee
that is going thru this same worry on a daily basis ...and boy, I
will YELL it out..it SUCKS big time.. its so NOT good.. And It
wears you down after a while.. And whats REALLY sad? there
is not ONE thing we can do about it..All these places that brag
about helping? ya right..thats ALL they do..is brag..all they want
is a paycheck and keep passing the work off or dont do it..or just
push it aside...I still have not found ONE person, place, or agency
OR charity that will build a ramp for me..Now..isnt that amazing?
My landlord is worried about that..hes afraid he could get into
trouble for renting to a wheelchair person with no way to get out..
well by way of a ramp..I could get out if I had to..but would mean
I could get seriously hurt though too.. My friend who is over seas
was amazed at what little help there is for me.. Thats why I have
considered moving over seas!! If it wasnt for some dear friends
I have here, I could NOT do anything nor would I have anything..
isnt that sad.? what if ..God Forbid, I didnt have any family or
friends..there are people that dont..what are they doing? What
is happening to them?
I think sometimes maybe I should have looked harder and gotten
a subsidized apartment.. and just put up with it and the bills would
be paid etc..I worry that I will be able to make it if this grant doesnt
go through.. If it doesnt go through I will really be in not good shape..
well I could make it..but no cable..and internet..If my rent is 400 and
I got a 200 gas bill..then pay phone, electric, water..well that 200
sure isnt gonna stretch is it? I dunno..sometimes these days since
it seems nothing is settled I worry about that.. I just WORRY about
everything..That Dr. at the clinic even said that..he noticed it right
away lol..probly why he gave me the 2 prescriptions for anxiety
knowing I need them lol..
Well guess I can stop this whining little segment.. Hopefully I can
post tomorrow that maybe I got some more done here..I havent
heard from anyone today ...maybe I will tomorrow.. hope so..
Nitey Nite..
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks... :-)
Always, Lois
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 8:45 AM,
Gray said…
Despite the problems, it sounds like three are a lot of good things about you current place. I'm convinced that it will work out in the long run.
Have a good day, Lois.
At 9:02 AM,
Lois said…
Good Morning Gray! Nice to hear from you...
I dont think what it is there will always be problems..if there werent how would we appreciate when there arent any?? lol...
Hope you have a good day..Rain here...gloomy day...
Always, Lois****
At 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Honey,
Just a thought - You've got a vote to-day, make it pay!! "They" are sure to send a car for you. You might even get a chance to bend a Congressman's ear to do something in your favour??
Take care, Honey, "Nil illigitimo carburundum" which being interpreted is "Don't let the b-----ds wear you down" Lots of love and great big hugs from
At 3:47 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife..
Nice to hear from you.. It is election time though .. I dont follow politics. I got alot done today..and I am really beat..but Im getting there :-)
hope you had a good day...
Always, Lois ****
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