~Alot Got Done!~
Today alot got done and I am really pleased..I woke up this
morning in a snit I guess and decided I was getting something
done.. I moved the kitchen table..rearranged some stuff in there.
I emptied boxes in the bedroom and got it more uncluttered..I
got stuff together that went down the basement..There was quite
a bit done.. Raelynn and Wayne came by this afternoon and he
moved the bed and tv, dresser etc in the bedroom and carried
the small microwave down the basement, moved the other micro
over onto the table for me.. It is looking alot better, we did good.
I think I will like my bed better over on that wall it will be between
the windows..but I wont have the flashing lights that peek thru
the blinds of the cars going down the street..Sometimes they are
quite bright..It will probably be a bit noisier but during the nite it
slows down alot . I do hear some but nothing like what goes by
during the day..The street is one of the main ones thru town to
alot of the bigger companys which means the huge trucks go
up and down ALOT.. I will get used to it..
I havent heard from Chris..So I dont know what to do..I Have to
have that water deposit by friday ..I dont have it.. I will call the
Community Action Agency see what they tell me.. It said on the
letter they would shut the water off..I dont think the health department
would allow that but I dont know..I will make a few calls tomorrow..
I have never heard of such an outrageous amount for a deposit..
they said it is triple what a bill would be..which is 60 or so .BUT
that is every 2 months..almost 200 dollars, i am shocked.. and
it says you wont get it back until the day you no longer have water
service.. so I wonder if someone buying a house has to pay that
knowing they wont get it back..? or is this a discrimination against
renters? If Chris would keep it in his name I wont have to pay it..
I can understand a landlords dilemma as well. so many would take
I can understand a landlords dilemma as well. so many would take
advantage I am sure its probly happened to him.. and because
some one has..well I cant blame him..but I cant pay that either..So
I will find out more tomorrow lol.
I will find out more tomorrow lol.
My friend came up with a great idea..The living room is yellow..pale..
but it is really not bad..against my burgundy curtains..it really looks
nice.. Well I said I wish I didnt have to re paint the whole wall..as
the yellow is ok..and there is only a small part that needs repainted
and the ceiling too ...the suggestion was get some paint swatches
to match and just get some small containers of the colors..I could
do that with the blue in the kitchen as well and save alot of paint
time.. THIS could really work!! And I could do alot of it I bet..A
whole room to paint is alot but I bet I could do this touch up that
needs done...I think its my word again..TRY ? lol...
LittleBoy has taken over the top of my puter desk..he lays up
there alot.. I was typing away this morning doing an email reply
to my niece and he jumped down..scared the daylights out of
me..I had forgotten he was up there..and all of a sudden this
huge cat falls down in front of me! He just jumped to the floor
and ran. Really scared me! lol..Dutch ..well hes been sleeping
in the weirdest places..hes over in a corner all in a ball...:-)
Well my arms are aching big time.. it got so bad today a couple times
while Raelynn and Wayne were here that they had to push me back
into the living room ..I have got to get my power chair fixed.. I called to
day about getting it replaced or repaired ..something.. I called and I
had to get a Dr. prescription to get my power chair fixed! I mean..they
just insist on more and more paper work. then the ok has to be sent to
the referrer to see what needs to be done etc.. All I know is i need a
power chair.. I cant do this carpet..or the carpet will just have to be
taken up..
I checked email all day and still have not had any takers on my
invitation to come and spend a few days with me..I am so disappointed
y'all are just afraid I will put you to work..I know.lol. I just talked to my boy,
he plans to move the rest of the stuff in over the week end.. I am going
to ask Wayne if he will help..and I got a mail from my Dolly and she and
Jorge may come over and he could help Donnie and Kelli me.. :-) plus
it would be nice to see her its been quite a while ..Shes so lovely...and
so sweet..Jorge Ive met once and hes very cute and seems very nice..
I have heard he makes some killer food. Had a nice rainy day here all
I have heard he makes some killer food. Had a nice rainy day here all
day too..hope its nice this week end...Well I am really wore out Im going
to find a snack then its Time to watch tv..Nitey Nite... :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya.. and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois.****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 3:33 AM, Anonymous said…
Does the power chair Co. think you grew your legs back while they weren't looking? - Geese, the bureaucracy we have to put up with these days.
If you can't get an exact colour match in either room, how about a feature wall in another matching colour? Would mean less work to do just one wall. The cutting in where the colours meet is a bit tedious, though! ;o)
Take care, Hon, lots of love and great big hugs from
At 9:28 AM, Anonymous said…
I am glad things are finally rolling for you HA!HA!HA! I wish I could help you alot more than I have. My mother in-law says the house should be empty on NOv. 16th if the lady that's in there moves when she is supposed to so now I have to come up with $500.00 by the end of this month. I'll find a way because I do not want to go back to Keystone that's for sure. The only good thing about being there was talking with you and being blessed with your friendship. I appreciate it and thank you dearly. Alma
At 9:39 AM, Lois said…
Good Morning!!
I have to steady go back to the Dr. Raife so they can verify they havent!! Its really amazing all I have found out about all the NON help out there for us...I cant wait to get the swatches..your so smart.. :-)
Alma, hiya SweetPea..Im glad, I wish I could help you..If you need furnishings I do have some spare stuff I cant fit in .lol. Let me know..
You were one of the blessings from there, even bad things can have great outcomes kiddo. Good to hear from you..More email is on the way to you lol..
Y'all have a good day!!! luv ya!
Always, Lois ****
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