
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

~Peepin Kittie ~

As you can see Dutch likes looking out the windows..he was sitting
there watching the wind blow the leaves.. in that bush out there the
birds seem to like it alot.. and there are squirrels..big black ones..
I saw a gray one too..I wonder does he know what they are? lol..
he sits and watches for hours.LB does for a while.then he does a
few circles..and plops down and goes to sleep in the sun.. That
window faces west..so the hot afternoon sun comes in..and you
can see the sunsets some are just so beautiful. I might get a bird
feeder to put out there ..the boys would love watching that..look at
the little statue of a cat I have there on the window sill..I did NOT put
that cat facing out..lol..I have NO idea who did..I didnt notice that
until I saw this picture lol..kinda cute tho :-)

Dutch loved watching the birds at at the apartment..he would sit
for hours there too..I would put out bread for them so the boys
could watch them Sometimes the birds would sit along the fence
and like stare back at them sayin "neener neener ..look the kitties
cant get us " ..I know thats what they were thinking..You can see
how Dutch would get excited..see the ears down? he was really
gonna get him a bird.. he sure tried..

While Dutch was sitting there I happen to hear this loud SMACK!
then THUD..I look out..and there are 2 trucks out there..the one
ran into the back of the other. lol.. too much in a hurry .. I said the
other nite about there are accidents here all the time..well today
was another.. you can see water on the ground..where the 2nd
truck hit his radiator..lol.. the guy in the first truck got out and is
standing there just as he is going to look at he damage...lol..
Gee maybe I should set up a video thing just to record accidents
lol..hmmm.. as many as their are lol..Well this is proof positive
that there ARE accidents out there.. Remember this is thru the
screen sure makes the photos grainy..The 2 trucks are headed
north..the school bus is headed west.. give you some perspective
which way everything is.. lol.. see all the leaves on the ground...
just looks gold everywhere..even across the street on the other
side of the bus..poor trees sure are naked..bet theyre cold! :-)

I was going to paint today..and I decided not to..I really dont
know why other than to just not feel like doing too much of any
thing.. hmm i think thats just called LAZY lol.. :-) I will.. but I did
get a phone call today that made my day.. I was very pleased..
I had called United Way..about a ramp.. Well a lady phoned me
said a man from a local company was willing to donate his
services to build a ramp for me..and that Home Depot would
supply the wood.. NOW..its THAT GREAT???? I am SO happy.
I was really hopin..I dont really go out.. but I like the idea that
if and when I do..or NEED to ..I can.. Im really looking forward
to spring..maybe I can fix a nice flower bed..the space between
the house and garage is wide open..and very nice..raised beds
I could do lots there.. and really enjoy it..

On the west side of the house from the back corner is a fence.
stockade..the high wood kind..down below it inside..is a garden
that is triangular with the house. i could plant some morning
glories to climb that fence..I could see it thru the kitchen window
that would be so nice..Yard work is alot..and I am worried about
that a bit..and with the snow shoveling..I cant ask Donnie to come
over all the time and do this.. I wonder what other people do?
I should contact COA and see if they have some people that do
this to help out for a few dollars.. The yard here is very big..and
its so nice..some huge trees.. be lots of work..hmmm I need to
think about this..I wonder if I could drive a riding mower? I could
transfer over to it.. ..I am a terror in my power chair could you see
me out in a riding lawn mower? lol..I bet i would cut half the blocks
grass before I knew it ..they go fast lol..I heard a story a older man
lost his drivers license..so to go back and forth to the store he
would get on his riding mower and say he was cutting the grass
along the road..cuz its illegal to ride them on the roads lol.. On one
of his trips back from town.. he was already half drunk.. the path
he left was all zig zag lol...he made it home tho..the police made
him stop they caught on to him lol.. David got caught once with
his 3 wheeler on the streets in town..pushing it..and the cops
stopped him almost took that bike..it is not allowed..there are
so many 3 & 4 wheelers..in the summer up there and in the
winter its snow mobiles..

They have this snowmobile RUN..a bunch of them all enter into
a kind of contest..and they have to get these proofs that they
went to certain places on the route..well...ALL these places they
had to stop and get their tokens were BARS.. talk about a bunch
of toasted snow mobile people by the end of the race....and it
was amazing no one got hurt sometimes as wasted as some of
them were when they got back lol.. Some winter fun..

I have for the past few days been discussing this dev issue with
some dear friends..we all can talk openly about issues the devs
have.. and the ones the amps have.. Ive talked to amps and
devs both. I want to see all the sides besides my own ideas and
thoughts..which sometimes do over ride.. but I am open about it
and willing to try to find well not solutions..but maybe ways to just
let everyone know..HEY..it is OK to be WHO you are! no matter
what it is..why these labels they have to put on things ..every thing
HAS to have a name.. well me.. the name or label or what ever
you want ..the one I put on ..is FRIEND...and until its betrayed..
I can be the best one you have.. really .. :-) o k ok ONE of the
best ones you could have :-) everyone needs a GORGEOUS
weeble for a good friend :-)...well thats my story and Im stickin
to it.. now its time for a bedtime one for me.. Got a phone call
from my dear friend Blue ..hes doing well and preparing for
summer..amazing hes hot way down under there and we are
gettin ready to be snowed on lol..I still think its so great I can
talk to him and its a different day entirely down there lol.. I
found an Australian Christmas Song for him that I really have
enjoyed listening too..its so cute..called Six White Boomers.
great song.. I love music ... :-)

OK..Im done..time to watch some tv..and eat some of that
pumpkin bread Penny made for me.. is it good.. Penny lives
in a adult foster care facility and looks after the 5 ladies
that live there..she said she had to fight them off to keep my
bread safe lol.. I am SO glad she did cuz it is luscious !!
Nitey Nite..

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? luv ya..and Thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ***
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bon soir ma Belle,
    Well things arn't dull in front of your house,
    Bonne nuit,

  • At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I discovered my cat can speak in English. As she was bird watching she licked her chops and said:::::


  • At 10:23 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Nite Robert.. so nice to hear from you..hope all is well by you..No this is a very busy street only in the wee hours of the morning is it quiet..the lights from the business across the street are so bright I dont need night lights..

    hi Momar..
    I had a black burmese, Skeeter, he loved to torment some blue jays that nested out in back in a big tree..they would see him and dive bomb him..get so mad those goofy birds would attack anyone.. made me
    nervous lol..cat loved it..thought the bird was playing i guess.. he wasnt..

    Sweet Dreams :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 3:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Loved the pics. Thanks.
    On the Devs issue, I know of at least one lovely DAK who just can't stand devs. Not sure why. Guess she has had some bad experiences with one or something? Some Devs don't seem to realise what a heavy responsibility they carry to behave with the utmost good manners toward the ladies they admire so much.Her name's Stephani Victor, and she is a world class skier on a mono-ski, and an absolutely gorgeous blonde. Her advice to DAKs travelling by air is on her site and is very useful, specially to those travelling that way for the first time.
    Take care, my streaking Weeble, lots of love and great big hugs from

  • At 5:50 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Raife,
    Glad you liked the photos..proof of accidents lol..

    I have to say the only amps I know that have no problem with devs, well they do..but accept it.. are the ones that are selling photos and being supported financially by them I think. which makes a big difference..Those looking for a relationship, cant find them..I know... its a sticky wicket. lol..but its still fun to play :-)
    Hope your havin a good day!
    always, Lois ****

  • At 2:36 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Yes, Lois, you are a wonderful friend to me and to us all. I think that you have a really good attitude and a great understanding of how devs tick. Thanks for all the time you spend with us. You have been a big help to many of us.

    I live the photo of Dutch with his ears down. It was good to visualize the accident you were telling me about yesterday. I have forgotten how flat it can be out there where you live.

    Gotta run- between meetings.

  • At 3:24 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray..
    Well thanks. I try very hard to treat everyone the way I want them to treat me..with respect, honesty and love..only way to do this dance of life lol..

    Yes ..Dutch was ready to get him a bird. I love catching photos of them doing stuff missed a good one today ..of course another fight lol..they are NOT getting along..LB is just struttin his stuff and Dutch is mad..lol Kids.. lol..

    was pretty good timing on getting a snapshot of a wreck lol.. ya flat here up north in the UP is H I L L Y
    Very much so.. its pretty here tho ..lots of lakes..and there is a ski hill not far from here as well.

    Well hope your day is good and your butt dont get numb from sittin thru them meetins..lol take care.. ;-)
    Always, Lois ****


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