~I Did it to Me AGAIN~
My son was bad today.. I got a big box delivered that had
Donnies Christmas gift in it.. See the boy ? look how pitiful
he looks lol.ya..he looks so innocent doesn't he...It was
my own fault as soon as I rolled away from the couch I knew
he was going to try something..and I should have THEN
moved the box and then nothing would have happened and
I wouldn't have spent the better part of a hour cleaning up all
the mess.. lol.. I do this to my own self I must LOVE making
problems for my self THEN fixing them - I must. .I KEEP on
The box fell off the couch right over on its top on the floor..so you
see when I tip the box up..to put it back ..even more will come
out of it.. and as you see my son does NOT help..LB just
sat up in the chair and you could just SEE the look of " I
cant believe what this kid does" did a few circles and laid back
Dutch just looks at it.. does not ONE thing..just see? puts his
head down like "ohoh..now I MIGHT be in trouble".. No.. I
couldn't yell or do nothing but pick every single one of them up.
Which folded in half trying to reach the floor is just not easy..
If my arms were longer maybe, Ive said that before though..If
If my arms were longer maybe, Ive said that before though..If
that small case came in that big box with all those peanuts,
well those little white pieces of foam..they are almost like
they are alive..full of static and they seem to just move
on their own.. I think my chair makes static or something,
seems like when I get close they move out of the way lol..
then I have to chase them down ! that's why it takes so long to
I got them all up and put the box DOWN.. I did not put it up
anywhere he could get into it .. He did..try to help..but sadly
he is not the best helper in the world..poor little thing.. :-)
between these 2 cats and myself.. no wonder I stay tired just
picking up after us! I kept hoping someone would come by
but I didn't see anyone today.. well the lunch lady..and it was
a pretty good lunch today..Barbecue beef with some pork
and beans..and yes.. CARROTS in with peas... :-) you KNOW
I ate every single one yes? lol.. NOT... ;-)
I woke up at 3 am this morning and I was so tired all day.. My
arms are just wore out.. I almost dread having to roll on this carpet.
If I get up during the night to potty..well that's what wakes me up
totally is just because I have to work so hard to get across the
room. I can see how every day its harder and harder, I don't move
around in here as much just to avoid having to fight the floor.. :-)
My hand has not improved at all, one spot doesn't look good its
so red, I either have to find another way to roll this chair or get a
glove.. and THAT would really be a pain in the butt..well hand lol..
I had lunch but im gonna eat a few of those cookies out there..The
kids didn't come over but I know they had a lot to do being gone
right after their Christmas here so..I know they had lots to do.. they
can come over tomorrow and get their goodies..IF there are any
left! trust me. I will NOT eat them all.not that I havent tried lol no.
there are 4 different kinds of fudge! not counting at least 8 different
kinds of cookies.lol. theres lots..so..plenty for all of us..Im glad..or
they wouldn't get any LOL..well.. I see them..I eat them.. plain and
simple.. and that's just what I plan to do.. nitey nite :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 8:08 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Sweethart
What did Donnie give you. You talked a lot about the filling but the most important part is what he agve you. Were you happy.
At 9:04 PM, Lois said…
The gift in the box was FOR Donnie, I had to order it and it got here late.
He and Dawn are on their way home..I will see them tomorrow..They have not given me anything..isnt necessary, I needed to get them gifts..they are very special people... It was a barbecue untensil set for him..and I have a lovely tea pot for Dawn..she loves tea.. like me..
Always, Lois ****
At 11:04 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Fudge is something my hubby really love...Yes your boys did make a mess for you to clean up...I bet they had fun with all those peanuts on the floor.
We just started painting the outside of the house today the weather was just right.
Becky leg is getting some better,it just take time as you know.
We had a wonderful Christmas,and the weather was nice for it...no snow, ice or rain.
God bless you my friend...Mary
At 12:43 AM, Lois said…
Hi Mary..
I am up late.. I got up at 3 am and stupidly took a 3 hr nap.and here I am up at 1230 am lol. Penny comes tomorrow and we have some work to do.
Igot the mess cleaned up..
Im glad u had a great christmas, lets hope the weather holds for u to paint .. glad Becky is gettin better.. I never did find out about that blue gel I have.. its really good..
Sweet dreams Mary..
Always, Lois ****
At 7:11 AM, Gray said…
What a mess!
That's what my cats look like when they do something bad.
At 9:14 AM, Lois said…
Hi Gray..
Kids I'll tell ya..so innocent looking hey? whats funny is the look you can see all over LB is like "can u believe this kid" almost see him shake his head lol..was my own fault I even said to my self..cuz it happened before..last year i think but he did it before and ran all over cuz they stuck to him.. lol..tha was a mess lol.. oh well next time i PROMISE i will NOT leave the box up on the couch..but too i hope next time i get a box its got something in it for me.. lol..
have a good day..
Always, Lois ****
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