
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

~Santa's Comin~ :-)

this doesn't look like a Christmas Eve day does it? Was
really a nice day..I am kinda glad..I think of all those that
are travelling to see their families and loved ones..So this
good weather will help.. I just like snow on Christmas..and
who knows..maybe tomorrow it will a little just for the ones
crazy enough to miss it lol..I don't want bad weather for the
ones travelling tho..like Kelli and Donnie, my sister and
niece..all will be on the road..My sister is going up North I
think tomorrow..She will have all her children there tonite..
All will be there, her 4, 3 of the spouses and 14 of the grands.
2 of the great grands.. She will have a house full ..but shes
so excited this year..she really is..

Shirley just re did all of her kitchen and livingroom..Shes so
axious to use all her new things..She says its just the kitchen
shes always wanted..cost her a lot..but well.. its worth it if its
something you really enjoy..and my sis is like me..shes a good,
no..great cook..Usually she will buy the items for her dinner from
a local special market she goes to..Excellent food..MMM that's
what shes done for past Christmas Eve dinners.. She has her
Christmas on Christmas Eve..the kids all come and they all go
to the candlelight service in one big group..Stan loves to lead
his family in there..Well this year Shirley is making all her goodies
pies ..deserts..cookies. Of course 2 of the kids will help and
bring things as well.. Most of the grands are older now..the 15,
16, 17 age group..and you know how they can eat lol.. I think
she got one of those Heavenly Hams that are the best in the
world I think lol very good..

When they get back its soup's on ..then time for the gifts..and
wow..its like people and paper everywhere lol..its fun..the last
time I went was in 2000.. Ive not been able to go since..Stan
would come and get me if I could go..but Shirley couldn't hardly
acess her house when she was in that chair when she broke her
leg..I still cant get to the potty there..I wonder how she did? Hop
into the bathroom? hmm I cannot picture my sister hopping.. I
guess maybe Stanley carried her, but I cant picture that either lol.
I don't know..Anyway..A great time is had by all..

Im still learning my digital camera.. its so nice..My cam just seems
to not want to focus anymore and I have NO idea what I am doing
wrong.. I have been taking them in a bigger size..maybe that's it..
I have no idea im not real good at this stuff..It will be nice when I do
learn it- I will..just been hetic these few days..and If I tried to read
the instructions on it..well it wouldn't sink in..I know when my brain
is receptive to new stuff..thankfully it still is off and on. only now it
seems to let me know when it is lol.

Did not have any major surprises and no major reminders today.
I did get a call from Blue to wish me a merry merry..hes so sweet..
I got some wonderful photos and cards too..I enjoy reading what
my friends have done the past year..I like knowing..keeps them
close..and I feel a part of their lives..I enjoy that..and too Im so
nosey..saves them from telling me all that stuff lol.. :-) I woke at
7 this morning to find LB in his favorite spot all in a ball..he loves
laying between my stumps..he always has lain there since he
was a baby.. Dutch? well I looked down and the boy was laying
totally across my chest from one side to the other just snorin!
he was just cuttin em..and looked so comfy..I mean he was allllll
the way from one side to the other.. was cute.. wish I had a pic
of him..that's where he likes to lay tho..up close ..lots of times
hes up under my chin..lol.. my boys love me..what can I say? well
I love them too !!! :-) I would be so very very lonesome with out
them here ..

Well these 2 boys..and this GORGEOUS weeble are getting a
few cookies and going to watch TV..I didn't get to see but the
cops turn the siren on..it was lights out for me..on the TV show
COPS..lol.. *Merry Christmas* I hope Santa is good to you and
you find all kinds of goodies in your stockings.. :-) Nitey Nite..

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya..and thanks bunches :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois,

    I hope that you are fine. Me ok. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope that you are reserving some nice surprise for us. I hope that you will put some nice sexy picture of yourself tonight.

    Have a nice day.
    Take care....


  • At 8:05 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Merry Christmas Yashvin...
    I just put pictures of me.. :-) they are nothing special, I dont take 'sexy' ones.. :-)

    Hope you have a good holiday, nice to hear from you :-) hope all is well there and you have good new year..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Merry Christmas Lois, God bless you on this special day...Mary

  • At 12:39 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Same to you Mary.. Hope your having a nice time with your family.. I appreciate you taking the time to say hello.. I appreciate the company my friend.. Merry Christmas..
    Love ...
    Always,.. Lois ****

  • At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois are you eating to many cookies, I know they sure taste good...the pies is just about call gone here...trying to rest right now.... Merry Christmas Lois....Mary

  • At 5:54 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Can anyone eat too many Christmas cookies? lol..ive not eaten alot as some of them are for Kelli and Donnie.. they would be most sad if I ate all theirs I promised them..:-)
    its the fudge thats the problem that stuff just steady calls me to try it ..I have NO will power against it either lol..
    Hope you had a good day Mary..sit back, relax and savor your good day
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:44 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    So green!

    One cat between your stumps and one on your chest? I won't tell you what feelings that evokes. lol

    Thanks for the nice post.

  • At 9:06 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray.. :-)
    your most welcome..Im so glad that you take the time to come here and read ,, spend time with me :-) thanks..
    Always, Lois ****


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