
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

~Chair Guy Came~ :-)

Today the guy, John, came from a new medical supply place
up in Grand Rapids, about an hour away, he was in a chair too.
He came about my power chair. He looked mine over and
agreed there was something drastically wrong..it would not
come on at all..He measured the doors and this chair..and
asked a lot of questions.. filled out all sorts of paperwork. and
then said.." it can take anywhere from 8 to 16 WEEKS" I
did not say a word, other than "well lets hope sooner, since
most of the paperwork should be already done" He smiled
and said he would do his best..he understood, which I'm
sure he did.. I found the paperwork on my chair..I got it in
may 2002, and the cost was $6212.00 .. a lot of money.
They wont repair it..he said that.. It will be a new one..just
no guarantee it will be a lifter upper kind.. :-)

He told me what he thought would be the best chair for me,
and that one that rose up would benefit me greatly.. He did
not promise the insurance would agree. if not it would be
like I have but better. The seat looks like the seat of a plush
car. I asked for black..it goes with everything, he asked what
color I wanted and a lighter color- no..for me? I need dark..
He said it would have a tip away arm, and be fully pushable
disengaged and can be folded up and taken along..It looks
more like one of those on TV where mine now is more a
wheel chair type look..I like this new look and I KNOW I will
really like it if it can go higher..That will make a big difference.

John must have stayed for 2 hours at least..and hes very nice.
I never did ask why he is in a chair..he folded his right over top
of his left to hold his laptop there and when he wrote he used
his leg as a desk.. He had to lift it up I noticed..I didn't see a
brace or anything..and his chair was one with out arms and
the wheels slightly bent..more a racing style..he drove up in a
nice van..he said he had this job for 4 months now..I give him
a lot of credit..He said he was glad there was no snow. and
he said "your ramp is very sturdy, im a lot heavier than you
and there was no give at all" He was a big guy.. so that's nice
to know..

I got yesterdays paper and there was no mention of my ramp
in the paper so I guess it wasn't news worthy enough..or will
be in at some other time..but I would have thought within a
day or so of the happening lol.. Those nice guys deserve the
recognition and their company does ..so does Home Depot..
I may call and ask that girl..if and when she does put it in the
paper to let me know..lol..

That picture up top..is that a spoiled kittie? laying on my mink,
looking out the window.. poor baby just has it so rough.. I do
spoil them ..the mink cape is what I use over my legs when it
was so drafty in here. Dutch finds it no matter where it is he
loves to lay on it. Its so soft and warm ..who can blame him
hes a smart cat lol..he looked so spoiled I had to take a picture
of him.. I tried to get one of LB..it was so funny..When he looks
for his girl friend he meows till he finds her..then he drags her
off or brings her by me most of the time.. This morning she was
out by the food dish..Well he dragged her in here and I can
hear him next to me..then got quiet and I looked down and hes
just laying there next to her his arm over her..so cute by the
time I got the cam on he was gone lol.. I will get him yet lol.
I saw that I laughed so hard, he just fell over, the look on his
face, I swear he was smiling contentedly...lol what a strange
lot we are lol..

I was sitting here while John was filling out all the paper work
and waiting for him to finish, I noticed how my toes felt..my
big toe on my left food actually really hurts. Like an ice pick is
being jabbed into it..only that toe. . I notice that if I really think
hard.. I can feel each toe move..I can make them all kind of
bend under.. know what I mean? its so weird..both feet I notice
for a long time now..that they don't hang like they did when they
were there..they seem to tippy toed..and with pressure to stay
that way, and I have to push hard to get my foot flat.. . but I can..
This is so amazing ... and its really hard to explain..my mind
has NO idea ..that they are gone.. They feel not normal..but
they feel THERE..

Would you believe I got one more bill in the mail? yup..GAS!
like I don't have that already .. sorry lolol...its 139.41 . its
because the deposit is included of 65.oo ..the bill its self wasn't
that much..less than what my budget is going to be when its
approved.. They send it all at once..and with the bloomin bank
statement ..THATS whats the kicker..I was really going to try
to work on my checkbook and when I thought about it I got
a headache right up in my right eye brow..and my good eye
started to twitch..and I just could NOT do my checkbook.. lol
well that's my story anyway .. I will tomorrow. I have to.. there
are some things I am hoping Penny can find that I need when
she goes to get my prescriptions filled..We cant find the
camera she used to take the pictures of the house.. Its gone.
I think I brought my ghost with me..which is ok..but he better
behave and not take stuff ..like he did at the other place ..We
NEVER found my teeth you know..not anywhere.. I am going to
get them and soon.. Im tired of soft food.. I havent eaten pop
corn in over a year! that's almost blasphemy lol..

The spoiled child woke me at 5:30 this morning and I never
did get to watch TV .. I did turn it on though.. maybe tonite I
can.. lol ..ya that's another one of my stories lol Nitey nite..

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya.. and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois, this is Elena from the Commercial-News. I am planning to put your story in tomorrow's paper.

  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well Hi Elena! So nice to hear from you.. I was wondering and lots have asked. I know I asked about a website. hmm could you email me the article? or photos? I can put that here LOL.. welcome to my world Elena..its nice here many wonderful people..

    Those sweet guys and Home Depot what angels in disguise :-) thanks for letting me know Kiddo!!! Keep in touch Hey?
    thanks :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois so good to hear it going to be in the paper, wow that make me very happy for you and the one's that did all the work on the ramp. Yes please do put it on the website for us to read, that would be great...
    Went to a Christmas party for all the hanidcap people, wow it always so much fun to see them all having fun...Yes Santa Claus was there and we got to take pictures..I try to send pictures of them later...
    God bless you my friend...Mary

  • At 11:39 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    How nice of Elena to post the information here. Thanks for doing that, Elena.

    That is a very interesting story about your chair guy. It's great to have his surely very expert opinion on your ramp. I have a very technically inclined friend with CP who says that is life has been improved immeasurably by his chair with vertical elevation ability. Even getting to reach one additional row of surfaces at work, in the kitchen, or in the closet makes a big difference to hie quality of life. I hope you get that feature approved.

    Thanks as always for the photos.

  • At 5:32 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,,
    yes, Im excited..those guys did such a great job..they deserve all the credit..and of course Home Depot. Im anxious to see the pictures Mary :-)

    Hi Gray,
    Yes, wasnt that nice~!~ Elena is so very nice..a cutie too :-) I hope it doesnt take 16 weeks..thats another 4 months. Of course, you KNOW i would NEVER do anything to try to speed it up either hehehe..

    My boy woke me at 3 am, he wanted to play, how can I refuse this kid? LB, Dutch, me all were playing, we had a good time. I'll just go back to bed in a bit..let them get it out then maybe mom can sleep lol..Penny will be here at 8.. nuther day..:-)
    Have a good day,
    ALways, Lois ****

  • At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bon jour ma Belle,
    So you are going to be mentioned in the newspaper. Very impottant woman.

  • At 3:13 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    I can't wait to see the article.

  • At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    So glad that things seem to be moving on your chair, at last. I guess, from what you say, that the nice guy who came to check your old chair is a paraplegic - perhaps a car crash victim? I hope he can get you an elevating chair - you would find cooking and washing up SOOO much easier. Just nine inches lift would make all the difference in the world.
    Take care, Hon. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois! Great Article, nice knowing that there are folk out there that care..

    God Bless


  • At 4:18 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Bon Jour Robert..
    Comment allez vou? je suis ici umm ..foo.. lol.. yes.:-) I need some french lessons lol.

    . I am IN the paper..the article is so very nice..only one problem she slipped and said the boys were dogs..shhhh lol.. they dont know :-) its a nice photo..not too bad, now you see the GORGEOUS FAT WEEBLE tonite .. I took some photos of the paper will post them tonite..its a weird co incidence wait till you read!! lol.its pretty good lol.

    Hi Gray, she did a great job. even mentioned our blog here, :-) im so glad. I dont really look my greatest but I have the nicest smile dont i? lol I KNOW thats what everyone is gonna look at too!!! hehehe..

    Ill post about 7 or so.. Im putting it together now.. I took pics of the paper with my cam..lol..

    Raife, hon that is so VERY true :-D
    A 9 inch lift would solve alot of my problems... thats ALL im saying to that now sweetie hehehe.. :-D

    Hi Wilbur, yes I just talked to her on the phone, I whispered about the "dog" thing tho lol..shes so nice. You got the preview buddy!! lol, well my way of saying thanks, you know? was so nice of you to think of me..

    I would be so lost without all of you out there. I would..I have SO many blessings..I LOVE IT.. :-D
    Always, Lois ****

    Come back later..same bat channel..unknown time for sure lol..
    Always, Lois ****


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