
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

~A Break Today~

I decided I would give everyone a break today- mainly my
self, from more aggravation like yesterday.. I don't recall being
that mad in a long time..at least a few days lol.. I don't want to
hear all the lame excuses and the finger pointing at every else
that its not their fault, and it seems that's all they do when they
are caught not getting things done in the amount of time it
should take.. I know my ears need a break from listening to it
and my blood pressure doesn't need to go that high again at
least not for a few days...So I did not call one person today. I
did get a call from my friend down under though, from Blue,
he said there is just the worst drought ever down there in AU.
and its an island surrounded by water.. whats that part of a
quote.. "water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink"...
Isnt there like a purifier so the ocean water can be sucked up
to the land and cleaned or something ? :-) My ex's mother
lives on the river, the people that do, have pumps and they pull
the water from it to water their gardens, lawns etc. I would
imagine they probly would have some kind of water purifier
in AU..or Hawaii or any of those places..I don't know but..I
would think so. How would they have enough fresh to keep
all those people in water? Well they probly do have those
thingies..but just cant supply enough for everyone-
Joys of HOT weather :-)

We have had a few snow flurries today off and on but nothing
much.. I was so glad when I hung up that woolbie..first try last
nite to hang it and I got it up thanks to those longer nails that
Raelynn put in for me.. That was so nice of her to do and of
her client to send them.. I hope hes doing good.. he seemed
like a very nice guy.. I know its gonna take him a while.. and
he said he had just had his hip replaced just before his head on
collision that broke both his arms and legs.. He said he was
very lucky that he didn't lose his leg.. I told him he was..that
no matter what happens..at least hes still alive and can either
be sad at whats happened etc or glad that hes got time to go
on and enjoy the rest of his life.. hes a young guy.. only in his
40's I think Raelynn said.. It will take time to heal from all those
breaks, but with the rehab etc. he will, this health trak they have
just down the road by the hospital is always full of cars.. I can
almost see it from the window here..

The difference in being here and at the apartment is a really big
one..just the way I have to navigate, the size is so much smaller.
The biggest difference is the noise..no matter day or night..you
always hear cars..the boys..always have something to see when
they go from window to window..which they do..but here it seems
there is a world out there .... we can tell..over at the apartment.
there was no sound..well yes..when that man next door blasted
his stereo all the time..but outside, a car now and then going
into that parking lot by there or a few birds but that's all. Not any
thing like here. This road out front lots of times I see people
walking down the sidewalk ..probably walking down to that big
Meijers store or that new big drug store down there, well its not
new I guess its been there for a while ..but I hadnt been down
that way till Raelynn and I went and I saw the new Walgreen's
store..its huge too..

I remember when I was in high school..the next lttle town from
us had a nice Walgreen's and on our weekly trek down the hill
my girlfriends and I would go down to Iron River to go shopping,
we always stopped at Walgreen's for a soda, they had the old
kind of soda fountain..the stools up at a high counter..and of
course the fountain drinks. mine was always a lime coke..that
was so good..They would make it right in front of us, the good
old days.. I don't think there any old soda fountains anymore,
anywhere. To go there now..its so changed..last time I went
home I almost didn't even know it..it had changed so much,
let me get out in the country or the back roads? they havent
changed-still dirt and dusty and take you to some of the best
fishing and camping, just good clean healthy fun. I loved living
up there but you have to be an outdoor person..there is so much
to do summer or winter up there, well even here for that matter..
That huge ski hill is just over there past Donnies a little way and
the lake he lives on..he said is a great fishing lake. he loves it-
with his pontoon..that's the only way to fish.. everything is right
there like a fishing house boat lol..

A lot of people when I went down to that wonderful little town way
down there in Lousiana..lived on house boats ..some were just
wonderful . I had the chance to visit a friend of the girl I went there
with.. When the person that owned the houseboat got tired of
where it was..they just untied it and went farther up or down the
bayous.. It is just so beautiful down there..and that Cajun music?
well I mean that is the MOST enjoyable .. I love listening to it.. I
heard this very young boy..he sang and played the accordion
I think ..and talent? he was great. I love the accent. that friend that
kept saying that "ope de doe.. ope de doe".. I had NO idea what
he said.. well I did when he talked slower.. thank God he did..he
said OPEN the DOOR ! he was gonna be sick! :-) I think one of
the most memorable things I was told about down there is that
there were about 10 men to every woman! I guess because of the
oil rig help stationed down there at the ports :-D . works for me..
Hmmm Lousiana.?..naaa they get hurricanes down there.. but it
is one of the most beautiful states there is.. I sure liked it.. I would
go back.. I love the boudan..and the chickory coffee... :-) some
of that stuff was strong enough to walk ! :-)

See? Food..I wonder why no matter where you go..that's the one
thing it seems that you remember too, when you go somewhere.
I think its because its such a universal thing and too, food is such
a VERY necessary part of daily livin.. aint we just lucky?? lol.. and
specially when its just so good and such a wide variety..that's the
joy of it.. I chat with my friend in the UK and one of the things we
chat about is what they had for dinner or supper over there and
how different the food is.. well its the same really,, just goes by a
different name..Its all good though and I don't think there are too
many that can say they do NOT love good food.. ;-) I cant..lol..

My food is out in the kitchen, lunch was its usual unidentifiable
self and I did not eat it.. I think I may make some nice buttered
toast and get a can of diced tomatoes..and put them on it with
some of that good parmesean cheese..now THAT is some
good stuff..VERY GOOD.. I highly recommend it..lol.. So, you
know whats next.. Nitey Nite :-)

Oh, those that have sent me cards and mails wishing me a
Happy Birthday..thank you so very much for thinking of me..
sure means a lot. :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks :-)

Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A houseboat story:
    I have a first cousin from St. Louis originally. She met her husband at Cornell. They were both math teachers, and lived on a boat in the Huntington Beach, Ca yacht basin. Her husband has his ship's pilot license. So, in retirement, they deliver huge yachts to the famous execs and celebrities who order them

  • At 7:14 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Momar,
    Now that is a great retirement, getting to ride on those. Ive seen some that are just the most amazing things. Those I saw in LA were just beautiful, and I LOVE to fish, used to be a great swimmer too, wonder if I would sink now? :-) probly like a rock! hope you have a good day!
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    No, you would float OK. You would need to adjust your stroke a bit, though!!
    Hope those canned tom-may-toes were as good as our tinned tom-maaaah-toes!!!
    Hope you put a bit of Worcestershire (pronounced Woooster) Sauce on them!!! LOL ;o}
    One of these days, when I cross the pond, I shall be able to try all these interesting dishes. I haven't persuaded Management to make Hoppin' John, yet. Maybe, one day?
    Take care, Hon. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 4:53 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife.. :-)
    I cant cook with out that stuff its the best...adds such flavor lol..
    hoppin john is good..try it..
    hope your gettin your hangin done :-)
    We got snow today... not alot.. but a bit..
    hope you have a good day..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Nice to have the week end so all the phone calling off till Monday.
    The weather man said we might get 2 to 4 inches of snow here Saturday...That ice is hard to get off the streets, we got our drive way clean off an a bit of the sidewalk too. We clear a drive way for one of my friend today, so she could get her car out. her hubby is in the nursing home and her mother was put in the hospital today, her mother is 94 years old next month.
    I use to fish when I was younger, Bob love to go fishing when he can.
    You have a great day and stay warm.
    God bless you and meet all your needs...Mary

  • At 7:17 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,,
    We woke up to the sand trucks.lol. we have snow.not much. the ground is covered, more is expected tomorrow so Ive heard but then the best way to tell the weather is just look out the window.. lol.. its cold too.. nice winters night.. hope you have a good evening Mary and be careful out there shoveling..that can over do some people..so..be careful. stay warm and dry.. after i finish tonites post I plan to get a doughnut of course and some good hot chocolate lol. will be good on a night like this..
    Take care Mary.. :-) good to hear from you.
    Always, Lois ****


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