I found a box.. full of photos I had found and put them away when I
unpacked from that very first move into that apartment in 2002..
Its a box of my ex's stuff, photos that he should have..some odds
and ends that he overlooked when he was packing up my things
he didn't take them out.. I looked through the photos and found a
few that I am glad I did look through them..I had wondered where
this photo was..its so kewl. I took that one day while we were out
fishing.. the water is so clear up there in Upper Michigan..the lake
was like glass..and it was a beautiful warm summer day..you can
see the clouds..and the sky, was very blue.. Now..do you see the
fish? lol.. It had come up to the top..to chase a lure that's right
there in front of it, you can just make it out, I cant remember the
kind it is, I want to say a perch, but no..that's not it.. I dunno..its a
fish..not big either, compared to what we knew was in this lake,
this was Ottowa Lake, a great walleye one..Caught many great
eating walleyes out of this lake. Its not far from where we lived..I
would guess miles but I don't know lol I know to drive it we could
be there in 15 minutes..so. how many miles? lol..There were lots
of lakes with in a half hour to 45 minutes from where we lived, I
would guess...10 or more..and all GREAT fishing lakes, all fresh
clear water. David never took his 14 foot boat out of the back of
his pick up truck all summer..it stayed there. :-)
When I got the film developed I didn't see the fish.. and thought I
had taken a rather dumb photo of kinda blurry clouds..then I got to
looking more closely and discovered the fish and realized that
the clouds had reflected in the water and made it look like the fish
was up in the clouds lol. I thought was a pretty neat photo.. Not a
prize winner..but well I took it lol..I enjoy taking photos, I always
I had said quite a while back I had caught a nice big Northern Pike.
That I did and do LOVE to fish. I couldn't find this photo of it. David,
my ex is holding it for me.. there was NO WAY I was tackling that
fish after fighting it for a half hour to get it reeled in,..Northerns are
really mean fighters with razor sharp teeth. I finally got that monster
to the boat..David takes the net..and tries to dip into the water with
it..and almost yells.. IT WONT FIT IN THE NET! and looks
at me, like WHAT was I gonna do? we only had the one..Well he got
it up and into the boat..and used a heavy line to tow it more or less
back to shore. this was just at sundown, and my most favorite time
of day, that lake is ICE Lake.. a not real big one, almost right there
behind David on the other shore is the public beach, where I rode
my bike to many a summers day..Its a great lake and there is a nice
big motel right on it, its over to the right, just past the tail of the fish,
..with boats and some of them are cabins, its a great little spot to
go on vacation, specially if you love to fish. Just fall out the door
and right into a boat..and off you go. That's living hey? Up north for
ya.. but Isnt it a beauty?? the fish too :-D.. he was a good looking
man, my ex..a real doll, but that is the only thing I will say for him,
that's my fish, fresh out of the water..David's smiling after I took
that's my fish, fresh out of the water..David's smiling after I took
this he says "Im gonna say I caught this you know, with you taking
the picture" I said he could..was just a fish.. Ive caught LOTS
bigger than that..a hammerhead shark for one! lol.when I was in
Texas.. but I DID catch that fish..:-)
the picture" I said he could..was just a fish.. Ive caught LOTS
bigger than that..a hammerhead shark for one! lol.when I was in
Texas.. but I DID catch that fish..:-)
The wall in our living room..you can see MY fish over on the left. It
was 32 inches long..I don't know the weight.. The lure is hanging out
of its mouth but its hard to see, There is a fly rod up across the top..
and the big fish facing the Northern is a German Brown my Dad
caught back in 1957, that sadly did not survive the move to the apt.
there is a smaller fish mounted below it..its a Brookie..a quite large
one, they don't get very big,and are some of the best eating fish you
can eat, especially fresh caught. Nothing better, There is what looks
like a picture on the door there it is a puzzle, I glued together that I
have a photograph of my Dad almost like it, as if it was made
from that. My ex was a hunter as you can see by the antlers.he
got one every year, he used a bow ..his preference..he was a very
good shot. or aimer or what ever a bowsman? archer? lol. I dunno.
good shot. or aimer or what ever a bowsman? archer? lol. I dunno.
But that wall, started MANY conversations, who doesn't like fish?
Oh, to get that Northern mounted? cost us $150.oo..expensive fish
hey? and we didn't get to eat it either.they, well, we didn't eat them,
theyre a real boney fish. Some pickle them in chunks David said
its really good. ..me? no..I don't like pickled fish..put that with the
carrots..lol.. I still could go fishing now, I would.. :-) Donnies got a
pontoon too, one of these summers I just might go
Right back to food..lol..why do I always end up with food? I guess
cuz, I know that's where im going to go, Im not hungry but I do
want a soda, so I HAVE to go out into the kitchen..and there just
HAPPENS to be cookies on top the refridgerator..well? I might
have to check and see if theyre fresh.Donnie came by with Jerky,
he stopped on the way and got a mailbox and put it on the door for
me.. Took him 2 minutes to do it..and it looks nice.. We got all that
straightened out today, I called the post office and my mail will now
be put right up here on my door. NOW, that is good. Donnie coming
over to do it and its his wifes birthday, I told him when he called
before he didn't need to today..but he had to come over to a store
here anyway. so he came by, found the fudge too.Oh.... ALL that
fudge I gave them? he told me tonite ..hes not allowed to have any
more.. I told him there was some out there yet, I guess Dawn, did
not get ONE piece of it.. he ate it all..lol..she told him "NO more
FUDGE for you" so he promised he wouldn't eat anymore of it..lol.
hes bad..candy and Donnie? specially those hersey kisses..the
cuz, I know that's where im going to go, Im not hungry but I do
want a soda, so I HAVE to go out into the kitchen..and there just
HAPPENS to be cookies on top the refridgerator..well? I might
have to check and see if theyre fresh.Donnie came by with Jerky,
he stopped on the way and got a mailbox and put it on the door for
me.. Took him 2 minutes to do it..and it looks nice.. We got all that
straightened out today, I called the post office and my mail will now
be put right up here on my door. NOW, that is good. Donnie coming
over to do it and its his wifes birthday, I told him when he called
before he didn't need to today..but he had to come over to a store
here anyway. so he came by, found the fudge too.Oh.... ALL that
fudge I gave them? he told me tonite ..hes not allowed to have any
more.. I told him there was some out there yet, I guess Dawn, did
not get ONE piece of it.. he ate it all..lol..she told him "NO more
FUDGE for you" so he promised he wouldn't eat anymore of it..lol.
hes bad..candy and Donnie? specially those hersey kisses..the
caramel? now..those are good I highly recommend them.. Ok..
enough food, and candy writing, its time to say, Nitey Nite.. :-)
enough food, and candy writing, its time to say, Nitey Nite.. :-)
Y'all have a good one, Y'hear? luv ya..and Thanks.. :-)
ps. today was a good day ! :-)
ps. today was a good day ! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 9:49 PM, Anonymous said…
Lois it sound like you had lot of fun fishing, love the pictures...even the small one in the water look like the sky.
Going to bed early, that paper work get to me real fast. Hoping to finish it up Tuesday.
You have a good night sleep and me too. God bless you my friend.
At 10:13 PM, Lois said…
Yes, I love to fish..was so relaxing.. I always caught fish..lol.. never failed. I had a lucky rod..thats one of my favorite photos. I have MANY lol.
Im headed to bed myself..I had a nice day..my mailbox, and that done..Penny painted.the chair moved.. good day it was. Hope you have a good nights sleep
take care..
Always, Lois ****
At 5:16 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
You've never had Rollmops? Pickled raw Herring with onion and seasoning - they are SOOOOO GOOOOD!!! With a nice slice of home-made brown bread and butter and a glass of dryish white wine - a feast fit for a King!!
Love the pics - that pike is quite something, must have taken some hauling in!! Well done, you.
Take care, Hon. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 5:27 AM, Lois said…
Morning Raife,
No, ive not had that.. Ive tried it but I would put it in with my carrots. lol. Lots of people like Pike, but its very boney, by pickling the bones almost disintegrate, they say its an excellent fish for pickling..Its so amazing the names we have for the same stuff lol..
Today I get to play in the bathroom.. I just have to figure a way to get some nails in and stuff down lol, I can just have to plan my attack very carefully...
Hope you have a good day, done hangin? lol.. :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 7:35 AM, Gray said…
That was a big fish for sure!
Living on the coast I mostly do salt water fishing where the river empties into the sea. The big fish hand out there to catch the smaller ones that come up into the brackish or hide in the salt marshes. Stipers, bluefish, cod, pollock, mackerel, sometimes flounder, skates, and monk fish.
We go ice fishing on our lake, but there has not been enough ice this year.
Thanks for the photos.
At 11:14 AM, Lois said…
Hi Gray,
green bay was a great fishing town right at the mouth of the Fox River right off Lake Michigan..all kinds..
Donnies lake is an excellent fishing lake he says..and well salt water fishing is totally different that fresh. lol. I like to fish.. :-) I miss it, I Think I mainly just liked sitting out there by the water..:-)
Hope your having a good day Gray..
Take care..
ALways, Lois ****
At 11:39 AM, Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one! Did you know that Northern pike is called "gädda" in sweden, in you lingo it shud be sayed like this (phonetic) "jedda"....
I have to say i am very pleased with the way things have solved today. Well one big trouble is fixed i hope, but all these bugs in my programs is something for Arnold Schwarsenegger or Clint Eastwood or some other tuff guy to fix!?
I aint clever enough. Do you miss fishing? Is there no possybility to fish for you now? Cant someone take you to a lake, and let you do a thing you enjoy so much... You dont have to eat all the things you catch.... Well if you could get some bones, but they would prolly be too thin for you.
Aint i mad?
From sad to mad, life has it little ups and downs!
Take care till next time dear!
Your own
At 11:51 AM, Lois said…
Good Morning Rob,
Yes, I am too. :-)..D&D live on a lake. and have a pontoon..its just hard as they both have trucks, hard to get into.. If I had my own van or way to get around? I would go. I would travel. I enjoy riding.. sightseeing. I have so many video tapes..I wish I could find a way to get photos off of them.. I would LOVE TO learn how..So many wonderful things on those tapes..from when I was a tiny girl lol.. :-) was I ever tiny? lol..
I like fish, to eat..I had a wonderful fish tank too.. :-) no I didnt raise them to eat LOL :-)
Hope you have a good day today Rob..
get some work done lol.
Always, Lois ****
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