~Some Days ~
Would you believe some days I wake up in a bad mood? :-)
I know, me of all people, but sometimes that happens, that
I know, me of all people, but sometimes that happens, that
I do and I don't really know why because I cant put my
finger on any one thing that makes it that way... I think for
today was because I bet I had to get up and go potty 3
times last nite. that sure got old real fast..enough to where
I was tired of fighting to get back into my chair. Its really
I was tired of fighting to get back into my chair. Its really
not easy.. Then I had to wait, it seemed forever for the
toilet to stop running, jiggling that handle doesn't work,
it does sometimes but then I have to take the lid off to get
it to really stop, which is not easy to do since I have to do
it from the side. I cant while Im sitting on it..as I cant reach
to put it anywhere. I bet ive called Chris 4 times on this at
least and not heard that first word back from him.
I was looking through some old photos of where I was
raised.. My mother kept some old post cards..its so sad
that now the 3 little towns are no longer there, they have
been made into just one now. The main streets of them
are still there, but it sure has changed.. So many things
have.. The town I remember was so alive and full of people,
but then that was when there was work there and jobs for
everyone..The iron ore mines are what kept that area of
the Upper Peninsula alive and everyone had a good life
as they paid so well, now I think there is only one left up
there and its not where I lived..
There used to be the old mining shafts that you could see
all over..very interesting to see.. I can remember many
times hearing of someones yard caving in..or even the
road, and cars not knowing the road was gone drove in
to the pit.. no one was hurt which was very lucky.. But can
you imagine to wake in the middle of the night to feel the
house shaking and look out side and see an enormous
hole in your back yard? So much of the area up there is
all undermined there were so many mines up there. In
a one town there is a mine that is open to the public, and
you can ride in a car on tracks that takes you down into
the mine.. Not for me..I have a thing about closed in
places and tunnels.. I don't do those very well.. The life
and times back then was a good time.. its sad that
things have to change like they do..and sometimes not
for the better.. Its still beautiful country..God's Country
as I call it up there.. I do miss it..
I have been thinking of what I will be able to do with the
yard when the weather finally goes into Spring.. I don't
know if I should try to do a garden or not.. Im hoping that
I wont have trouble finding someone to come and cut
the grass .. from what Ive been told the city frowns on
yards not being kept up..and if the grass gets too long
they will give you a ticket..just like they will if you don't keep
the sidewalk cleared in front of your house.. I don't know
if the snow remover guy Robert does yard work. I can
just see me out there with a riding mower lol.. If I drive
that as badly as I do or have ..my power chair I could be
in trouble, since there are trees out there :-) I know if I
got out of control and cut all the neighbors yards I bet
they would be pleased..:-)
I phoned the boy, hes doing good..very restless, he still
is house bound but knowing him he will think of a way to
get out.. He can drive..its his left ankle.. but there really is
not a lot you can do on crutches, his house is a tri level
and that is giving him problems, I told him I know what its
like..and had to remind him of how long I had gone with just
one leg before I lost the other..so he knows I know what hes
going thru.. He said.."Gran, Im having such a hard time with
just this one not being able to use it.. HOW do you do so
well not having any?, this sure isnt easy" I told him I just do
what I can..and try..Donnie knows better than anyone how
hard I do try to do stuff.. he yells at me a lot and says to call
him to fix stuff..but hes finding out, how hard it is to steady
ask for help.. its not easy..specially when you are used to
doing for your self, hes so lucky to have Dawn .. she takes
wonderful care of him.. Shes a doll..
Well today has gone by slowly I took a desk rest earlier and
I sure needed it...but I still am tired and ready to go back to
bed and watch TV . I did see the whole TV show of Cops
last nite I was glad.. Not often I see a whole program :-)
I wonder if I will make it through another one tonite.. I know
I did NOT drink ONE Thing so I better not have to get up
a zillion times tonite..at least I hope so..but its that time
again like every nite to say "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
Ps.. The photo is one I took last week, my cam isnt working
right, I took about 4 different ones..good thing I didnt delete
them like I have most of my photos..Its just a different pose
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 5:48 PM, Anonymous said…
Its just a different pose
Any pose is allright, as long the pose is you, my dearest dear one!!!!
And hon, if you wake up feeling blue, dont do... Cause as good as you dress in blue, you cant be, atleast you dont make us feel blue, looking at you....
Well you have lighten the life of your admirers, of wich i am the greatest.
Take care dear, and KAO´s...
Your own
At 7:05 PM, Lois said…
Hi Rob :-)
You know how to make me smile..I appreciate you so very much..your a sweetie :-) I hope youre feeling better and the cough has stopped. take good care sweet man :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 9:26 PM, Anonymous said…
Lois that really is a great picture of you, blue is your color for sure.....If I had to get up three time I would be in a bad mood for sure. I get upset if I go once at night.
Becky got a new seat for her wheelchair, wow it sure does take a long time....
Bob going to have a small garden,I wonder if we can keep those puppies out of it.
God bless you Lois.
At 10:24 PM, Anonymous said…
the front yards to both of my houses are small 10x12 and 10x20feet. I will be growing a carribbean spinach called Callalloo which grows like a weed.
One Saturday years ago - on a Saturday afternnon the front doorbell rang and there were 2 policemen there. They had a complaint from neighbors that I was farming in the city. I had to uproot the raspberries, the chamomile but they let me harvest the tomatillos. Enuf about gardening.
At 7:18 AM, Gray said…
Wow, that is a particularly good photo of you, Lois.
Here, snow removal and lawn maintenance are legally the landlord's responsibility. If it is mutually agreeable they can pay you fair value for foing the work yourself.
Now a garden would be lovely, even if it started out this year as nothing more than a few tomato and lettuce plants in containers.
I hoe that Sonny continues to heal well. An eye opener to him, I'm sure.
At 9:15 AM, Lois said…
good morning :-)
Hi Mary, I always had a veggie garden and of course flowers. Nothing like fresh garden veggies. Was kind of a rough week end, I think a small bout with flu or something, I Havent spent so many days in bed for a long time.
I so appreciated the photos of you and your puppies Mary, what a kind pretty face to see..and know what my dear friend looks like..thank you...
Hi Momar..
Farming in the city.the neighbors probly complained cuz you didnt share..that is so sad that you cant do what you want in your own yard hey? congrats on the new grand.. :-)
Hi Gray,
Thanks hon..yes like they say, until you really experience something you dont really know.. He's finding out sadly..I wish he wasnt but .. hes doing ok.. I may
get some plants in pots for on the
front porch..specially tomatoes..I LOVE fried green tomatoes..MMM..
Hope y'all have a great day, so nice to hear from all of you..Its rainy and cold here.
ALways, Lois ****
At 2:34 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Gorgeous,
Love the pic - you look soooo great! And quite a nice smile.
Thanks for the info you your old town(s). Finally warming up a little here - still lots of ice on the ground from Friday's mess!
Take care Hon,
Bare hugs,
At 4:41 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Lovely pic of my Favourite Weeble - Thank you.
We've had sunshine, rain, sleet, hail and snow to-day. No thunder and lightning - yet!!
I've been stripping to-day!! (The dining table top!!!) Management didn't like the colour (Sorry, color!!! oh, yes and favorite!!!). Geee, the two pack marine varnish is sure hard to strip, even with paint stripper.
Hope you didn't have to run a shuttle service to potty, like last time, and that you got a good night's sleep. Take care, Fav. Weeble, L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 6:45 PM, Lois said…
Hi Butty,
Good to hear from you! So glad you liked the photo..Wasnt too bad here today, spring is close I hope :-)
Hi Raife!
Your always busy busy, you are as handy as a button :-) Good to hear from you ...
Always, Lois ****
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