
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, April 27, 2007

~Chair Day~

Busy day today, Wright Filippis called this morning and told me
they were going to deliver my new powerchair this morning between
10 and noon. I was glad.. I called and asked R & R that were renting
the power chair to me to come and get theirs. It is so very nice to
get that out of my bathroom..I really didn't use it that much...But I was
glad I had it. and I apprecitate APS for renting it for me..

When the 2 delivery men brought my new chair, one young man and a
older gentleman that said how much he loved cats but just couldn't have
one as his wife and son were highly allergic..He enjoyed the boy, as of
course anyone coming in here he thinks is here just for him, and he
made a pest of himself.. LB..he went in on the bed, he could care less.
The young man showed me how the chair operates..and where all
the buttons were to navigate AND to RAISE the chair up.. It went up
at least almost a foot..Was wonderful... It does not take a battery
charger, there is a cord, you plug into the chair, then into the wall..
both arms moved up and back as well..It even had a head rest.. It
had 6 wheels...that's the bad part...

The young man went through everything showing and explaining it
to me and I got to really looking close at it..and I noticed how the 2
wheels in front stick way out. That was NOT good..We talked about
it that I cannot side transfer..to me that is not safe, and a lot harder.
I asked if it was to make the chair more stable because of the seat
raising up and he said had nothing to do with it..So why they were
there I have no idea nor did they.. With those 2 front wheels, it
meant side transfer onto my bed, which wasn't possible, and if I
wanted to sit on my sofa , same thing... This chair would not pull
straight up to my bed as the wheels wouldn't fit under neath it.
We all talked about this- that this chair was not going to work for
me.. I don't know how others transfer etc, but this is how I do it.
Straight on..or backing into my chair.. I would have to transfer
in and out of this manual the same way, too much of a gap of
danger space where I could fall...That chair wouldnt work...

I felt bad, but this again is part of the salesmans fault I did point
that out to him AND its a left hand joy stick..I don't know if I can
use that.. Im right handed.. The photo of the chair I saw it was
a right handed one.. I felt bad being so picky but like I told the
guy, If my insurance company is going to pay for this ..then I
should have what I can use..This chair is outrageously high
priced to me..but well I guess all equipment for us is rather
high..This power chair is over $8000.oo. So for THAT kind
of money, I should have something that is safe and works
for me I think.. If not well Im not going to take something I
cant use just because my insurance is paying for it..That's not
fair..and I don't take advantage just because something is
more or less free to me.. I wont do that..

They took the chair back with them when they left, he said he
could have left it here until they figured something out..But I
don't want responsible for that chair or accepting it unless it is
what I want and can use.. He said they would call and let me
know what they can or cant do..if the front tires can be taken
off or not..then they need to find a different chair then..one
that will work for me.. I wasn't accepting it..no way..not that
kind of money it better be perfect. Now I wonder how much
longer it will be...Ive waited this long a little longer wont
really matter..

I worked hard today in my bedroom..I had a few boxes in
there that needed emptied and with that done will give me
more room in there , which I really need.. My TV has been
acting up the past couple nights..I hope nothing is wrong
with it.. I had it given to me when I was in the Hell home I
didn't have one..and someone had left it when the resident
had passed away.. Ive had it 6 years now..and It has been
knocked over once and part of the case on the top has a
long crack in it..So its done good by me..but I sure hope
it doesn't go out not when I need other things first, well
maybe not first..but Also :-) and a fridge is important..

Well Im tired..hungry and its that time again..I don't know
where the time is going..we are through another month
again..Time sure flies when you are having fun..at least
that's what they say..I know it does when your busy!
Time for another late lunch and to say "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois I'm so sorry that new powerchair wasn't the right one for you, and all that waiting you had to do.
    It been a nice day here with the weather.

    I am already for Saturday meeting at the church for the Lady, I have been looking forward to it since they set the date for it...about a months ago.
    We got the church all clean up and ready for it.
    Time for bed, going to eat some toast and go to bed.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 7:46 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Yes, very disappointing that it wasnt right..when they knew what I wanted..Well they will just have to fix it..
    I bet you did enjoy that gathering at your church I can remember them too..
    I hope you have a good day..
    I apprecite you taking the Time to read this Mary and to tell me you are here.. Thank you My Very Dear Friend..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    just as gorgeous as always


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