~This Blue Gel~
I have this cream, its a blue gel like substance, and it has a clear
look to it..and smells like cloves. Ive mentioned it before. This stuff
Is what I got when I was in the hellhome..I just got some more of it
that Lori went and got for me. Anyone that sits all day or lays, this
is THE best stuff there is..It does heal overnite practically and it
will deaden pain almost within minutes of applying it.. I know I
just wrote about this stuff not long ago..my reason for bringing it
up now is because I have been washing my left stump and putting
this stuff on it.. I have had flareups with the scar on that stump since
before I went into the homeless shelter, I even had a nurse coming
twice a week to check on it, this was in September...
Since I got this new tube of this stuff, I have been putting it on that
scar. and I have to say I am totally amazed at what effect this gel
has had on that scar!..Would you believe the scar seems to even
have shrunk? It is no longer red and looks very good..so much so
that I am in fact amazed at how good it does look..it hasnt looked
this healthy in months! and its all because of this blue gel.. So it
is even for more than just healing raw spots and protecting skin
from wetness..it is a very good healer upper as well! Its name
on it is Smith & Nephew. My Dr. had never heard of it..nor had
the pharmacy here in town.. and apparently the Hellhome is the
only place that has it.. For someone that sits..or lays for hours
at a time.. this should be very good for them.. I am hoping that
you will let me send some to you Mary, I am sure you will find
it very good and most helpful..
My friend Blue in Australia had an accident in his room and his
wheelchair hit his table and knocked his computer to the floor.
Luckily the only damage was to his keyboard.. He is back up
Luckily the only damage was to his keyboard.. He is back up
and running again.. he made it into town and purchased a
new one.. now he can write emails again.. He felt like his
fingers were broke probly not being able to type.. I think I
would if that happened to me..I know a few that don't have sound
on their computer, I would and almost did go nuts with out
sound. I was messing in my add remove program stuff once
a LONG TIme ago..and I told you I have this twitch in my
index finger.. I was going down the list and happened to pause
on the sound card thingie and my finger twitched and I deleted
my sound card or something.. I lost sound..and had to go and
down load some driver or something.. Well the time I had no
sound I felt like I had gone deaf..I couldn't stand it..to not hear
my songs I was miserable .~!~ Cant have a puter with no
I have a friend that is going thru some medical problems..and
having some hard days, I know there are many prayer warriors
out there and if you would add my 2 friends to your list..they
need the prayers and the extra encouragement, and there is
nothing as powerful I honestly believe that..Prayer can do
wonders. And don't forget me.. I need ALL the prayers I CAN
get!!! believe me! :-)
The ground outside this morning was all frosted..and every
thing looked sparkly and white..was so pretty. As soon as I
get up I have to come into the living room and pull the mini
blind up on this west window here so the boy can look out.
I close the blind and the curtain at nite when I go to bed as
I close the blind and the curtain at nite when I go to bed as
there are still some shadows that get thru the blind..that of
course Dutch will see and hes off and running every time a
car goes by.. He runs himself ragged. When I pull the blind
up and he sees that he runs up to this bench..full blast.
then skids across the top of it cuz it has catalogs on it..they
hit the floor and hes all happy and wont budge so I can put
them back up there..Hes a rotten child.. He thinks is big
fun to knock all those off there, and this is a daily routine.
I think the birds wait out there for him as there are always
some there, but Penny does put a lot of bread out there
for them.. I will get a nice birdfeeder...one of these days..
I still have half of the nice dinner Penny brought to me
and that is what I am going to heat up and then go and
watch TV for a few.. note FEW! that's about how long
I last too..a FEW..this new bed is working out really
well and I have to say I am sleeping better..I got goofy
and drank too much water before bed last nite and had
to get up twice..its ALOT easier to get in and out of
my chair with this new bed ..I am very glad of that..its
a little firm, but I am finding I do like that.. Only thing I
could really use is some new pillows..I had some
wonderful feather pillows..but they got ruined in the
move.. Anyway.. Time for food and time for my very
famous GORGEOUS WEEBLE words..."nitey nite".
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks..
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh you sound MUCH better - thank goodness.
I had a very busy week last week, we managed to get the painting done and it looks really good. I went back to work today but have to go to a funeral tomorrow - my Aunt died - she was 95! She was the last of my mother's sisters, a lovely lady, I shall miss her.
Bed time for me - I have had a wonderful evening researching Family History for a friend.
Julie x
At 7:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Whats the name of the blue gel. Can i buy it in a store.
At 11:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lois what a wonderful friend you are. You need that blue gel, and you might get into trouble to let other get a whole of it. Thank you so much for thinking of Becky, her leg is doing better again. We have two diffrent wheelchair seat for her now, and we change it every other day...and when she get home from the workshop she changes wheelchair again. Hoping to give the leg more of a rest and to stay well. Time will tell if it keep working for her.
What a wonderful person you are Lois.
God bless you.
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
I'm SOOO glad that Blue Gel is working. The only improvement I can think of is to have a guy rub it on for you!! Can I be first in the queue?? ;o)
Its great also that you find your new bed such an improvement.
Smith & Nephew is the firm that makes Johnson's Baby Talc - I use it every morning with my Gillette B.O. Basher (as my daughter calls it!!)
Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 4:31 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Julie,
Thanks kiddo. hope you are doing ok..So sorry to hear about your aunt.95 how amazing.
The blue gel is called Secura..and we couldnt find it anywhere, only at the hellhome.
I am going to have Penny go to the home and get a couple tubes of it and send one to you Mary If they will still sell it..I hope they do. I dont see why they wouldnt.
No I didnt know that Raife, I do know it is the best Ive found that actually WORKS!
Hope y'all had a great day,
Always, Lois ****
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