
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

~The Boy Was On Guard~

The boy as you can see was at his usual guard station today
looking across the street to some birds that were playing in
the road looked like! Of course the boy spotted them right
off.. He sat and waited and even tapped the glass to see if
they would come over to HIS Yard.. Of course they would,
there are bread crumbs underneath that snow out there and
the birds know it..it didn't take them long to come over.
You can see they pay no attention to him being there in that
window watching them..if you could see him his tail is starting
to twitch rapidly back and forth, and he is making little meowy
sounds.. notice the ears.. see how they are sorta up?
Now take a look at his ears.. they are almost flat across.. You
KNOW he is so tasting that bird out there and just wants it
so bad.. his tail about now is almost falling off his back side
its moving so fast..hes that excited...He WANTS that bird..
See his ears are even flatter now.. I don't know if he thinks hes
hidden better if his ears are flat.. but hes so excited.. :-)
He is making all kinds of purry sounds as if to call those birds
to him..LB is over on the recliner wondering "WHAT is wrong
with the kid NOW" and giving him a crazy look.. he knows its
birds.. Its so funny if I am here looking out the window and
both of them can be off sleeping if I say the word "BIRD!"
real loud a couple times..they both come running and jump up
on this bench and look out the window for birds. I want to put
a birdfeeder out there so bad for them.. I know they would
really enjoy that.. I used to have a cement birdbath that was
my mothers and in their back yard since 57. I had it until I
went into hospital in 2000..I had it with my ex, and gave it
to Donnies ex wife and I have no idea where it is now..but
I know my boys would love to have it out there..

Today is a good Easter Day, I woke up..thank GOD, and I do
feel much better..thank GOD...I had some of the sweetest
comments on my blog..thank GOD... I read email that was
so very very nice full of Easter wishes, thank GOD.. and I
have 2 little men here by me constantly..thank GOD..and
needless to say.. I have so many many wonderful ,
dear, friends..thank GOD.. today is a Count your Blessings
Day.. and I for one..have many many many.. ..
I apologize for this photo of me today..This peach outfit--
I swear this thing about glows in the dark.. its amazing..and
I do like the color but well I dunno I don't think is a real good
color for me.. I took about 6 photos again trying to decide
which was the better one..well rat fartz none were too very
good..well Ive been sick so you will just have to suffer with a
fugly foto lol... :-) and On that note..Im sayin "nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now , Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks!
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 3:41 PM, Blogger Celeste L. said…

    Lois, thanks for sharing your blog with me. I love the photos of your "boy" observing the birds in the yard. He looks like he'd love to pounce down and grab one.

    A Happy Easter to you and wishing you good health!


  • At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest honeydear!
    I think you look cute in this outfit, though i think you would be even sweeter without it.... ; )
    You dress well in all outfits thats something unusual with you. But if i have to make a choice i would want you to wear black.... And if i ALONE had the right to make a decision, well i would take you natural as you are without clothes, legs, glasses, teeths or whatever.... Its your inside i admire the most, even if the whole package is a delite.
    Well honey this is the last written in full freedom this week... As you know i leave for a long journey, and i am NOT ALONE..... But as soon i come by a computer i will look in to the life of the Nets most gorgeous woman, my own Lois. Take care dear and dont forget your promise to me. : )
    Your own
    R O B

  • At 3:52 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Celeste,
    so nice to hear from you..Yes both my boys love the birds thank you so much I hope your Easter was a nice one..

    Hello Rob..
    So nice to hear from you. Your so sweet.. Please be careful on the road this week and try not to work too hard. When you can I hope you will keep in touch.. Take care..

    So nice to hear from you..
    ALways, Lois ****

  • At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Easter Lois.
    Pam just went home,she was hoping to move back in...
    We all had a wonderful time visiting with each other...My oldest son Robert Leon wasn't here, they had a cookout at there home.
    They say it going to be warmer next week.....I hope so...
    How do you like your new bed???
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 5:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    It's Bank Holiday Monday here, by now. Just to let you know I'm thinking of you.
    Take care, Hon. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 7:41 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    I'm glad that you are feeling better. I love watching my cats stalk birds through the window also.

    That's not really bad outfit for you, unless the camera simply doesn;t show the intensity of the orange. You look cute and spring-like.

    We have snow too. Easter was colder tham Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's eve here. Yet my early irises are up and the first crocuses look like they will be opening in a week or so.

    Happy Spring!

  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary :-)
    its good to have family for dinner on a holiday, My new bed is working out a lot better I think..

    Hi Raife,
    I dont think thats a holiday here, not sure.

    Hi Gray~!~
    Good to hear from you...I have some plants coming up out by the garage no idea what they are tho.. We still have some snow, but if its sunny today it will go.

    Hope y'all have a good monday...take care, good to hear from you :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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