
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

~Called About The Chair~

I called the wheel chair lady, Kim. and talked to her about my chair,
quite a few things I pointed out that had not been told to her. And
why not, I have no idea... Scott, the kid that brought the chair did
not inform her of the side transfer bit..or that the joystick was on the
wrong side..To tell me to learn to drive it that way was really crappy,
when that can be put on either side. They handed me a crock when
they brought that chair. When I told Kim I was getting a little tired of
it all..of course she put the blame on my insurance and then on my
Dr.s office, which it isnt just ONE group that was so lax, it was all
of them..and then all together meant not one thing got done.. I told
Kim the point I am at now I would just as soon forget about this new
chair, that's how sick I am of all of it.. Its getting really old.. and in 3
months it will be a year since all this started..that is NOT acceptable,
to me anyway..and it sure does eat my lunch...

I woke up today with the sneezes and dribbly nose..as the day wore
on I gradually sneezed more and if my nose ran anymore I wouldn't
be able to catch it. :-) Ive not been around anyone with a cold that I
know of..but then it could have come from anyone that comes in
here, even the lunch lady even though she is only in and out..very
fast.. Colds spread easy, too bad they arent as easy to get rid of
as they are to get..! :-)

Ive not done a lot today other than to call the wheel chair people..
and I did call a few places to see about someone coming to cut
my grass for me.. I think it would be cheaper to get my own rider
and cut the grass myself.. Penny sent her son in law and grand
son over to pick up the wood and branches out in the yard which
is a great help..and Chris called said he would cut my grass this
first time, but then I would have to find someone to cut it for me..
There is a lot of work to having a house.. I love the privacy but I
am not real keen on all these extra hidden expense..well not
hidden..but ones I hadnt thought about..which I really should have
taken them into consideration.. Privacy means a lot but..if it
means all your bills tripling and gaining even more bills..well it
may not really be a good thing..

Lunch was pretty good today, they brought bbq beef with peas
and carrots of course and baked beans that were really good.
They did get a new cook I was told.but they are still using the
same recipes..which I don't see an improvement then on their
food. Its even more bland than the other was.. I have to add my
own salt and pepper , if its going to have any kind of taste at
all.. Ive gotten into the habit of making toast in the morning when
I put the coffee on, and I put butter and cinnamon and sugar,, it
is so good.. I think Ive had that stuff since I was 2 :-) and it
tastes as good now as Im sure it did when I was little..dunk it
in the coffee..its even better.. :-)

Penny will be here tomorrow and we have our work cut out
for us.. I need to get my bedroom organized better and decide
how I am going to put things.. I think I may put my bed back
where it was over by the heat vent.. I wont feel the heat coming
out of it this summer when the furnace isnt on.. I have to figure
out a way to get into my closet..and moving my bed around
may be the only way I can do it.. I don't know if Penny and I can
move the TV and dresser etc but I think I can.. I hope so I am
so ready to finish putting this house in shape.. I have lots to do
in the kitchen as well.. I sure wish I had a freezer, but then may
be if I did I would eat more and that would not be a good thing,
that just leads to chair alterations... :-) I cant win lol...

This post is early as my girl is coming over in a little while to go
shopping..Dawn got out of work early as they had nothing to do
so she is going grocery shopping.. Donnie said last nite that
they was out of food, knowing Donald they are NEVER out of
food..maybe a little canned stuff..but no hes not gonna let the
cupboard run totally bare..I know him that well.. I think a while
back they bought half a beef (cow) and have it in their freezer.
There is just no comparison to fresh meat to store bought..
Donnie used to raise pigs at the little farm he had and that was
so good too.. and he had chickens..talk about some great
eggs.! Farms are so much work..but sure worth it for all the
good food they have growing from meat, to veggies.. I want
to talk to her about my flower stuff in the yard see what she
thinks I should get.. I know morning glories..they are so pretty
and would look great all over that fence out side the kitchen
window.. Well I must be slow typin or shes fast..Dawn is here,
I see her pulling into the driveway so I better close this down
and let my girl in..time to say "nitey nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois so many can't have salt on there food, so that means you have to put salt on your...we are bless we can...
    I have to work all week for Becky in the morning till they fine another staff person. I can keep a better eye on her sore this way. And it is doing better again.
    The first night of volubteering for Prairie Meadows Therapeutic Riding Center Inc were the handicap children can ride horses. Michael has done this since he was 5 years old, now we volunteers during that time.It just one night a week for 7 week or so.
    Good night my friend.

  • At 10:10 PM, Blogger momar said…

    I have been getting up at 7am and retiring at 10pm. I get several meals on wheels each week. I add spices and it helps rather plain food sing.

    It is getting ready to give us a thunder storm. We've had enuf rain.

  • At 3:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    I just looked at yesterday's post - spare my blushes - there are a whole lot of folks out there much more talented than I.
    So glad you had yummy CARROTS with your beef!!! They are SO good for you. LOL ;o)
    Hang in there with that chair - I don't see why you shouldn't have EXACTLY the chair YOU want. You know what they say "Nil illigitimo carburundum", which, being interpreted, is "Don't let the B-----ds wear you down" Atta girl!!
    Take care of that blood pressure, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I dont really like alot of salt..just a tad for flavor. I still havent sent Penny to get that cream for you..she will be here friday and I will send her then...There are alot of places here that do that for kids too..

    Hi Momar..
    Thats about my hours too except I go to bed earlier and watch tv.. I have a whole spice rack lazy susan type thing and Its full.. Spices are great..

    Hi Raife,
    I told the man today that I wanted what I wanted or nothing.. I want something I can use, and I wont settle for less and I told them so today, I told Deborah to find someone else to get it from ..not them. Wright Fillipis sucks..
    Hope you had a good day today.. I havent caught you yet! and you should be proud of your handiwork..
    take care..
    Always, Lois ****


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