
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

~The Delivery~

These are the two sweeties that delivered my fridge last nite.
The big handsome guy there is my boy, Donnie..Dearest man
I know..On the right is little Miss Lori..she is no bigger than a
minute. Shes so sweet and getting this fridge for me..well..I
think that's kinda great..
Theres Donnies truck, he has a bunch of stuff in the back so
he had to bring the trailer..that's what he moved all my stuff
on too, when I moved in here..Lori's car is there on the right
in the driveway, and there is that loud Sherman tank sounding
blue car across the street. Note Donnies truck..a test is next..
Test: is that Donnie?????
I saw this truck pull out..Donnie had turned around and came back
since Home Depot is right down the street there a couple blocks.
Notice the truck...I thought this was Donnie.. When He came back
and all was done..we looked at all the photos I had taken and I
even made a small video..When Donnie saw this photo he looked
at it and said "That's NOT my truck".. We looked..he said "I don't
have a cap on the back of mine, who are you taking pictures of
Gran, you could get in trouble they see you.." we all laughed..
We have NO idea who this is in that truck..Note the Next photo..
There is Donalds truck with his trailer and there is my fridge on
the back of it. Notice..there is NO cap on the back of his truck.
I honestly couldn't figure out how Donnie had gotten that truck
and trailer turned around so fast anyway..I never paid attention
that he didn't have a cap. :-D I do hope those people in that other
truck don't think Im nutz here or something..I bet I could freak out
a lot of people going down that road thinking this was a secret
radar site or something.. In the UK..they use cameras..then send
you a ticket in the mail 3 weeks or so later..Amazing..all that time
your thinking you maybe got away with something and then get
a ticket..like what happened to me too.
There they are unloading it..you see its not a huge one.. but it
is perfect for me..This was so nice of Keystone to buy this for
me.. Will make a big difference. When I stock up that freezer
on the 1st. I just hope Meijers have their shrimp on sale.. they
have some of the best..and now I have a toaster, I love those
toaster pancakes.. THIS could lead to problems me thinks...
I think Raife refers to it as "chair shrinkage". I SURE don't need
that.. Whats funny is that huge trailer and it being a truck,, I
asked Donnie was people lookin' funny at him wondering why he
just didn't put that thing in the back of that truck instead of using
that long flatbed trailer, he laughed and said " ya, I just kept
driving lookin' like I knew what I was doin'." He has stuff in the
back for his water or something..It did the job that's the main
thing...hes so funny, Lori had a good time joking with him..
There's the girl...and there is my new refrigerator..is it not just
THE BEST??? Isnt she pretty? Lori is too .. I ment the fridge :-)
I like the door handles...Donnie has to change the way it
opens..where Lori has her hand is where it opens from..and I
need it the other way, the table. is there on the right..you
can just see the edge..This is great..and I am very pleased..We
sat around and talked, Donnie left and Lori stayed for a while to
make sure everything was done, she even reloaded the new
one for me...Shes a really sweet lady and very pretty...

Well I have some food in that fridge and im gonna go eat it.. I
didn't eat the lunch today and saved it for now..Its BBQ and
pork and beans..and of ALL things..yessss peas and CARROTS
Ick..who ever eats that with BBQ and beans..sheesh. Theirs
is usually pretty good too. Then its TV time, "Nitey Nite"

Lois says: "thank you Lord for all my blessings..Im very grateful.."

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Love ya..and Thanks! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois I am so happy for you, your new refrigerator... Love all the pictures too.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 12:11 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    That's great news!

    Enjoy it.

  • At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey.
    That's great, getting your new fridge. Like you say, you'll have to watch for chair shrinkage.Donnie's trailer has four wheels, the other one only has two. Duh!! Only 18 days to wait for SHRIMP!!!
    Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 5:46 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary..isnt it a beauty? I love it!! sure is nice to have..

    Hiya Gray! nice to hear from you.ya Im very grateful..

    Hi Raife...
    yes, i see that now..i didnt then ..till he said .that aint me ...then I knew.. yes not long for shrimp..

    Hope you had a good day.. :-)
    Always,Lois ****

  • At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    On hot days you can open the door and sit in front of it, COOOOOOOL isnt it?
    Take care dear and KAO´s
    Your own


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