
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

~Looking Out My Window~

When I look out my kitchen window, this is what I see. Its
so pretty the photo doesn't even do it justice. Right in the
center top are 3 new buds that are going to open soon.
I KNOW I will get a good photo of that.. Over by the garage
the pink climber has fallen again, from the wind, I guess
the thumbtack Penny used didn't hold and we will have to
use a hammer and nail.. Its just full of pink roses and just
smells great...
Out of the bathroom window you can see how good this
rose bush is doing too..You cant tell where Penny picked
those she brought in to me.. The color is just wonderful..
I saved the petals and let them dry and make popourri..
I guess that's how you spell it..my checker didn't change
it so that must be right.. I have saved many rose petals
from roses that grew for me.. I still have it and it still smells
wonderful.. I like dry flowers too.. I got roses and hung
them upside down before they got too wilty and let them
hang till they were totally dry..they are really pretty and I
used to put them on special gifts and even made a few
wreaths that were just beautiful out of rose petals... I get
all kinds of ideas ... The pink by the garage you can
just see at the top.. It is doing really good..

The other stuff in that flower bed below the window is doing really
well..the hostas in the back are wonderful.. I have NO idea what
those 2 plants are but the one on the left is really kind of a purple
color..its getting really big..the little green guy, I have NO idea
what he is.. That flower bed needs cleaned out so bad.. Penny
said she would do it for me.. She got another client and had to
do some yard work, she said she was sore the other day from
doing that .. I told her I was glad she is getting in shape to be
able to do these...

Tomorrow is the big day for the fridge, I called Donnie earlier to
remind him but he was gone..its nice today so he is off doing
something or working on that garage. I cant wait to get this
new fridge..I don't keep much in the bottom..mostly water or
soda's ..and like Mayo etc.. I mainly wanted it for the freezer so
I can keep more things on hand ..meat etc. Donnie and Lori
are both due to be here at 5..so by 6 I hope the new fridge
will be here.. I don't know if Donnie is having anyone help him
or not...Its not a huge one..Lori said only about 5 foot tall..and
2 foot square... I will have room for it.. I cant wait to keep ice
and get an icee maker..THAT will be a real treat..

I didn't make a dinner for my self today and I honestly don't feel
like going out there and fighting that kitchen to make something..
I should have gotten some lunch meat but didn't think to.. I maybe
will make some tomatoes on toast.. I just had those, I know..but
it sure is good.. I have to make out a grocery list Im out of every
thing.. Im glad I got approved for the free box of food they give
out once a month now, and then every 3 they give you 2.. It has
made a big difference, and since they have the pick up days
on Wednesday, Penny can get them for me... im glad to have
them again..sure helps... Im gonna make some food, watch
TV and wait for tomorrow to get here.."Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Love ya, and Thanks!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Todasy i feel good again, this badstomach really was a hell....
    I came up from bed and shall go out, but first i started my computer. Wow what a sight to wake up to.... A gorgeaous businesswoman lookin to me from her wheelchair, yes my dear thats what you look like. A welldressed "chairman of the board-type" of woman.
    Hope you feel as you shud dearest Lois, and that is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

  • At 9:48 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    I really like that photo a lot. You do look professional, but the draping of your skirt over your stumps is also graceful and sexy.

    Great flowers!

  • At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois,

    How are u. me fine. it has been a long time that we have not talked. i really like ur photo. u look like a business woman. ur look made me willing to touch ur skirt and search for the tip of ur stumps.

    have a nice day.

    take care. see u later.



  • At 6:58 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob!
    Im so glad your feeling better and its so very nice to hear from you..Your so nice...you say the nicest things.. :-)

    Hiya Gray!
    Good to hear from you! Thanks ..:-)
    You do know how to make a person's day..

    Hi Yashvin,
    Nice to hear from you again. Its been awhile..I am glad things are ok for you... Im glad you like my photos too.. I hope you have a good day..
    Take care...:-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 9:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hi Lois,
    Just wanted to say how lovely to meet you sadly I don`t have time to read though everything but intend coming back when I do have like you though I do so many different crafts and at the moment I am making things for my first grandchild due end of Sept
    Irene aka merrymaid

  • At 5:27 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Irene! so nice of you to come by..I hope you will again soon.. Crafts,sewing, anything that you make with your hands is a good thing..I used to like to even carve wood.. and even could draw quite well.. I enjoyed it..why I never get bored..
    Good to hear from you..
    Take care,
    Always, Lois ****


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