~I Like The Rain~
This was a rainy Sunday, but I like the rain, nice easy steady
coming down kind...not with thunder and lightening and wind
though..that stuff to me, I, being an adult will admit, scares the
pajeebies out of me and I cringe every time I see a warning,
or check the weather and see all that scrap headed straight
at us. THAT I don't like.. as long as my ceiling doesn't leak
today I kinda like the rain..Everything looks so bright and the
green grass and leaves just seem to be more emerald green
and so pretty. I liked when it rained when I was young.. I got
a ride home from school and then got to stay in and watch TV,
when I was real young I remember my best friend Pepper
would come over and we would play paper dolls. Sometimes
we got to play at her house, very seldom as her mom at the
time had a drinking problem which I never knew about till
after I was grown. She was a beautiful woman, and Pepper
looked just like her mom.. Her name was really Marianne,
but we called her Pepper because she had freckles all
over her nose. She and I went through school together from
about the 6th grade when they moved there. I never saw her
again after we graduated, but then I have never gone to any
of my reunions.. I bet if I went to one now most everyone
would be shocked to see me now as active as I was back
then, always doing something and involved in everything.
When it would rain very hard a lot of the towns around had
a river running through and lots of the roads flooded when
it was a heavy rain or if they had a lot of snow and the melt
would make the rivers rise. One little town called Amasa,
great fishing place, the 2 roads in and out of it would flood
and everyone was stuck. People that lived there always
kept an eye on the rivers for flooding reasons and of course
fishing..The Paint River ran through there and one of my
favorite aunts lived right next to it. My Aunt Lillian, she loved
to fish, if we went to see her and she wasn't home we knew
to go down to the river and look for her or else my mom
would blow the car horn and in a few minutes there would
my aunt be, climbing back up the river bank..The Paint is
one of the best fishing rivers in the Upper Penninsula..
I can take you to some spots on that river that are some of
the best fishing spots for some beautiful brook trout. My
dad loved to wade the streams and fish for brookies. There
are 3 main good fishing rivers, the Ontonogon , the Paint
and the Iron.. All are wonderful to fish if you know where
the deep spots are.. David used waders that came up to
his arm pits and he tied the string tight so if he fell they
wouldn't fill up with water..One day he was wading and he
stepped into a hole that was deep and he lost his footing.
He had tied that belt so tight all the air was in there and he
started to float like a bobber.. He yelled at me to help him
and I ran down the side of the river with my fishing pole
and cast out to him.. I had spider wire on my reel and that
stuff wont break..you cant even bite it..you have to have
clippers.. so I knew it would pull him in..at least get him
to where he could get footing again.. I got him to shore
and I had to laugh.. he was then too..I told him we needed
to paint his waders red and white so he would look like
a real bobber :-) It was funny to see him bobbing around
out there in that stream.. a big green bobber :-D
out there in that stream.. a big green bobber :-D
I think I still could go bank fishing and I know I could get on
a pontoon.. That's the way to spend a day on the lake..rent
one of those, it has a fridge, potty, radio..everything..but..
make sure you get one with a canopy specially if its a hot
summer day. We had rented one with my ex brother in law
and his wife, Mark and Sheila..we all liked to fish..and were
ready to get on that pontoon and just stay all day and coast
around and eat and fish and have a good time.. we did.. We
stayed out on that lake for 6 hours.. in the sun..we had a top
on the toon, but by the time we got back to shore we were
all so sunburnt it was pathetic..we all looked like lobsters..
There was such a nice breeze out there..and we didn't think
about the sun reflections off the water, that's what got us,
besides going in and out of it.. I got deathly sick almost as
though I had sun stroke.. was an awful feeling I got home
and spent 2 days in bed! We did NOT do that again.. Its
ok to do, but not for such a long time..
The rain has let up and its nice and cool I don't even have the
fan on today and Im glad.. I thought I got smart last nite and
put the fan up on a bench..which was good..but It blew right
in my face,which was not a good thing.. I bet I sat up and
re adjusted that thing 3 times until I just put a pillow up to
block it from blowing right on me ... But putting it on that
bench did make a difference.. tonite I will just move it farther
away .. I have to put it where I can still get out and it not be
in the way.. This is such a pain..I have to make sure that I
always have a clear path and nothing in the way of my wheels.
Many times I back away from my bed to get trapped cuz I
have run into LB's girl friend that he has dragged in there.
Then I have to go forward, then back..and keep doing this
Then I have to go forward, then back..and keep doing this
until I can get away from her.. I cant reach her cuz she is
always behind my chair and my tippers get hooked. Its
fun here.. just a constant attack plan...
Well my next plan of attack is to attack my fridge and make a
sandwich.. I have some really good ham and I think some
Swiss cheese , I might grill it..they are so good.. I should eat
more at noon time than in the evening..but I usually only eat
once a day.. I will be so glad when I can keep ice.. I love those
icees.. I have penny get some for me on the days she works.
be cheaper to make my own I think.. I sure like them. they are
the only things that I can say will quench my thirst..usually I
don't drink ice cold..that will make my hiatial hernia just scream.
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 11:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow wonderful pictures again, the first one is so peaceful...love all the green in it....and a great picture of you Lois.
The lighting trip one of our breaker here, but all ok now...I wonder if we lost our dryer but all is fine.
Fishing is fun, but never have the time for it anymore, even Bob don't fish much anymore.
Love reading about your life, sound like you had lots of fun in your life.
Have a great day Lois and God bless you too.
At 4:47 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Thank you.. Green is a very relaxing color. I havent been fishing in years..its a great pass time.. I hope you had a good day today..take care so good to hear from you..
Always, Lois ****
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