
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, June 11, 2007

~Window Photos~

As you see Penny took this photo today. She was taking some
photos of my roses. Of course the boy had to watch what was
going on..You can see Penny's reflection in the glass and look
closely..do you see me? right below the suncatcher hanging
there...I didn't see it at first until Penny pointed it out to me, see
me? I thought this photo was so neat..The boy looks so cute..
Now you see that wonderful window, its one that was supposed
to be replaced..lets hope they do by winter...
I love this photo..I wish those rose buds there would have
been blooming..really would have been a nice photo.. I
love taking pictures.. I was looking through all the ones I
have just of me and well..I will be very honest..I am very
vain..I take my own photo for here every Sunday, BUTTTT
I don't take just ONE..I have to take at least 3 or 4 so I
can pick out the best, then I don't delete the others..I have
NO idea why I keep them.. I need to go through all of them
and keep hitting delete and get rid of them..I still have some
of my very first photos on my other old computer that I havent
gotten off of it YET.. There are quite a few of the boys on it
when they were real small and I would like those..
My rose bush here by the kitchen window is doing just
wonderful ..its covered in buds..The hostas below are
doing good too..they look so nice.. Yessss..look up
in the window..there he is..See? hes such a ham.. Penny
was yelling "Dutch! Dutch!" but he wouldn't look at her
so I yelled to her to say "Look at me" of course when I
did Dutch looked at me.. Penny tapped on the glass,
said "look at me" and that boy turned just nice as you
please for her..

Sadly, my peonie bloomed, and has died..There was only
just the one bud on it,,and it bloomed and we missed it.. I
thought Penny had checked it Friday but she forgot..and I
bet that was when it was blooming..I would have loved to
have seen it.. Whomever had this (Note the WHOM) im
getting better :-) this house took good care of the yard for
all the stuff planted out there.. I wish I could sit out there of
an evening and listen to the city slow down and just enjoy
the air.. Would be so nice..

My house in Indiana had a huge back porch.. I heard its all
screened in now..I had a wonderful swing out there..every
nite after supper and the kitchen was back to clean and
Willie was in front of the TV, I would sit out on the porch
and swing, I had my 2 shepherds with me..and of course
my 3 cats at the time..Skeeter, Fuzz and Gracie.. Great
cats..Fuzz and Gracie I gave away when we moved along
with the shepherds..Skeeter, that sweet little man got run
over when he heard me call him ..he ran across the road
and was hit and killed..From that day..none of my cats ever
went out side again.. He was a huge Black Burmese that
Kelli just loved..and he loved her.

Im writing this early tonite and posting because in half an
hour Donnie and Lori should be here to go and get my
new refrigerator.. I cant wait..I will take pictures ..I may
have to be sneaky about it though..Donnie hates his photo
taken.. hes cute as a button so I don't know why...hes shy
I guess.. Almost time for them to be here.."Nitey Nite!"
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya and thanks ! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Now that a 3 in one pictures Lois.
    Love all the pictures you show here, very nice they are.
    It hard for me to delete any pictures, to hard for me to do.I love all the plants and flower in your yard Lois, they are so pretty.

    God bless you.

  • At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The garden at the new house has so many flowers. it is in the froint yard. the back yard has patio and a narrow strip of garden on three sides. the back yard is about 7x7 meters or 20x20 feet.

  • At 4:58 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Yes, isnt it cute. I thought it was cute..

    Hi Momar,
    how wonderful to have a garden..I bet you will enjoy that spot..Is that downstairs apt still empty? :-D...lol my back yard is huge. lots of room for a pool. You might enjoy small town living you know Momar.. :-)

    y'all take care good to hear from you..
    Always,Lois ****


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