
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

~Fathers Day~

Fathers Day today..this is my Dad, its one of my most
favorite photos of him..
This is how I remember Daddy, always a smile.. :-)
I read a few lines the other day that really made me stop
and think..and I think that's what I do, I respected my Dad,
he was a great influence on me, he was honest, respectful,
hard working and a happy man, never a bad word to say
about anything.. I think that is what I do when I have met
the different men in my life, compared them to him, I honestly
have to say, the closest I can match any man to the integrity
of my Dad is my boy Donnie.. hes so much like him as far
as never saying no, always ready to help, and a softie as
melting as ice cream...

When you log on here, over on the right, it says My Stories,
If you havent gone to my bravenet site, click on that link or
go to http://butterflylois.bravehost.com/ and that will take you
to 2 of my stories I wrote..the one of how I got my name tells
how compasionate and loving a man he was..he made me
feel like I was the most special little girl in the world..But I
think most Dads have a way of doing that for their daughters.
Mine sure did..

I took a photo that I had planned to put here today but I have
changed my mind as this is Dad's day, but during the week
this week, maybe, I will post another photo.. I received a
request to post a photo here showing the ends of my stumps.
Which I have NO problem doing, I just havent put one here
like that.... There are some that don't like to see what the
end of an amputated leg looks like, its too much of an up
front and staring you in the face saying the leg is gone..
Which I respect. I have a couple photos that I have where
they are exposed, also in a video clip as well..If you want
one..please write and let me know..I will post one here, I
just am not sure when..this week..promise... The one here
today is just a casual and not that great..Im expecting
company and doing 9 million things and thought I would
take a photo when I took a break and save the other for
during the week.. anyway...a nuther purple one..different
clothes though... heaven forbid I post a photo wearing the
same clothes!!! THAT would NOT be good..:-) I took this
only a few hours ago..thats me..:-)
Time to finish up and get some snacks ready and just sit
and be my GORGEOUS WEEBLE self.. That's ONE thing
I DO know how to do ..:-D im so vain..its pathetic..I AM
kidding you know..but I am GORGEOUS.. trust me.. :-D
"Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He is very nice looking Lois, it always wonderful to have a great Dad.
    Becky come over today for lunch, we had fun working a puzzle with her...twice.
    Michael got a bad sun burn Saturday, I keep him home today.
    You look very nice Lois, but you always take a great picture.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Gorgeous,

    Thanks for the photo of your Dad. That's cool! Had a good father's day here. Daughter and her husband took us out for dinner! Not fancy, but nice.

    I'll be looking forward to that pic, but you know how I feel about that. And of course, if you have a video, be sure to put me on the list.

    Hope you have a great night, and a great week.

    Bare Hugs as always,


  • At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Short but true.....
    Youre wonderful....
    Your own

  • At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois,

    how are u. me fine.

    You really look nice in ur purple outfit. do u have any sun bath during summer.

    if u r going to send any picture set or video clip, do not forget to include me in the list.

    take care in the meantime.



  • At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey.
    Thanks for the pic of your Dad. What a wise, gentle man he was. He looks a kind man, but with his head screwed on very much the right way. No wonder you love him so.
    Thanks also for "Little Girl Blue"!! Someone said that sweeties look better in their wrappers. Maybe he had something there.
    I hope you are enjoying your company and that all goes well.
    Take care, Honey, L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary, Butty,Rob :-), Yashvin, Raife...so nice to hear from you..Yes, My dad was a great man.. He
    gave me learning I never knew he had given me till the bad times in my life.and yet he gave me the knowing of appreciating what I have, and If I help someone..they in turn will help someone..and then when its my turn..someone will be there for me..
    What you give away,willingly, you get back 3 fold...thats true.. I KNOW that... :-)

    So very very nice to hear from you..just makes my day..theres a test on tonites blog now..mondays..
    the trivial question is..what kind of car is it? make and year? I need someone to find a mp3 song for me too.. please.. :-)
    Love ya!!!!
    Always, Lois ****

    ps..song..Indian Reservation by Cher.. :-)

  • At 10:57 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    You were looking great as usual!


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