~Stockin' the Fridge~
Penny came today and went to the store for me and got
some meat and a few dinners for in the freezer..I am so
pleased with it... When its the first and I get my food
stamps I just hope they have my shrimp on sale.. I was
going to have Penny get a bag of them, they had them
on sale, buy 1 get 1 free, but theyre 12.oo a bag and I
could get some meat and stuff with that and it would go
longer..I have to take all that into consideration, specially
this time since I had some extra stuff I had to pay which
wasn't a lot but more than I expected, and I had to trade..
Im grateful that I can..some months..well lets just say it
aint easy...
But I did get a nice surprise today.. I got my gas bill and
it went down to less than 13.oo ..if that's what its going to
cost me to have a water heater something is drastically
wrong I think.. Donnie saw the water heater and he said
its older than mud.. I saw a house that blew up once because
of a hot water heater that was bad....well ya..guess it would
blow up only once hey? :-D anyway..the house was gone..
I know the temperature of the hot water is extremely hot and
I did have Donnie check it for me, he said he turned it down,
and that it was REALLY an old one..that worries me.
I read a news article about a young woman that lived in a
mobile home..had 2 kids I think.. she smelled gas and called
the gas company, she took the kids outside..and went back
INSIDE to get her cigarettes and lighter.. as she was coming
out the door cigarette in her mouth she hit that lighter and that
place blew up..didn't kill her but sure taught her a lesson..Call
about a gas leak then light up a lighter right there? I guess
she figgured maybe she was safe being in the doorway ..not
thinking that the gas was going out that door right along with
her..I know that had to hurt.. I don't think she got badly hurt, just
thrown across the yard..the neighbors were there said that
woman was standing in the doorway one minute then BOOM!
she was flying across the yard like she was shot out of a
cannon.. Its funny now..but at the time I bet those kids were
scared to death!!! :-D I think I would have either quit smoking
or not had gas in my house.. :-) Some people..just don't think..
Penny put a small roast in the crock pot..it smells so good in
here..we put some package gravy for thickening and then a
can of beef stock..don't you KNOW that will be some GOOD
GRAVY.. Im gonna make some French fries.. I know how
good that will be and I think my stomach does too..its letting
me know Im in need of food.. I want to make a pot of beans
for over the week end..and I may have company next week
for a few days so I want to make sure I have food and soda
and snacks here too. Its going to be very nice to have company
and I look forward to it..
Penny took my camera and went down to the basement to take
some photos of what is down there and where it is ..she took
7 photos and I have to say it is a tad messy and stuff all over..
there is a TV down there and I have NO idea where it even
came from or ever seen it before.. there is stuff all over and I
need to get down there..I hate not being able to see down
there and cant clean it up... We have lots to do before now
and next week..I want it to look nice and neat , which it does,
but still needs some extra.. I have some round mirrors I want
to put on the wall around the big one over the couch..I think
some double sided sticky tape might hold them..they arent
very heavy... that mirror just is THERE..and Its not right it needs
more by it or something..and I think these little mirrors, about
6 inches across, would look kinda cute up there.. ...
Ive been staying at this puter too long at night and my tail bone
is letting me know..Ive been getting up early again thanks to the
boy..4:30 every morning..so I get up..I need to get up early that's
ok..but I need to go to bed earlier..which last nite I didn't log off
till after 10..I was trying to get my Inbox cleaned out and make
sure I had replied to my mail..I LOVE to get mail.. but my hips
and tail bone the past couple days let me know to get off of it.
I got a new cushion for my manual chair..they of course sent
the wrong size..so now it has to be exchanged..I need it and
I think that may be part of this sitting problem..
I did have Penny get me 2 tickets for the Lottery..now..everyone
has to cross their fingers and say"Lois HAS to win the lottery"
I think I would croak if I actually won.. I know EXACTLY what I
would do..get me a house, on the water..and just sit there and
enjoy no more worries that's what I would do..well maybe take
a trip to Europe..I would love to go to England, Germany, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland..Portugal..Paris.. I would like to go, take
a travelling companion with me..yup..color me gone...I could
handle that.. I played these tickets..so I hope I win Im going to
play these two sets of numbers..until I do.. cost 1.oo to win
probly over a million I don't know what its up to .. bunches..
Well time for some of that roast and fries.and Im starved..then
TV time..maybe tomorrow I will have my new cushion.. I hope
so.. I was going to call Deborah about the power chair but I
decided to wait ..see what happens..to be honest Im tired of
dealing with it.. I wanna tell them where they can push that
chair..sideways too... butt.. well im rolling off into the sunset,
"Nitey Nite"
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!!!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 10:46 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Pam love shrimp too, have to buy some every week. this past week I got her 2 bags of shrimp. I know that will make her happy.
i don't buy it much for us here, it does cost to much...but we love it too.
Have a good day Lois.
At 11:55 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Put me at the top of the list of traveling companions!! Wouldn't that be just great?
If anyone deserves to come up on the Lottery, it's you, my dear. But don't stroke out if you do - it would be such a waste!!!
Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 5:28 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary! good to hear from you...Yes shrimp is great..hot or cold..they have it on sale here alot.. I hope all is going well for you my friend..take care..
Hi Raife!
Oki doki..you can be the driver..and we can just puttputt all over creation..be great.. I played but i didnt win.. I will play them again.. they will win.. i believe..lol..hope that helps lol
take care of that finger..
Always, Lois ****
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