
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

~What Kinda Tree?~

Woke up to rain today which I thought it said nice most of
the week..Im glad it did, Penny had to water yesterday its
been so hot.. Theres a Lilly growing outside and Im so
anxious to see it, It looked so droopy, it needed a drink. I
wish we had planted the morning glories on the fence . I
wonder if they would still have time to grow..I like impatients
they bloom constantly too..I think they may need to cut that
tree down out there by the garage..its right up next to it..I
have no idea what kind it is..There are a lot of trees in the
yard, the one by the fence in the corner.. I have never seen
one like it before..

That's the tree, and I have no idea what kind..but its really
pretty. I wish they had left a tag on it so I would know what kind.
Ive seen so many but none like this one. I guess its a tree...
what it looks like..its not bushy all the way to the ground, its
an odd tree but really pretty... My little yellow daylillies are so
pretty and covered with buds, those grow so easy I wish they
lasted longer.. I love holly hocks..many times I planted them
and all I got was some leaves close to the ground.. I think the
seeds were just not any good.. I am going to have Penny
get two tomato plants for out there on the porch. They would
do good out there and I could have my green ones..and then
the red ones.. Every year someone promises to bring me
veggies from their garden , but few remember..Donnies ex
brother in law, Mike has a huge one and keeps Donnie in
full suppy..theres never any left over for me! Stinker.. I do
love the fresh veggies though..

My company arrived and has left. Was so very nice to have some
company for a couple days, company to sit and eat dinner with.
Talk..it was very nice and I really enjoyed every minute of it.. I
worried when I got up this morning and saw the bad weather, so
I was glad to see it had cleared by departure time.. I knew it was
going to rain..My stumps ached last nite when I tried to sleep,
but I didn't hear it or know it was till I got up.. It was pretty mean
out there , rained really hard..of course I went to Wunderground
right away to see the radar and it wasn't that bad here, below
us it looked worse..then animating the map..shows it moving ..
Detroit got it later I bet.. I had a Drs appt. this morning and I
called and cancelled it cuz of the nasty weather.. by the time
I would have gotten in the van I would have been soaked and
then my chair would have gotten really ickky. I don't like going
out in nasty weather, Id rather watch it through the window.. I
cancelled the ride from COA and made another appt..then set
it up to get a ride to sturgis to go to the drivers place and get
my state ID done again.. I hope I don't have to pay for it twice.
So probly next week , Norma said she would call and let me
know when it could be set up.. Robert didn't come and cut the
grass Sunday, I had thought because it was fathers day..but
he hasnt shown up..sposed to be cut every 2 weeks he said..
they only pay him 5 dollars an hour to do this stuff.. these
people that do these things for us..like Penny are so under paid
it makes me mad..and nothing I can do about it..

Well this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is tired and needs to lay it down
for this day..I need a rest..been kinda hetic the past couple days,
but the good kind..I am NOT complaining.. a short post, and say,
thanks for leaving the comments for me.. I really enjoy them and
appreciate that you come here and take the time to do that for
me.. :-) "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It was hot today for us here,hard to do anything out side for sure.
    I had a flat tire tonight, where I volunteer at...The owner wanted his grandson to change the tire, he wanted him to learn how. I had already call my hubby to help me. When Bob got there he got to watch too...wow that was real nice of them. Then he thank me for having a flat tire.....
    Nice picture again Lois.
    I love fresh veggies, my dad when he was alive planted everything...and gave it away...wow I miss all that.
    I hope this year you get fresh veggies over flowing and me too.
    Good night my friend.
    God bless you.

  • At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    So glad the visit by your company went well. It must be great to see a new face and hear a new voice.
    That drop of rain is just what your garden needs to make the grass grow!!!
    You don't need Wunderground - just listen to your stumps - they're even better than seaweed (the traditional English barometer - the Welsh eat it!!)
    Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 4:28 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Yes the fresh veggies are so good..Ive always had one...

    Hi Raife,
    I know rain is good, rain is bad, but well.. I dont know what happened to Robert..I keep waiting for him ..maybe THIS sunday..Needs it ..

    Good to hear from you! hope you have a good evening.. :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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