
This is my good friend Ruth, she lives in Arkansas, and those are
her tomato plants in her garden!! Are those great plants or
what? Look at the size and height of them..Wonderful.. I can
see those lucious green ones there.. I wish Arkansas wasn't
so far away! You KNOW what I would be doing.. Id be at Ruth's
asking for a couple of those green ones..
These are my friend Raife's tomato plants, or maybe I should

say Managements ..Ines, has a very green thumb..and their
garden and all the flowers around prove it..Both of them take
very good care and they have a lovely spot in the English country
side..They do differently with theirs..you see how tall they are..
Raife said they prune theirs so to speak and take off the bigger
leaves..which sounds logical to do then the veggie itself is probly
getting more of the nutrients... My Dad used to grow his in a case
he had made out of windows that was like a mini hot house. Ines
has a wonderful glass green house that Raife put together for her.
She does a beautiful job..shes also a gourmet chef..some of the
meals he tells me she prepares for him..well...hes very fortunate
to have such a great cook..Look at all the yummy matoes .. NOW...
if you laugh.. :-D... look at mine..... LOL...
Now, these are some GREAT tomato plants yes? I hear you laughin :-)
Pitiful.. I had to laugh when I saw Ruth's gorgeous ones then I was
telling Raife he says "just a minute I'll go take a photo of ours" he did,
and look at THOSE beautys...I think we just planted late or something.
but my poor little guys..well bless their hearts theyre trying and I have
to take care of them and give them credit for that..But I do wonder if I
will have any tomatos from those 2 little guys...
A friend told me a cute story today and I probly shouldn't tell but I had
to laugh so hard cuz it sounds like something I would do and I KNOW
many have.He went to the mall.drove there.parked out in the parking
lot. and proceeded to go in and do his shopping..Awhile later, having
done that, was time to leave, he went out to the parking lot and could
NOT find his car..Now this car , is a VERY bright YELLOW..like a big
canary happy yellow car.. easily would be spotted.. Well..he proceeds
to walk up and down here and there..finally just gives up and heads
back into the mall to call the police, that his car was stolen. He was
mad, upset and totally aggravated, he knew all the crap that was ahead
in filing police reports and all..he wasn't happy....
As he is walking down past the cars..he spots a van that had a Ducks
Unlimited Sign stickie thing on it..he pauses, looks, and thinks..' I have
one of those on my van TOO'.. it hit him like a ton of bricks.."OHOH..
THATS MY VAN!" he forgot he had driven his van..spent over an hour
trekking up and down looking all that time..and had driven his VAN.!!..
I laughed SO HARD .. I cant believe he did that..then to tell ME of all
people..like I could resist putting that here? see? I aint the only forgetful
one.. I am so bad sometimes.. I can open my browser to look up some
thing and by the time it comes on I forgot what I was looking for... Well..
anyway, I have to thank my friend Don for the wonderful laugh today...
that was so cute.. almost as bad as getting in the back seat instead of
the front.. I have NEVER done that my self.. :-)
My sister, got a phone call while her daughter Cheryl was visiting one day,
Stanley had gotten hurt on a tree job of course..only thing that ever really
damaged Stanley, any way they both panic, run hurriedly out the door to
where the cars were parked..Shirley jumps in the drivers side of her car..
Cheryl jumps in the passenger side......... of HER CAR!....they sit for a
half second.. look across at each other with these confused looks
Shirley said.. Cheryl jumps back out and comes over to Shirleys car
and gets in.. They were in a hurry.. But I can just see them.. the looks on
their faces as Cheryl is seeing her mother all the way across in her own
car..she thought Shirley would drive I guess or just didn't pay attention
which car as long as she got in one...she was ready to go.. Shirley said
she Yells at Cheryl to "WAKE UP and GET IN THIS CAR ! " That sounds
about right for us though... we do goofy stuff ..
I think it runs in the family ;-)
I think it runs in the family ;-)
We have grandbaby number 3 as of 9:30 this morning.. Mom and baby
boyare doing great..Nikki, Donnies step daughter, had her 2nd baby,
which is Donnies 3rd grand..His other stepdaughter Amber has the
baby girl, Kristin..shes 9 months old now...Donnie was on his way to go
and visit them. Nikki had a C-Section this morning..so we all knew baby
would be here today.The 20th is a good date, that's the date of my birth
day, except mine is in January.. Grandpa is pleased.. well we all are. who
isnt to welcome a new baby. Penny came today and I got us one of those
5 dollar pizza's from Little Cesares..sausage of course...it was really good..
Penny ate some , and there are at least 5 slices left..its a large pizza..so I
will nuke a slice or 2 , and go and watch some TV.. I log off and try to
watch it but I keep finding that eye shut button and hit that every time..
"Nitey Nite"
boyare doing great..Nikki, Donnies step daughter, had her 2nd baby,
which is Donnies 3rd grand..His other stepdaughter Amber has the
baby girl, Kristin..shes 9 months old now...Donnie was on his way to go
and visit them. Nikki had a C-Section this morning..so we all knew baby
would be here today.The 20th is a good date, that's the date of my birth
day, except mine is in January.. Grandpa is pleased.. well we all are. who
isnt to welcome a new baby. Penny came today and I got us one of those
5 dollar pizza's from Little Cesares..sausage of course...it was really good..
Penny ate some , and there are at least 5 slices left..its a large pizza..so I
will nuke a slice or 2 , and go and watch some TV.. I log off and try to
watch it but I keep finding that eye shut button and hit that every time..
"Nitey Nite"
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya. and thanks!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 12:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
There is a film called *attack of the killer tomatoes.* When I lived on Long Island I started a patch of 25 tomatillo plants. They are self-seeding the following year I had 2,000 tomatillo plants. I harvest them green in their husks. I then use them to make salsa verde which is great with broiled fish. I once got 32 quarts of salsa from a patch 10x20meters (30 x 60 feet.
At 1:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice to see your friend tomato plants too Lois.
We are getting a few red tomato now...sure good eating.
Another long day again at the church, just 2 more room to clean now...Going to get some extra help with the church Saturday...that will help a lot.
Pam is out of the hospital again, hoping to keep her out. Sure hope all her problem are solve with in the increse of meds...time will tell.
God bless you Lois.
At 5:57 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Momar,
Yes, thats a classic, Thats like those cherry tomatoes, they grew like bad weeds..I used to do canning.. I miss that stuff...
Hi Mary,
yes, was nice of them to send to me, I love photos you know me.. Send me a photo I will put it here lol...Im glad you getting some extra help, I hope everyone in the congregation is helping...shouldnt be left to just a few.. some times it ends up that way tho doesnt it?
Im glad to hear Pam is home.. Meds are such a bad thing, my neice is going thru an awful time because of the "try this" factor that doctors use... its hard on a body..
Take care and please dont forget to find some MerryMary time... :-)
Good to hear from you both, hope you have a good day.. Nothing like getting up at 5am on a sat. and no where to go..RATZ lol...
Always, Lois ****
At 10:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
I got two of those blighters before they got me!!1 They sure wre good eating!! They came from the other side of the greenhouse, out of shot, to the right. They are a new variety that Management is trying out, they are small but perfectly formed!!! Tasted good and sweet, too.
Poor guy, looking for his car - a "Senior Moment" or hour!! It comes to all of us in the end!!! ;o(
Don't worry, Honey, you will get some Tom-aah-toes from your plants, too.
Take care, Honey, L.O.K. & G.B.H. from
At 4:50 PM,
Lois said…
HiYa Raife,
Fresh Tom mah toes are the very best. and good for you. I love the fresh veggies, I hope everyone remembers me.. I plan to make some calls to earl they have a huge garden..They always have extra.. :-)
Hope your having a good evening.. :-)
Always, Lois ****
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