~A Great Surprise Today!~
I had a GREAT surprise today, one I was not expecting as they did
not call first and tell me they were coming... You see the photo..
That is my brother Frank and behind him is his wife, Sue, waving
at me as they are leaving. They rode up here to the bank and
decided to stop by..that made me wonder how many times he
has been right here these past 10 years I havent seen him.. So
close yet he didn't visit me at all.. This is the first Ive seen him since
my sis was in the hospital and I KNOW its over 10 years.. He lives
I would say, well fooey. . . over yonderway, takes about half hour
to drive there .. Im not good at miles.. I go by how long it takes to
get somewhere LOL..But sure was great to see him and meet his
wife..hes a big guy...can you tell? :-)
We have been in touch, just before I went into the shelter I had
We have been in touch, just before I went into the shelter I had
free long distance so I called him. He drives semi, all over the
states..she most of the time will ride with him.. Hes on a Honda
Goldwing motorcycle...Hes one year older than I am. He was
married before but his wife, the mother of his 3 children died of
cancer in 84 I think or 85 im not sure..he married Sue just 2 years
ago..Shes very nice, and shes very thin and rather tall.. She loved
the boys, and they pestered her to death ..LB just thought she
was great, Dutch he played and that but wasn't like he usually is
like with Theresa or Lori.hes right up in their faces.. Frank said it
was really hot out..its over 90 again.. you see how dry the lawns
are..look at the places across the street..
You can see over there on the left just how dry the lawn is over
You can see over there on the left just how dry the lawn is over
there. its a huge company. it goes all the way up to where you
see the stop sign. the windows of the 2nd story offices..I think
they make car parts or something..The woman at the shelter,
Que, that got fired, her mother works there.I cant remember
the name of that place across the street EITHER..I am so
bad.NOW,.I have 2 THAT place across the street ! :-D....
We had a nice visit though and I hope they'll come back soon.
Frank and Kenny, my other brother that lives not far from
Frank and my sister Shirley, the 3 all live with in 5 miles of
each other...they both are having some medical problems..
They are both diabetic..like Shirley. All 3 of them really are
and with their legs.. well Frank , no, his is more heart and
vascular like me... Kenny is the next to the oldest of us.. We
had MaryJane, she was the oldest, then Kenny, Rose Marie,
Shirley, Frank then me.. I was the GORGEOUS BABY :-)
I told him to please stay in better touch..we are all we have. Hes
got no body...just us.. his parents that raised him are gone..He
was adopted out like I was.. Only 2 of us, MaryJane and Kenny
were never adopted, they were older when we were put up for
adoption..no one wanted older children..Kenny was 10 I think.
I was 10 months old. The partial story is on the link under my
profile says my stories.. anyway.. they rode off back down the
road as you can see..I hope they come back soon...
NOW...take a look at that bushy tree there.. its a Hibiscus tree.
NOW...take a look at that bushy tree there.. its a Hibiscus tree.
Lavender flowers.. can you see them? I have been wondering
what this tree is.. when I was taking the photos of Frank I saw
the tree and was so surprised, now I know what it is.. Its a lot
prettier if you could see it. Its very windy out there.. You can see
the difference in the cameras..the tree was with the digital..the
ones of Frank are with my webcam, I had to use that cuz my
digital camera batteries decided right then to go dead.. So I
grabbed the webcam.. But its really pretty.. My tomatoes are
doing real good too.. Penny will be here tomorrow to water again.
I worry about her van..she still had not gotten it fixed Monday when
she was here.. My boy got back from Canada and I talked to him
about it..he thinks its just the transmission is gone. its a 98..ford
Penny thought maybe the filter or clogged line..but Donnie says he
thinks its the tranny. so..that's NOT good at all..
Dawn and Donnie made it home..with many fish..they had a good
time. He loves it up there..says that's where he wants to retire to.
They usually do fly in..to a remote place, they went to a camp place
this time and werent on a desolate island somewhere.. He has to
go to Wisconsin this week end to take his house and pet sitter,
his brother David back home. Im glad they made it back safely..
I got him some double stuff Oreo's they had them on sale 3 bags
for 4 dollars.. cant beat that.. hes a chocoholic...Dawn is a Mac
and cheeseaholic... :-) Well I have some of THE MOST wonderful
SAFFRON bread that Penny made yesterday.. I bet ive eaten half
of it already..no..but its so good.. I have waited for years to taste
this again.. The only thing missing are the currants, like raisins..
but its good.. I am going to get some more saffron.. I mean right
now as in Bread..that's out in the kitchen over yonder way,, :-)
so its that time again.. "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and THANKS! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 7:20 PM, Anonymous said…
Dearest HoneyLois!
I know this comment is a day late, but i post it anyway!!!
Last days picture show you in a swimsuit, and the bottom covered in a towel...But look below!
Those gorgeous legs, so slender so nice and you as beautiful as allways! Now your legs is far from slender, but they are changed into something else. They posseses some strange beauty, that have made me yours forever... I must admit that it was your legs that was the first intrest, but they have sorta faded away... Still lovely to me, but the inner beautie of the person who has this legs is far more than just legs... It is a very beautiful mind of a warm intelligent and wonderful woman.
My dearest friend Lois.
Kisses all over her!
Your own
ps. Remember my thursday : ) ds.
At 9:05 PM, Anonymous said…
So wanderful to be able to visit with your brother and sister in law.
Having family is awesome to have.
We are doing ok here. I still have a cough that give me some problem at times.
God bless you Lois
At 9:30 PM, Anonymous said…
Ah, family - My brother is in Joliet, IL and my sister is in Rockville MD, and I am in Brooklyn - plus my daughter is in Chicago. We are really spread all over. I have a new de-humidifier and it already filled up within 24 hours so it is really doing a good job.
At 12:06 PM, Lois said…
Hi Rob,***
You just know how to make my day dont you? Your just too sweet..thank you dear man.. I hope all is well by you..
Hi Mary,
It was good seeing them and I hope they wont be strangers.and come by more often... I would really enjoy that... Take care of yourself..
Hi Momar,
Well I hope if you go to Chicago you will let me know and I will go too and we could tour chicago together..now that would be fun..take a holiday and lets go..No one else wants to go...so come on! :-)
Hope y'all have a great day...Take care and thanks bunches...
Always, Lois ****
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